Class FlowchartModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class FlowchartModel
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Model for the Flowchart component. This is what needs to be passed to the <wf:flowchart value="..." /> property.

    Notes regarding process. Initially, when the Flowchart component is first rendered, the entire model is sent to the client as JSON. Only the client updates the process model. Updates are sent back to the server as JSON patches. This ensures that the client and the server are in sync.

    Notes regarding externalState. Initially, when the Flowchart component is first rendered, the entire state is sent to the client as JSON. Only the server updates the external state.. Updates are sent to client during a JSF AJAX update (only when the external state has actually changed.)

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • checkUpdateIndex

        public boolean checkUpdateIndex​(Long updateIndex)
        Checks whether the update received from the client is valid.
        updateIndex - Incrementing index send by the client. Patches must be received in order, or otherwise they will not work.
        Whether the update index was valid.
      • clearCollapsedNodes

        public void clearCollapsedNodes()
        Clears the hidden expansion of all nodes, making all nodes expanded again.
      • clearHiddenTasks

        public void clearHiddenTasks()
        Clears the hidden state of all tasks, making all tasks visible again.
      • getAndClearBackupClearFlag

        public boolean getAndClearBackupClearFlag()
        Clears the flag, and returns its value before it was cleared.
        The flag that indicates whether a backup exists that can be restored.
      • getAndClearUpdateSources

        public boolean getAndClearUpdateSources()
      • getCollapsedNodes

        public Set<NodeKey> getCollapsedNodes()
        A list of all workflow nodes that should be displayed as collapsed in the flowchart.
      • getFlowchartSelection

        public FlowchartSelection<?> getFlowchartSelection()
        The currently selected node or trigger.
      • getHiddenTasks

        public Set<UUID> getHiddenTasks()
        A list of all workflow tasks that should be hidden in the flowchart.
      • getHistoryInfo

        public HistoryInfo getHistoryInfo()
        Data regarding the current redo / undo history of the flowchart.
      • getParamsMap

        public Map<ElementKey,​> getParamsMap()
        The map with all custom parameters of nodes and triggers.
      • getProcessMessages

        public ElementMessageSetModel getProcessMessages()
        All validation messages for the process.
      • getProcessModel

        public ProcessModel getProcessModel()
                                     throws FastJsonException
        The current process model. Updates from the client are deserialized as necessary.
        FastJsonException - When updates from the client could not be decoded.
      • getTaskMessagesMap

        public Map<UUID,​ElementMessageSetModel> getTaskMessagesMap()
        List of messages for tasks, indexed by their UUID.
      • getVersion

        public IVersionInfo getVersion()
        Current version of certain quantities, can be used to cache certain derived quanties.
      • isHasExternalStateChanged

        public boolean isHasExternalStateChanged()
        Whether the external state has changed since the last update.
      • isShowLaneSeparators

        public boolean isShowLaneSeparators()
        Whether the lines separating individual lanes should be displayed.
      • queueElementMessagesUpdate

        public void queueElementMessagesUpdate​(ElementKey key,
                                               ElementMessageSetModel messages)
        Adds the given messages for a node or trigger to this model, and replaces all messages previously associated with that node or trigger. It transfers the updates to the client so that the flowchart gets updated.
        key - Key of a node or trigger.
        messages - New messages for the given node or trigger.
      • queueParamsUpdate

        public void queueParamsUpdate​(ElementKey key,
        When the server wants to make changes to the custom parameters of a NodeModel or TriggerModel, this method needs to be used. It transfers the updates custom parameters to the client so that the flowchart gets updated.
        key - Element for which to update the custom parameters.
        customParams - The new custom parameters for the node or trigger.
      • queuePatches

        public void queuePatches​(Collection<? extends JsonPatchUpdate> patches)
        When the model on the client side has changed, the client sends a list of JSON patch-like objects so that the server can update its model. The patches may not be applied immediately, but it is guaranteed that they are applied transparently to the process model - i.e. the next time getProcessModel() is called, it reflects the current state with all patches applied.
        patches - The patches received from the client.
      • queueProcessMessagesUpdate

        public void queueProcessMessagesUpdate​(ElementMessageSetModel messages)
        Adds the given messages for the process to this model, and replaces all messages previously associated with the process. It transfers the updates to the client so that the flowchart gets updated.
        messages - New messages for the process.
      • queueSelectionUpdate

        public void queueSelectionUpdate​(FlowchartSelection<?> selection)
      • queueTaskMessagesUpdate

