Enum EWorkflowNodeType

    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_CHANGE_FORM_AVAILABILITY
        An action that changes a form to online or offline mode.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_CHANGE_FORM_VALUE
        An action that changes form element values.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_CHANGE_STATE
        A terminal action that changes the state of the current Vorgang and returns.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_COMPRESS_AS_ZIP
        An action that compresses input files and outputs a ZIP file upon execution.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_COPY_FORM_RECORD
        An action that makes a copy of the current form record, and optionally moves it to another inbox of invokes a trigger.
      • FC_COUNTER

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_COUNTER
        An action that modifies counter entities.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_CREATE_TEXT_FILE
        An action that writes content into a file.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_DELETE_ATTACHMENT
        Workflow action that deletes the selected attachments from the form record.

        A node of this kind must not have any children.


        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_DELETE_FORM_RECORD
        An end node that delete the form record, and stops the execution of the task.

        A node of this kind must not have any children.

      • FC_DOI_INIT

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_DOI_INIT
        Workflow action that initializes the Double-opt-In process
      • FC_EMAIL

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_EMAIL
        An action that sends mails
      • FC_EMPTY

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_EMPTY
        An empty statement that represents a no-op.

        A node of this kind must not have any children.

      • FC_ENCODE_BASE64

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_ENCODE_BASE64
        An action that encodes a file into base64 string.
      • FC_DECODE_BASE64

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_DECODE_BASE64
        An action that encodes a file into base64.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_EXPERIMENT

        A try statement that executes its first child. When any error or exception occurs during the execution of that child (the body statement), it catches that error or exception, and executes its second child (the catch statement). Otherwise, when no error exception occurred during the execution of the body statement, the catch statement is not executed.

        Any error or exception that occurs during the execution of the catch statement is propagated upwards.

        In case a third child (the finally statement) exists, it is always executed after the body and catch statement are done. This is true even if an error or exception occurred during the catch statement. However, that error must be propagated upwards after the finally statement finishes.


        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_EXPORT_TO_PERSISTENCE
        An action that exports a form record to a persistence structure

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_EXPORT_TO_XML
        An action that exports form data to an XML file.
      • FC_FILL_PDF

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_FILL_PDF
        An action that writes content into an PDF template.
      • FC_FILL_WORD

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_FILL_WORD
        An action that writes content into an Word template.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_IMPORT_FORM_VALUE_FROM_XML
        An action that import form values from XML.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_LDAP_QUERY
        An action that executes an LDAP query.
      • FC_LOG_ENTRY

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_LOG_ENTRY
        An action that provides a custom property for the log.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_MOVE_FORM_RECORD_TO_INBOX
        An action that move a form record to an selected inbox

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_MULTIPLE_CONDITION
        An if statement that forks the control flow. Allows for multiple conditions to be specified.

        A node of this kind must have at most two children, and should have at least one child. The first child is the consequent, the second child the alternate.

        During execution, the if statement runs a test and executes its first child (the consequent) when the test passes, or its second child (the alternate) otherwise.

        The consequent or the alternate may be null, in which case execution must behave as if it were an FC_EMPTY statement.

        Any error or exception that occurs must stop the execution immediately and propagate the error upwards.


        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_POST_REQUEST
        An action that sends an HTTP request upon execution. This action previously only supported POST requests, but now supports arbitrary HTTP verbs. Note that this enum constant should be named FC_HTTP_REQUEST, but needs to retain its old name for backwards compatibility.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_PROCESS_LOG_PDF
        An action that creates a PDF file based on the current process history;

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_PROCESS_HISTORY_PDF
        Use FC_PROCESS_LOG_PDF. This exists only because of a bug introduced in 7.2.1 were the type of this action was changed.
        An action that creates a PDF file based on the current process history;

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_PROVIDE_RESOURCE
        An action that provides a resource for workflow processing.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_QUEUE_TASK
        A terminal action that add a task of a certain trigger to the queue and returns.

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_REDIRECT
        An action for redirect to a specific URL

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_RENEW_PROCESS_ID
        An action for renew the current process id
      • FC_RETURN

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_RETURN
        An end node that stops the execution of the task.

        A node of this kind must not have any children.


        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_RETURN_FILE
        An action that returns files as an download in the browser

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_SAVE_TO_FILE_SYSTEM
        An action that saves files on the file system

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_SAVE_TO_WEB_DAV
        An action that saves files in a chosen WebDAV

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_SET_SAVED_FLAG
        An action that marks form records as saved

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_SHOW_TEMPLATE
        An action that shows an template as an response result

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_SQL_STATEMENT
        An action that executes an SQL statement.
      • FC_SWITCH

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_SWITCH
        A switch statement for checking a value and taking different actions depending on that value.

        A switch must have have at least 1 child. The first child is always of type DEFAULT and represents the default case when no other case matches. The other children must be of type SWITCH_CASE and represent the individual cases. Each case has a single child of type SEQUENCE with the actions that are run for that case.

        The switch action itself allows a left-hand-side value to be configured. Each case then defines an operator and a right-hand-side value against which the left-hand-side is compared. During execution, each case is checked for whether it matches. Then, all matching cases are executed, from left to right in the order in which they are configured in the workflow.


        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_SWITCH_CASE
        A case for a SWITCH, see there for more details.

        A switch case must have exactly one child of type SEQUENCE.


        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_SWITCH_DEFAULT
        The default case for a SWITCH, see there for more details.

        A switch default case must have exactly one child of type SEQUENCE.


        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_THROW_EXCEPTION
        An end node that throws an exception. Can be used to rethrow an exception etc.

        A node of this kind must not have any children.


        public static final EWorkflowNodeType FC_WRITE_FORM_RECORD_ATTRIBUTES
        An action that writes key value parameter to the current form record
      • SEQUENCE

        public static final EWorkflowNodeType SEQUENCE
        A sequence (block) statement that executes each of its children in order.

        A node of this kind may have any number of children, including no children at all.

        Any error or exception that occurs must stop the execution immediately (no more children are executed), and propagate the error upwards.

    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static EWorkflowNodeType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (EWorkflowNodeType c : EWorkflowNodeType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static EWorkflowNodeType valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getDefaultIcon

        public IGuiIcon getDefaultIcon()
        The default icon for this workflow node.
      • getOfficialHelpPagePath

        public String getOfficialHelpPagePath()
        The new help system only requires an arbitrary ID.
        The relative path to the help page in the official formcycle help.
      • forKindOrNull

        public static EWorkflowNodeType forKindOrNull​(String kind)
        kind - The string representation of the node kind.
        The enum type for the given node kind, or null when no such enum type exists.