Class LazyAppointmentScheduleModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ILazyProcessModel, Serializable, org.primefaces.model.ScheduleModel

    public class LazyAppointmentScheduleModel
    extends org.primefaces.model.LazyScheduleModel
    implements ILazyProcessModel
    Lazy schedule model for the inbox appointment view.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • isExcludeLockedRecords

        public boolean isExcludeLockedRecords()
      • getAvailableZoneIdStrings

        public List<javax.faces.model.SelectItem> getAvailableZoneIdStrings()
      • getBusinessHoursJson

        public String getBusinessHoursJson()
      • getSelectedDate

        public LocalDate getSelectedDate()
      • getSelectedZoneId

        public ZoneId getSelectedZoneId()
      • getSelectedZoneIdString

        public String getSelectedZoneIdString()
      • setSelectedZoneIdString

        public void setSelectedZoneIdString​(String selectedZoneId)
      • getSorting

        public de.xima.cmn.criteria.SortingCriterion getSorting()
      • setSorting

        public void setSorting​(de.xima.cmn.criteria.SortingCriterion sortingCriterion)
        Specified by:
        setSorting in interface ILazyProcessModel
      • setCreatorFilter

        public void setCreatorFilter​(IUser user)
        Description copied from interface: ILazyProcessModel
        Puts a filter where the given user is the first submitter (creator) of the form record.
        Specified by:
        setCreatorFilter in interface ILazyProcessModel
        user - first submitter (creator). If null the creator filter will be removed if it was set.
      • setEditorFilter

        public void setEditorFilter​(IUser user)
        Description copied from interface: ILazyProcessModel
        Puts a filter where the given user is an editor of the form record, meaning they have submitted the form record.
        Specified by:
        setEditorFilter in interface ILazyProcessModel
        user - editor. If null the editor filter will be removed if it was set.
      • setCreatedFromFilter

        public void setCreatedFromFilter​(Instant instant)
        Description copied from interface: ILazyProcessModel
        Sets a date filter from which the form records have been created.
        Specified by:
        setCreatedFromFilter in interface ILazyProcessModel
        instant - from which the form records have been created. null removes the filter.
      • setCreatedToFilter

        public void setCreatedToFilter​(Instant instant)
        Description copied from interface: ILazyProcessModel
        Sets a date filter until which the form records have been created.
        Specified by:
        setCreatedToFilter in interface ILazyProcessModel
        instant - until which the form records have been created. null removes the filter.
      • setEditedFromFilter

        public void setEditedFromFilter​(Instant instant)
        Description copied from interface: ILazyProcessModel
        Sets a date filter from which the form records have been last edited.
        Specified by:
        setEditedFromFilter in interface ILazyProcessModel
        instant - from which the form records have been last edited. null removes the filter.
      • setEditedToFilter

        public void setEditedToFilter​(Instant instant)
        Description copied from interface: ILazyProcessModel
        Sets a date filter until which the form records have been last edited.
        Specified by:
        setEditedToFilter in interface ILazyProcessModel
        instant - until which the form records have been last edited. null removes the filter.
      • addEvent

        public void addEvent​(org.primefaces.model.ScheduleEvent<?> event)
        Specified by:
        addEvent in interface org.primefaces.model.ScheduleModel
        addEvent in class org.primefaces.model.DefaultScheduleModel
      • loadEvents

        public void loadEvents​(LocalDateTime from,
                               LocalDateTime until)
        Specified by:
        loadEvents in class org.primefaces.model.LazyScheduleModel
      • putGlobalSearchFilter

        public void putGlobalSearchFilter​(EFormRecordQueryType type,
                                          String query,
                                          Locale locale)
        Description copied from interface: ILazyProcessModel
        Puts a global search filter for the given type with the given query. If the query is null the filter will be removed.
        Specified by:
        putGlobalSearchFilter in interface ILazyProcessModel
        type - the type of the filter determines the form record field to be searched.
        query - the query string to be set. If null the filter will be removed.
        locale - the current locale to use for certain filters.
      • getZoneIdDisplayName

        public String getZoneIdDisplayName​(ZoneId zoneId)
      • addSorting

        public void addSorting​(de.xima.cmn.criteria.AQueryCriteriaManager qcm)