Interface IAuthenticator<T extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,​? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>

    • Method Detail

      • getType

        EAuthClientType getType()
        The authenticator type as selected by the user, such as Google, Facebook or NTLM.
      • getCallbackUUID

        UUID getCallbackUUID()
        The UUID that uniquely identifies this client. It is added to the callback URL (the URL to which the identity provider redirects upon success or failure).
      • getCallbackUrlType

        EAuthCallbackUrlType getCallbackUrlType()
        the type of callback URL to be used by this authenticator.
      • getLoginButtonTitle

        String getLoginButtonTitle()
        The name displayed on the login button that appears on the login page.
      • getConfigState

        EAuthConfigState getConfigState()
        The current state of this configuration, i.e. whether it still misses some configuration or was configured completely and is ready to be used.
      • getIdentifier

        String getIdentifier()
        a unique key identifying this authenticator within the system, which is used in IAuthenticatorConfigs
      • getAttributes

        Map<String,​String> getAttributes()
        A map of all key-value pairs as configured by the user for this authenticator. Please note that the value may be a JSON object, depending on the key.
      • getFileMap

        Map<String,​T> getFileMap()
        A map of files the user uploaded when they configured this authenticator, such as SSL certificates or configuration files.
      • getAttributeValue

        String getAttributeValue​(String key)
        key - Key of an attribute to fetch.
        The value of the attribute with the given key.
        See Also:
      • setFileMap

        void setFileMap​(Map<String,​T> fileMap)
      • removeFile

        T removeFile​(String key)
      • putFile

        T putFile​(String key,
                  T file)
      • getAttributeValueMap

        Map<String,​String> getAttributeValueMap​(String key)
        Some keys of the getAttributes() may be mapped to another key-value map of attributes. These are stored as a stringified JSON object. This is a convenience method that parses the JSON string and return the map. Please note that modifications of the returned map are not stored and do not modify the original getAttributes() map.
        key - Key of a an attribute to fetch.
        The list of key-value pairs for the given key.
      • putAttribute

        void putAttribute​(String key,
                          String value)
      • getAttributeValueList

        List<String> getAttributeValueList​(String key)
        Get the List value of the attribute with the given key
        key - String attribute name
        List value of the requested attribute or null if the attribute does not exist or can't be parsed to a list.