Enum ECssPointerEvent

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • ALL

        public static final ECssPointerEvent ALL
        SVG only (experimental for HTML). The element can only be the target of a pointer event when the pointer is over the interior (i.e., 'fill') or the perimeter (i.e., 'stroke') of the element. The values of the fill, stroke, and visibility properties do not affect event processing.
      • AUTO

        public static final ECssPointerEvent AUTO
        The element behaves as it would if the pointer-events property were not specified. In SVG content, this value and the value visiblePainted have the same effect.
      • FILL

        public static final ECssPointerEvent FILL
        SVG only. The element can only be the target of a pointer event when the pointer is over the interior (i.e., 'fill') of the element. The values of the fill and visibility properties do not affect event processing.
      • NONE

        public static final ECssPointerEvent NONE
        The element is never the target of pointer events; however, pointer events may target its descendant elements if those descendants have pointer-events set to some other value. In these circumstances, pointer events will trigger event listeners on this parent element as appropriate on their way to/from the descendant during the event capture/bubble phases.
      • PAINTED

        public static final ECssPointerEvent PAINTED
        SVG only (experimental for HTML). The element can only be the target of a pointer event when e.g. the mouse cursor is over the interior (i.e., 'fill') of the element and the fill property is set to a value other than none, or when the mouse cursor is over the perimeter (i.e., 'stroke') of the element and the stroke property is set to a value other than none. The value of the visibility property does not affect event processing.
      • STROKE

        public static final ECssPointerEvent STROKE
        SVG only. The element can only be the target of a pointer event when the pointer is over the perimeter (i.e., 'stroke') of the element. The values of the stroke and visibility properties do not affect event processing.
      • VISIBLE

        public static final ECssPointerEvent VISIBLE
        SVG only (experimental for HTML). The element can be the target of a pointer event when the visibility property is set to visible and e.g. the mouse cursor is over either the interior (i.e., 'fill') or the perimeter (i.e., 'stroke') of the element. The values of the fill and stroke do not affect event processing.

        public static final ECssPointerEvent VISIBLE_FILL
        SVG only. The element can only be the target of a pointer event when the visibility property is set to visible and when e.g. a mouse cursor is over the interior (i.e., fill) of the element. The value of the fill property does not affect event processing.

        public static final ECssPointerEvent VISIBLE_PAINTED
        SVG only (experimental for HTML). The element can only be the target of a pointer event when the visibility property is set to visible and e.g. when a mouse cursor is over the interior (i.e., 'fill') of the element and the fill property is set to a value other than none, or when a mouse cursor is over the perimeter (i.e., 'stroke') of the element and the stroke property is set to a value other than none.

        public static final ECssPointerEvent VISIBLE_STROKE
        SVG only. The element can only be the target of a pointer event when the visibility property is set to visible and e.g. when the mouse cursor is over the perimeter (i.e., stroke) of the element. The value of the stroke property does not affect event processing.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static ECssPointerEvent[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (ECssPointerEvent c : ECssPointerEvent.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static ECssPointerEvent valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • value

        public String value()
        The string value of this property that can be used when creating CSS strings.