Custom data type that may have been set.
The RegExp for the data type date (DD.MM.YYYY)
The RegExp for the data type email
The RegExp for the data type integer
The RegExp for the data type IP4
The RegExp for the data type amount of money
The RegExp for the data type floating point number
The RegExp for the data type letters and numbers
The RegExp for the data type letters, numbers and spaces
The RegExp for the data type phone number
The RegExp for the data type postal code (Germany)
The RegExp for the data type non-negative integer
The RegExp for the data type non-negative amount of money
The RegExp for the data type non-negative amount of money (decimal part optional)
The RegExp for the data type time (HH:MM)
The RegExp for the data type unique resource identifier
This object contains all the
s rules for the different data types.