


Type aliases

Type aliases


AppointmentPickerInstanceReference: string | object | Node | ArrayLike<Node> | Iterable<Node>

Reference to an existing appointment picker. This can be one of the following:

  • string: A CSS selector for a DOM element, see the case Node below.
  • {by: "id", id: "..."} - The ID of an existing appointment picker instance.
  • {@link Node}: A DOM element referencing an appointment picker. Can be either any container element that contains an appointment picker; the appointment picker element itself; or one of the elements in the sub tree of the appointment picker element.
  • array of {@link Node}s: A array of DOM elements referencing an appointment picker, see the case Node above.
  • iterable of {@link Node}s: A list of DOM elements referencing an appointment picker, see the case Node above.

Note that a reference may resolve to more than one appointment picker. The behavior in this case depends on where the reference is used.


AppointmentPickerLockState: "enabled" | "disabled" | "read-only"

Indicates whether an appointment picker is enabled or not enabled, and in what way.

  • enabled: The picker can be edited.
  • disabled: The picker cannot be edited, values are discarded.
  • read-only: The picker cannot be edited, values are sent when the form is submitted.


AppointmentPickerStateReference: AppointmentPickerInstanceReference | object

Reference to an existing appointment picker state. This is similar to AppointmentPickerInstanceReference, but also allows for a snapshot from an appointment picker to be specified. You can take a snapshot of an appointment picker's state at any time, and e.g. load it into other appointment pickers.

In addition to values allowed by AppointmentPickerInstanceReference, may also be one of the following:

  • {by: "snapshot", token: "..."} - The token of an existing snapshot. Snapshot tokens can be created via the API function saveSnapshot.


ChangeDisplayMode: "open" | "close" | "toggle"

How to change the display mode, for the message changeDisplay.

  • open: Opens the picker when not already opened.
  • close: Closes the picker when not already closed.
  • toggle: Opens the picker when closed and closes it when opened.


ChangeLockMode: "enable" | "disable" | "setReadOnly"

How to change the lock mode, for the message changeLock.

  • enable: Enables the picker and makes it editable.
  • disable: Disabled the picker and makes it non-editable.
  • setReadOnly: Sets the picker to read-only and makes it non-editable.


FormRequestType: "provide" | "preview" | "process" | "print" | "review" | "publish" | "workflow" | "image" | "form" | "reviewplain" | "copy" | "forward" | "alias" | "aliascopy" | "verify"

Possible request types for forms that indicate how the form was opened. To access the request type of the currently opened form, use XFC_METADATA.requestType zugegriffen. Some of these options are only for internal use and should not be used.

  • provide: When the form was opened for the first time and not submitted yet. No form records exists yet for the form.
  • preview: Preview of a form, ie. when you open the form in the preview mode of the designer.
  • print: When the form was opened by the server to generate a printed document, such as a PDF document or an image.
  • process: Processing a form. This is set when the form is submitted.
  • review: When the form is opened in the inbox. A form record now exists for the form.


FormUrlType: "attachment" | "context" | "dataquery_db" | "dataquery_ldap" | "datasource_csv" | "datasource_db" | "datasource_json" | "datasource_xml" | "keepalive" | "plugin" | "previewAction" | "submitAction"

Possible values for the different types of URLs of formcycle. The following are currently available:

  • attachment: Base URL for accessing attachments uploaded via upload elements.
  • context: The current context path of the web application, eg. /formcycle.
  • dataquery_db: Base URL for accessing database queries as configured in the formcycle backend.
  • dataquery_ldap: Base URL for accessing LDAP queries as configured in the formcycle backend.
  • datasource_csv: Base URL for accessing CSV data sources as configured in the formcycle backend.
  • datasource_db: (deprecated) Use dataquery_db instead.
  • datasource_json: Base URL for accessing JSON data sources as configured in the formcycle backend.
  • datasource_xml: Base URL for accessing XML data sources as configured in the formcycle backend.
  • keepalive: URL for keeping the current session alive. Similar to a ping.
  • plugin: URL for executing servlet plugins.
  • previewAction: URL for requesting a preview of a form. A preview cannot be submitted.
  • submitAction: URL to which the form data is submitted.


