Interface MetadataCurrentUser

This object contains all the data related to a user within FORMCYCLE. To access the user currently signed in, use XFC_METADATA.currentUser. In case the user is not signed in, the user data refers to an anonymous user. For example, the first name (currentUser.surename) is set to [Anonymous].


  • MetadataCurrentUser




WARNING!: string

A warning message informing you that this object is deprecated and scheduled to be removed soon.


active: "ACTIVE" | "LOCKED" | "DELETED"

The current status of this user, ie. whether the user is currently active, locked, or was deleted.

Optional email

email: string

Optional email of this user.

Optional forename

forename: string

The first or given name of this user.


ldap: object

An object containing the LDAP structure of the user that was authenticated via NTLM. This is an empty when the user did not authenticate via NTLM.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

Optional mandant

mandant: string

The (optional) name of the client to which this user belongs to.

Optional phonennumber

phonennumber: string

The (optional) phone number of this user.

Optional role

role: string

The (optional) role to which this user was assigned.


surename: string

The last or family name of this user.


title: "KEINE_ANGABE" | "HERR" | "FRAU" | "DIVERS"

The form of address of this user.


usergroups: string[]

A list of user groups to which this user belongs.

Optional username

username: string

The username of this user.