AElementInfoHelper<THandler extends IElementHandler<?,?>> |
Helper class for generating the data for the workflow element info panel.
AssociateHelper |
Contains all methods that associate derived quantities with the current state.
ElementNodeInfoHelper |
ElementPropertiesHelper |
ElementPrototypesHelper |
Static function for creating workflow element prototypes.
ElementTriggerInfoHelper |
ResourceBundleHelper |
Helper for creating the aggregate resource bundle used by the workflow designer.
ValidationHelper |
UI helper utilities for running the workflow validator and extracting and converting workflow validation messages.
ViewSettingsHelper |
Helper methods for the view settings panel.
WorkflowBackupHelper |
Helper methods for working with workflow version backups.
WorkflowElementReferenceHelper |
Helper for extracting referenced entities of workflow elements (nodes and triggers).
WorkflowExternalStateHelper |
Helper methods for creating and modifying the WorkflowExternalState , which is the formcycle specific state
required by the flowchart on the client.
WorkflowStateHelper |
WorkflowTriggerHelper |
Utilities for implementing workflow trigger handlers.