Interface AppointmentPickerApiAction

Provides functions related to performing actions on an appointment picker, such as selecting a different slot, opening / closing the picker, or loading available slots.

Available via $


  • AppointmentPickerApiAction




changeDisplay: function

Closes or opens the appointment picker, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.

Closing the picker requires that it is closable. Otherwise no action is performed.


A reference to the appointment pickers that should be opened or closed.


How to change the display. open to open it (if not already opened), close to close it (when not already closed), and toggle (or undefined) to open it when closed and close it when opened.

Type declaration


changeLock: function

Changes the lock state of the appointment picker, for all pickers from the given given reference.

When the picker is enabled, it can be edited by the user. When it is disabled or read-only, it cannot be edited by the user anymore, but its value can still be changed via scripting.

Appointment pickers that are disabled or read-only are always closed and cannot be opened.


A reference to the appointment picker for which to check whether it is locked.

Type declaration


changeMonthYear: function

Shows a particular month in a given year and shows all days for the month, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.


A reference to the appointment picker for which to set the calendar's month and year.


A month and year to show in the calendar.

Type declaration


changeMonthYearToNow: function

Selects the current month of the current year and shows all days for the month, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.


A reference to the appointment picker for which to set the calendar's month and year.

Type declaration


changeOptions: function

Sets the options all appointment picker from the given reference,


A reference to the appointment picker for which to set the options.


Options to set.

Type declaration


clearDisabledDates: function

Removes all disabled dates, so that no more dates are disabled, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.

Disabled dates cannot be selected by the user. Note that dates without available slots are usually also displayed as disabled, but are not included in the result of this function.


A reference to the appointment pickers for which to clear the disabled dates.

Type declaration


disableDateRanges: function

Adds a list of date ranges to the list of disabled date ranges, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.

These dates are additive. You can add multiple ranges of disabled dates.

Disabled dates cannot be selected by the user. Note that dates without available slots are usually also displayed as disabled, but are not included in the result of this function.


A reference to the appointment picker to process.


Ranges of dates to disable.

Type declaration


disableDates: function

Disables the given dates, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.

These dates are additive. You can add multiple disabled dates.

Disabled dates cannot be selected by the user. Note that dates without available slots are usually also displayed as disabled, but are not included in the result of this function.


A reference to the appointment picker to process.


List of dates to disable.

Type declaration


disableDatesAfter: function

Disables all dates after the given date, for al first appointment pickers from the given reference.

Disabled dates cannot be selected by the user. Note that dates without available slots are usually also displayed as disabled, but are not included in the result of this function.


A reference to the appointment picker to process.


Maximum allowed date, all dates after this date are disabled.

Type declaration


disableDatesBefore: function

Disables all dates before the given date, for al first appointment pickers from the given reference.

Disabled dates cannot be selected by the user. Note that dates without available slots are usually also displayed as disabled, but are not included in the result of this function.


A reference to the appointment picker to process.


Minimum allowed date, all dates before this date are disabled.

Type declaration


enableDateRanges: function

Removes a list of date ranges from the list of disabled date ranges, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.

Disabled dates cannot be selected by the user. Note that dates without available slots are usually also displayed as disabled, but are not included in the result of this function.


A reference to the appointment picker to process.


Ranges of dates to enable.

Type declaration


enableDates: function

Enables the given dates, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.

Disabled dates cannot be selected by the user. Note that dates without available slots are usually also displayed as disabled, but are not included in the result of this function.


A reference to the appointment picker to process.


List of dates to enable.

Type declaration


enableDatesAfter: function

Enables all dates after the given date, for al first appointment pickers from the given reference.

Disabled dates cannot be selected by the user. Note that dates without available slots are usually also displayed as disabled, but are not included in the result of this function.


A reference to the appointment picker to process.


Maximum allowed date, all dates after this date are enabled.

Type declaration


enableDatesBefore: function

Enables all dates before the given date, for al first appointment pickers from the given reference.

Disabled dates cannot be selected by the user. Note that dates without available slots are usually also displayed as disabled, but are not included in the result of this function.


A reference to the appointment picker to process.


Minimum allowed date, all dates before this date are enabled.

Type declaration


loadAvailableSlots: function

Loads the available slots of a given month year, for the first appointment picker from the given reference.


A reference to the appointment picker for which to load the available slots.


A month and year for which to load the slots.


All available slots for the given month and year.

Type declaration


moveMonthYearBy: function

Changes the month and year of the calendar by the given amount, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.


A reference to the appointment picker for which to set the calendar's month and year.


The month and year to select, relative to the currently selected month and year. When missing, the month and year default to 0. Can be negative.

Type declaration


selectDate: function

Selects a particular day and shows the available slots of that day, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.


A reference to the appointment pickers for which to set the selected date.


A date to select.


Optional settings that affect how the date is set.

Type declaration


selectSlot: function

Changes the currently selected slot to the given slot or clears the selected slot, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.


A reference to the appointment pickers for which select the slot.


The slot to select.


Optional settings that affect how the slot is set.

Type declaration


setPersistedAppointment: function

Sets the persisted appointment, for all appointment pickers from the given reference.

Each picker may be associated with an appointment that was booked on the server, usually previously when the form was first submitted. Normally selected slots that do not correspond to an available slot are treated as invalid. When a selected slot correspond to the persisted slot, that selection is always allowed. that corresponds to this persisted appointment


A reference to the appointment picker for which to change the persisted slot.


The new persisted appointment to set, undefined to clear it.

Type declaration