Class PluginID

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class PluginID
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Model for the ID of a plugin. Each plugin must have a Manifest with the entry Plugin-Key. Optionally, if the plugin consists of multiple files, it may also have a Plugin-File-Key. The ID of a plugin is the plugin key + the file key (empty string if not present).

    Note that there might still be legacy plugins without an ID, but these are deprecated and will not be supported in a later version anymore.

    A plugin ID has a canonical string representation which is a URL path consisting of the key and the file key (if present), e.g. key, key/fileKey or some%2fkey/fileKey.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginID

        public PluginID​(String key,
                        String fileKey)
        Creates a new plugin ID from the given components.
        key - The key of the plugin, from the Plugin-Key Manifest entry of the plugin.
        fileKey - Optional file key of the plugin, from the Plugin-File-Key Manifest entry of the plugin. null values are normalized to the empty string.
        IllegalArgumentException - When the key is null or empty.
    • Method Detail

      • getFileKey

        public String getFileKey()
        Gets the plugin key of the plugin, from the Plugin-File-Key Manifest entry of the plugin. The file key is required only for plugins that consist of multiple files.
        The file key of the plugin, never null but might be empty.
      • getKey

        public String getKey()
        Gets the plugin key of the plugin, from the Plugin-Key Manifest entry of the plugin. The key is required for every plugin.
        The key of the plugin
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • isHasFileKey

        public boolean isHasFileKey()
        Checks whether this ID has a file key.
        true if the getFileKey() is not empty, or false otherwise.
      • ofManifest

        public static Optional<PluginID> ofManifest​(Manifest manifest)
        Extracts the plugin ID from the main attributes of a Manifest.
        manifest - Manifest of a plugin JAR file.
        The ID from the Manifest, or empty if the Manifest does not contain an ID or if the given Manifest was null.
      • ofManifestAttributes

        public static Optional<PluginID> ofManifestAttributes​(Map<?,​?> manifestAttributes)
        Extracts the plugin ID from the main attributes of a Manifest.
        manifestAttributes - Map with the Manifest attributes of a plugin JAR file. The values must be strings, the keys can be strings or Manifest attribute names.
        The ID from the Manifest, or empty if the Manifest attributes do not contain an ID.
      • parse

        public static PluginID parse​(String id)
        Parses the canonical representation of a plugin ID, as returned by toString().
        id - ID to parse.
        The parsed ID, or null if the given ID is null or empty.
        IllegalArgumentException - When the ID string is invalid and neither null nor empty.