Class PdfImportSession

    • Method Detail

      • getPdfAuthor

        public String getPdfAuthor()
        The author of the opened PDF document.
      • getPdfFileName

        public String getPdfFileName()
        The file name of the loaded PDF document.
      • getPdfTitle

        public String getPdfTitle()
        The title of the opened PDF document.
      • getSerializedKey

        public String getSerializedKey()
        Retrieves the key of this import session in its serialized form. Can be used later to resume the session, e.g. via forSessionKey(String, FacesContext).
        The serialized key of this import session.
      • isRequiresPassword

        public boolean isRequiresPassword()
        Use this to check whether the PDF document requires a password. If so, you should call loadWithPassword(String, FacesContext) first before attempting to call any other methods.
        true when the PDF file was not loaded yet and can only be loaded with the correct password.
      • loadWithPassword

        public void loadWithPassword​(String password,
                                     javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
                              throws UnsupportedXfaFormException,
        If the PDF document required a password, loads the document with the given password. Other methods should not be called before this method was called.

        If the PDF was decrypted already, this is a no-op.

        password - Password for decrypting the PDF document.
        context - Current faces context.
        UnsupportedXfaFormException - When the PDF contains an XFA form.
        org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.InvalidPasswordException - When the given password was incorrect.
        IOException - When the PDF document could not be read, such as due to a file system error.
      • forExistingFile

        public static PdfImportSession forExistingFile​(Path pdfData,
                                                       String fileName,
                                                       String password,
                                                       javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
                                                throws UnsupportedXfaFormException,
        Creates a new PDF import session for the given PDF document.
        pdfData - Data of the PDF document to import.
        fileName - Name of the PDF file, defaults to the name of the given file when empty.
        password - Optional password if the PDF document is encrypted.
        context - Current faces context.
        The PDF import session for importing the given PDF document.
        UnsupportedXfaFormException - When the PDF contains an XFA form.
        org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.InvalidPasswordException - When the PDF is encrypted and the given password is wrong.
        IOException - When the PDF could not be read or temporary files could not be written.
      • forInputStream

        public static PdfImportSession forInputStream​(InputStream pdfData,
                                                      String fileName,
                                                      String password,
                                                      javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
                                               throws UnsupportedXfaFormException,
        Creates a new PDF import session for the given PDF document.
        pdfData - Data of the PDF document to import.
        fileName - Name of the PDF file.
        password - Optional password if the PDF document is encrypted.
        context - Current faces context.
        The PDF import session for importing the given PDF document.
        UnsupportedXfaFormException - When the PDF contains an XFA form.
        org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.InvalidPasswordException - When the PDF is encrypted and the given password is wrong.
        IOException - When the PDF could not be read or temporary files could not be written.
      • forSessionKey

        public static PdfImportSession forSessionKey​(String serializedSessionKey,
                                                     javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
        serializedSessionKey - Serialized session key as returned by getSerializedKey().
        context - Current faces context of the ongoing faces request.
        The PDF import session for the given key, or null if no such session exists.