Class AcmFilterCriterionSupplier<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>>

  • Type Parameters:
    TEntity - Type of the entity to which the filter criteria are applied.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    IFilterCriterionSupplier, ISerializableFunction<IEntityContext,​de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion>, Serializable, Function<IEntityContext,​de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion>

    public class AcmFilterCriterionSupplier<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>>
    extends Object
    A supplier for a list of filter criteria that should be applied when searching the database for matching entities. This is intended to be used with attribute select criteria managers.
    XIMA Media GmbH
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • AcmFilterCriterionSupplier

        public AcmFilterCriterionSupplier​(String key,
                                          Class<TEntity> entityClass,
                                          de.xima.cmn.criteria.SelectCriterion selectCriterion,
                                          ISerializablePredicate<javax.persistence.Tuple> tuplePredicate)
        Creates a new filter criteria supplier with a single select criterion. Lets you specify a filter predicate with custom Java logic that is applied to each existing entity. This supplier creates a filter that matches only entities that satisfy the given predicate.
        key - Key for equating different criteria suppliers.
        entityClass - Type of the entity to which the filter criteria are applied.
        selectCriterion - Select criterion for the entity attribute to select.
        tuplePredicate - Predicate for the entities to match, each tuple represents an entity containing the attributes from the given select criteria.
      • AcmFilterCriterionSupplier

        public AcmFilterCriterionSupplier​(String key,
                                          Class<TEntity> entityClass,
                                          List<de.xima.cmn.criteria.SelectCriterion> selectCriterions,
                                          ISerializablePredicate<javax.persistence.Tuple> tuplePredicate)
        Creates a new filter criteria supplier with a single select criterion. Lets you specify a filter predicate with custom Java logic that is applied to each existing entity. This supplier creates a filter that matches only entities that satisfy the given predicate.
        key - Key for equating different criteria suppliers.
        entityClass - Type of the entity to which the filter criteria are applied.
        selectCriterions - A list of select criterion for the entity attributes to select.
        tuplePredicate - Predicate for the entities to match, each tuple represents an entity containing the attributes from the given select criteria.