Options that may be passed to auto numeric during initialization.


  • InitOptions




aDec: string

Controls the decimal character. Default is a period (.).


aForm: boolean

Controls if default (initial) values are formatted on page ready (load).

  • true: Initial values are formatted on page ready (this is the default behavior)
  • false: Initial values are not formatted on page ready. Formatting starts once the user starts typing.


aPad: boolean

Controls padding of the decimal places. true: always pads the decimal with zeros (default) false: no padding


aSep: string

Controls the thousand separator character. Default is comma (,).


aSign: string

Displays the desired currency or unit symbol (examples: or EUR). Default is undefined.

If not set, no unit symbol is shown.


altDec: string

This was developed to accommodate for different keyboard layouts. altDec allows you to declare an alternative key to enter the decimal separator assigned in aDec


dGroup: GroupMode

Controls the digital grouping and the placement of the thousand separator, eg.

  • 2: Groups of hundreds, eg. 13,24,98
  • 3: Groups of thousands, eg. 132,498 (default)
  • 4: Groups of ten-thousands, eg. 13,2498


lZero: ZeroMode

Controls leading zeros behavior.

  • allow: Allows leading zero to be entered. They are removed on focusout event (default).
  • deny: Leading zeros not allowed.
  • keep: Leading zeros allowed and will be retained on the focusout event.


mDec: number

Overrides the decimal places that that are set via the vMin / vMax settings. Default is undefined.


mRound: RoundMode

Sets the rounding method used. Available methods are:

  • S: Round-Half-Up Symmetric (default)
  • A: Round-Half-Up Asymmetric
  • s: Round-Half-Down Symmetric
  • a: Round-Half-Down Asymmetric
  • B: Round-Half-Even "Bankers Rounding"
  • U: Round Up "Round-Away-From-Zero"
  • D: Round Down "Round-Toward-Zero" - same as truncate
  • C: Round to Ceiling "Toward Positive Infinity"
  • F: Round to Floor "Toward Negative Infinity"
  • CHF: Rounding for Swiss currency "to the nearest .00 or .05"


nBracket: BracketMode

Controls if negative values are displayed with brackets when the input does not have focus. Default is undefined.


pSign: SignMode

Controls the placement of the currency or unit symbol (prefix or suffix).

  • p: prefix to the left (default).
  • s: suffix to the right.


vMax: number

Controls the maximum allowed value. Default is 9999999999999.99.


vMin: number

Controls the minimum allowed value. Default is -9999999999999.99.


wEmpty: EmptyMode

Controls input display behavior.

  • empty: Allows input to be empty (default)
  • zero: Input field will have at least a zero value.
  • sign: The currency symbol is always present.