Class FcFillWordProps

    • Constructor Detail

      • FcFillWordProps

        public FcFillWordProps()
    • Method Detail

      • getExportName

        public String getExportName()
        The file name of the Word document to be created. When empty, a file name is generated from the input file.
      • getSingleFile

        public SingleFile getSingleFile()
        The Word document to be filled with the form data.
      • setAttachToFormRecord

        public void setAttachToFormRecord​(boolean attachToFormRecord)
        attachToFormRecord - Whether files created by the workflow node are attached to the form record.
      • setExportName

        public void setExportName​(String exportName)
        exportName - The file name of the Word document to be created. When empty, a file name is generated from the input file.
      • setSingleFile

        public void setSingleFile​(SingleFile singleFile)
        singleFile - The Word document to be filled with the form data.