Interface ILocalizedScopedFilesProviding<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,​TMeta extends ILocalizedScopedFileMetaEntity<TBase,​TData>,​TData extends IFileDataEntity<TMeta>>

  • Type Parameters:
    TBase - type of the base entity providing the localized files.
    TMeta - type of the entity holding the file metadata.
    TData - type of the data entity holding the actual file data.
    All Superinterfaces:
    Comparable<de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>>, de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>, Serializable
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ClientPortalConfig, Projekt, UserPortal

    public interface ILocalizedScopedFilesProviding<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,​TMeta extends ILocalizedScopedFileMetaEntity<TBase,​TData>,​TData extends IFileDataEntity<TMeta>>
    extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>
    Common interface for entities providing localized files.
    • Method Detail

      • getFiles

        List<TMeta> getFiles()
        Gets the file entities.
        the file entities
      • setFiles

        void setFiles​(List<TMeta> files)
        Sets the file entities.
        files - the file entities to set.
      • getFallbackLocale

        Locale getFallbackLocale()
        Gets the default locale to use as a fallback when a localized file is missing for a locale. May return null if the object does not provide a fallback locale.
        the default locale to use as a fallback when a localization is missing for a locale
      • getFileMapByLocale

        default Map<Locale,​Map<String,​TMeta>> getFileMapByLocale()
        Gets the files grouped by the locale first, then their file key.
        the files grouped by the locale (map key) as an immutable map.
      • getFileMapByKey

        default Map<String,​Map<Locale,​TMeta>> getFileMapByKey()
        Gets the files grouped by their file key first, then the locale.
        the localizations grouped by the I18N name (map key) as an immutable map.
      • getFileKeys

        default Set<String> getFileKeys()
        Gets all available file keys provided by this entity.
        the all available file keys provided by this entity.
      • getFiles

        default List<TMeta> getFiles​(Locale locale)
        Gets the scoped files by language. For ordering see getFiles().
        locale - providing the language to get the files for.
        the scoped files by language.
      • getFiles

        default List<TMeta> getFiles​(Locale locale,
                                     Locale fallbackLocale)
        Gets the scoped files by language, ordered by their file key.
        locale - providing the language to get the files for.
        the scoped files by language.
      • getFileMapByLocale

        default Map<Locale,​Map<String,​TMeta>> getFileMapByLocale​(Locale fallbackLocale)
        Gets the files grouped by the locale first, then their file key. Uses the files from the given fallback locale when a message is missing for the given locale.
        the files grouped by the locale (map key) as an immutable map.
      • getFileMapByKey

        default Map<String,​Map<Locale,​TMeta>> getFileMapByKey​(Locale fallbackLocale)
        Gets the files grouped by their file key first, then the locale. Uses the files from the given fallback locale when a message is missing for the given locale.
        the localizations grouped by the I18N name (map key) as an immutable map.
      • getFile

        default TMeta getFile​(String fileKey,
                              Locale locale)
        Finds a file with a given file key for a given locale.
        fileKey - The file key to search for.
        locale - The locale to search for.
        The file with the given file key and locale, or null if no such file exists.
      • getFile

        default TMeta getFile​(String fileKey,
                              Locale locale,
                              Locale fallbackLocale)
        Finds a file with a given file key for a given locale. Returns the file from the fallback locale if no file with the given locale exists.
        fileKey - The file key to search for.
        locale - The locale to search for.
        fallbackLocale - The fallback locale to search for.
        The file with the given file key and locale, or null if no such file exists.
      • addFile

        default void addFile​(TMeta file)
        Adds the given file to this base entity.
        file - to add
      • removeFile

        default void removeFile​(TMeta file)
        Removes the given file from this base entity.
        file - to remove