        public void queueTaskMessagesUpdate​(UUID key,
                                            ElementMessageSetModel messages)
        Adds the given messages for a task to this model, and replaces all messages previously associated with that task. It transfers the updates to the client so that the flowchart gets updated.
        key - Key of a task.
        messages - New messages for the given node or trigger.
      • queueUpdateSources

        public void queueUpdateSources()
        Update the drag sources, trigger add sources and node add sources on the client. Use this when you have made changes to the node or trigger prototypes.
      • requestClearBackup

        public void requestClearBackup()
        Clear the backup saved on the client. Usually set to true after the model was persisted. You will need to update the flowchart widget for this to take effect.
      • setFlowchartSelection

        public void setFlowchartSelection​(FlowchartSelection<?> selected)
        selected - The currently selected node or trigger.
      • setHideTask

        public void setHideTask​(UUID taskUuid,
                                boolean hide)
        By default all tasks are shown. You can use this method to hide a task in the flowchart.
        taskUuid - UUID of a task-
        hide - true to hide the task, false to show it.
      • setNodeCollapsed

        public void setNodeCollapsed​(NodeKey nodeKey,
                                     boolean collapsed)
        By default all nodes are expanded. You can use this method to collapse a task in the flowchart (if it supports it).
        nodeKey - Key of a node.-
        collapsed - true to collapse the node, false to expand it.
      • setShowLaneSeparators

        public void setShowLaneSeparators​(boolean showLaneSeparators)
        showLaneSeparators - Whether the lines separating the lanes should be displayed or hidden.
      • updateElementMessages

        public void updateElementMessages​(Map<ElementKey,​ElementMessageSetModel> messageMap)
        Inserts the given messages for the node or trigger.
        messageMap - Messages for nodes and trigger to add.
      • updateExternalState

        public void updateExternalState​( externalState)
        externalState - External state that should be available within the flowchart preact state. Only values at keys contained in this object are updated on the client. That is, you can perform a partial update of the external state by just omitting the keys you do not wish to update.
      • updateHistoryInfo

        public void updateHistoryInfo​(HistoryInfo historyInfo)
        Called by the flowchart. Should usually not be called manually.
        historyInfo - New history info received from the flowchart.
      • updateNodeExpansion

        public void updateNodeExpansion​(Map<NodeKey,​Boolean> updates)
      • updateParams

        public boolean updateParams​(ElementKey key,
        Replaces the custom node or trigger parameters with the given data.
        key - Key of a node or trigger for which to the the custom parameters.
        customParams - New parameters for the node or trigger.
        true if anything was changed, false if nothing was changed.
      • updateProcessMessages

        public void updateProcessMessages​(ElementMessageSetModel messages)
        Sets the given messages for the process.
        messages - New messages for the process to set.
      • updateTaskMessages

        public void updateTaskMessages​(Map<UUID,​ElementMessageSetModel> messageMap)
        Inserts the given messages for the tasks.
        messageMap - Messages for tasks to add.
      • updateTaskMessages

        public void updateTaskMessages​(UUID key,
                                       ElementMessageSetModel messages)
        Inserts the given messages for a task.
        key - UUID of a task.
        messages - Messages for the task add.
      • empty

        public static FlowchartModel empty()
        Creates a new flowchart model with the default for all values.
        A new flowchart model with the defaults.
      • of

        public static FlowchartModel of​(ProcessModel processModel,
                                        Map<ElementKey,​> customParamsMap)
                                 throws FastJsonException
        Creates a new flowchart model with the given data.
        processModel - Process model to use.
        customParamsMap - Map with custom properties of nodes and triggers.
        A new flowchart model with the given initial data and all other data set to defaults.
        FastJsonException - When the custom params map could not be deserialized.
      • withMessages

        public static FlowchartModel withMessages​(ProcessModel processModel,
                                                  Map<ElementKey,​> customParamsMap,
                                                  ElementMessageSetModel processMessages,
                                                  Map<UUID,​ElementMessageSetModel> taskMessagesMap,
                                                  Map<ElementKey,​ElementMessageSetModel> elementMessagesMap)
                                           throws FastJsonException
        Creates a new flowchart model with the given data.
        processModel - Process model to use.
        customParamsMap - Map with custom properties of nodes and triggers.
        processMessages - Messages for the process.
        taskMessagesMap - Messages for tasks.
        elementMessagesMap - Messages for nodes and triggers.
        A new flowchart model with the given initial data and all other data set to defaults.
        FastJsonException - When the custom params map could not be deserialized.