Enum EAccessProperty

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IAccessProperty, INamedUiElement, Serializable, Comparable<EAccessProperty>

    public enum EAccessProperty
    extends Enum<EAccessProperty>
    implements IAccessProperty
    An access property describes the permissions a formcycle user is granted. For each new session, a boolean value (true [=GRANT ACCESS] or false [=DENY ACCESS]) is assigned to each property. This value may come m either the user's current Rolle, the current license of the system; or it may be set by the system.

    Some access properties (called role properties) are configurable for each Rolle, this is indicated by isConfigurable().

    Each property has also got a default, this is used when the current value could not be determined in another way. For example, when a new version is released, new access properties might have been added: for these the default is used. Note however, that

    • the sadmin is unaffected by role properties, that
    • the defaults of the client administrator are true, except for system settings, and that
    • an access property must be assigned the value false if the parent access property is assigned the value false.