Class UserPermissionsBean

    • Constructor Detail

      • UserPermissionsBean

        public UserPermissionsBean()
    • Method Detail

      • hasProjectAccess

        public boolean hasProjectAccess​(Projekt project,
                                        IAccessProperty property)
        Description copied from interface: IUserPermissionCheck
        Check if the user was granted the given project-specific permission for the given project.
        Specified by:
        hasProjectAccess in interface IUserPermissionCheck
        project - The project to check the permission for.
        property - The project permission to check.
        True if the user has the permission, false otherwise.
      • hasClientAccess

        public boolean hasClientAccess​(Mandant client,
                                       IAccessProperty property)
        Description copied from interface: IUserPermissionCheck
        Check if the user was granted the given client-specific permission for the given client.
        Specified by:
        hasClientAccess in interface IUserPermissionCheck
        client - The client to check the permission for.
        property - The client permission to check.
        True if the user has the permission, false otherwise.
      • hasSystemAccess

        public boolean hasSystemAccess​(IAccessProperty property)
        Description copied from interface: IUserPermissionCheck
        Check if the user was granted the given
        Specified by:
        hasSystemAccess in interface IUserPermissionCheck
        property - The system permission to check.
        True if the user has the permission, false otherwise.
      • canAccessProjectScopedView

        public boolean canAccessProjectScopedView​(Projekt project,
                                                  IView view)
        Description copied from interface: IUserPermissionCheck
        Checks if the user can access the given project-specific view in the context.
        Specified by:
        canAccessProjectScopedView in interface IUserPermissionCheck
        project - The project to check the view access for.
        view - The view to check access for.
        True if the user can access the view, false otherwise.
      • canAccessClientScopedView

        public boolean canAccessClientScopedView​(Mandant client,
                                                 IView view)
        Description copied from interface: IUserPermissionCheck
        Checks if the user can access the given client-specific view in the context.
        Specified by:
        canAccessClientScopedView in interface IUserPermissionCheck
        client - The client to check the view access for.
        view - The view to check access for.
        True if the user can access the view, false otherwise.