Class IdentityTokenUpdate

  • public class IdentityTokenUpdate
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • IdentityTokenUpdate

        protected IdentityTokenUpdate()
    • Method Detail

      • getUpdateFailed

        public Optional<EIdentityTokenFailure> getUpdateFailed()
        Empty if the update succeeded, the type of error otherwise.
      • getViolations

        public List<Map.Entry<String,​List<Vorgang>>> getViolations()
        List of all violations, ie. form-records with non-unique IDs. The key of the entry is the generated identity token, the value a list of all form records with that token.
      • perform

        public static IdentityTokenUpdate perform​(IEntityContext ec,
                                                  Projekt project)
        Updates the identity token of all form records for the given project with the current identity token template of that project. Returns whether the operation succeeded. If it did not succeed because the new identity token template resulted in multiple form records with the same identity token, also return the list of form records violating the uniqueness constraint.
        ec - Entity context for accessing the database.
        project - The project with the form records to update.
        The result of the identity token check.
      • perform

        public static IdentityTokenUpdate perform​(IEntityContext ec,
                                                  Projekt project,
        Updates the identity token of all form records for the given project with the current identity token template of that project. Returns whether the operation succeeded. If it did not succeed because the new identity token template resulted in multiple form records with the same identity token, also return the list of form records violating the uniqueness constraint.
        ec - Entity context for accessing the database.
        project - The project with the form records to update.
        userData - Data from the user who submitted the form, if known. May be null.
        The result of the identity token check.