Interface IElementPrototypeDescriptor<TData>

    • Method Detail

      • getIcon

        IGuiIcon getIcon()
        The icon for this element prototype, as shown in the UI.
      • getLabel

        String getLabel()
        The localized name of the prototype item, as shown in the UI.
      • getPayload

        IElementPrototypeData<TData> getPayload()
        The data for this element prototype that is used for creating a new workflow element.
      • getSearchText

        String getSearchText()
        A text that is never visible to the user, but only used when searching for an element, such as via a search input field in the UI.
      • getSortKey

        String getSortKey()
        Returns the sort key for element prototypes that are in the same getSubCategory(). Each prototype belongs to a category and is shown in that category (which may be a tab, accordion panel etc.) When there are multiple element prototypes in the same category, they are sorted according to their getSortKey().
        The key for sorting items in the same getSubCategory().
      • getSubCategory

        IElementCategory getSubCategory()
        IElementCategory element's sub category, which is used for grouping the element within the given main group.
      • getSubLabel

        String getSubLabel()
        The localized sub label of the prototype item. The sub label, when not empty, is shown below the label in a smaller font size and may provide additional details about the item.
      • getTags

        Set<EElementPrototypeTag> getTags()
        List of tags for this prototype that may affect when this prototype is visible etc.
      • getTitle

        String getTitle()
        The localized title for the prototype item. The title is the tooltip that shows up when the user hovers over the item with the mouse.