FormVruleType: "posinteger" | "plzDE" | "posmoney" | "integer" | "url" | "posmoneyOptionalComma" | "number" | "money" | "ipv4" | "phone" | "onlyLetterNumber" | "time" | "onlyLetterSp" | "email" | "dateDE" | "text" | "regexp"

Default or predefined data types for input fields. The following are currently available:

  • dateDE: Allows only German-style dates (DD.MM.YYYY), e.g. 22.05.1990.
  • email: Allows only valid (international) email addresses, e.g. or θσερ@εχαμπλε.ψομ.
  • integer: Allows only integers, that is numbers without a decimal point, e.g. 3, 0, or -21.
  • ipv4: Allows only IP4 addresses, e.g. or
  • money: Requires the input to be a valid amount of money, i.e. a number with exactly two decimal digits, e.g. 2,00, -3,95, 0,00 or 897345,38.
  • number: Allows only numbers, including numbers with a decimal point, e.g. 0.03, -99.2, or 42.
  • onlyLetterNumber: Allows only letters, numbers, and spaces.
  • onlyLetterSp: Allows only letters and spaces.
  • phone: Allows only valid phone numbers, e.g. 0234995483 or +49 351 4459654.
  • plzDE: Allows only postal code from Germany, i.e. exactly 5 digits, e.g. 02349. Does not check whether such a code is actually registered within Germany.
  • posinteger: Allows only positive integers, e.g. 0, 3, oder 123.
  • posmoney : Requires the input to be a valid amount of money, not including negative numbers, e.g. 0,00 or 2,34.
  • posmoneyOptionalComma: Requires the input to be a valid positive amount of money, with the decimal digits being optional, e.g. 0,00, 0, 3,4, or 3.
  • regexp: Allows the user who creates the form to enter a custom (JavaScript flavor) regular expression for validation.
  • text: Applies no restriction and allows every input.
  • time: Requires the input to be a valid time, in the format hh:mm, e.g. 22:05 or 03:42.
  • url: Allows only URLs, including the protocol, e.g. or


Json: null | boolean | number | string | JsonArray | JsonObject

Represents all data types that are valid JSON.


JsonArray: Json[]

Represents all arrays that are valid JSON arrays..


JsonObject: object

Represents all objects that are valid JSON objects.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: Json


LegacyFileStore: Partial<Record<string, LegacyFileStoreItem>>

Legacy model for the file store with all binary files from upload elements. The key is the ID of the form element, e.g. xi-tf-1.


Legacy, will be replaced with a better model.


LegacyFormField: Partial<Record<string, string | number | false | true | number[] | LegacyFormFieldSaveData>>

Legacy model with saved data of form field and the meta data of the form field.

The key can be one of the following

  • The consecutive repetition index, starting at 0, prefixed with an underscore, e.g. _0 or _1. Then the value is the corresponding value of the form field, which could be a string, an array, an object etc., depending on the type of form element.
  • One of the properties from LegacyFormFieldMeta.

Legacy, will be replaced with a better model.


LegacyFormFieldSaveData: SingleOrArrayLike<undefined | string | number | Record<string, unknown>>

Possible types for the saved data of a form field


Legacy, will be replaced with a better model.


LegacyFormSaveData: Partial<Record<string, object | LegacyFormField | string[]>>

Legacy model that represents the data entered into a form, including values from repeated form fields as well as images.

The key can be any of the following:

  • The name of a repeated form field with the prefix _dyn_size, e.g. tf1_dyn_size. Then the value is an array with the repetition IDs, e.g. ["0", "1", "2"].
  • The ID of the form field, e.g. xi-tf-1. The the value is an object with the meta data and values for each form field.
  • One of the properties from LegacyFormSaveDataBase.

Legacy, will be replaced with a better model.


LocalDateRange: keyof [fromInclusive, LocalDate | undefined, toInclusive, LocalDate | undefined]

Represents a range of LocalDate, comprised of a lower and an upper bound.

When a lower or upper end point exists, it is a closed end point, i.e. the end point is part of the range.

When a lower or upper bound is undefined, it is an open end point with -Infinity or +Infinity as the value, respectively.

The lower bound should not be greater than the upper bound. If it is, the range is considered empty.

If you need an open range, simply change the lower or upper bound. This is always possible since LocalDate is a discrete domain.


OnSubmitCallback: function

A custom callback function for when the form is submitted that can be registered via XUtil.onSubmit.

$.xutil.onSubmit(() => doSomething())

Type declaration


SingleOrArrayLike: T | ArrayLike<T>

Represents a single value or an array of such values.


TElementSpecifier: undefined | null | TElement | TElement[] | NodeList & NodeListOf<TElement> | HTMLCollection & HTMLCollectionOf<TElement> | string | JQuery<TElement>

Union of types that can be interpreted as referencing to one or multiple (DOM) elements.

  • undefined and null are represent a missing element.
  • TElement is the element itself.
  • TElement[] is an array of elements.
  • NodeListOf<TElement> is a list of elements, returned by querySelectorAll.
  • HTMLCollectionOf<TElement> is a collection of elements, returned by getElementsByClassName.
  • string is a CSS selector for the element(s).
  • JQuery is a JQuery wrapper with the element(s).

A union type with various different types corresponding to an element.