Assignment |
An assignment from a name to a value.
AssignmentStatement |
An property statement assigning a value to a named property.
AttributeListBuilder |
Type safe builder for a list of graphviz dot graph attributes.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeArrowHead |
The arrowhead attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeArrowSize |
The arrowsize attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeArrowTail |
The arrowtail attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeBgColor |
The bgcolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeClass |
The class attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeCluster |
The cluster attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeClusterRank |
The clusterrank attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeColor |
The color attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeConstraint |
The constraint attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeDirection |
The dir attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeEdgeStyle |
The style attribute for edges.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeEdgeTooltip |
The edgetooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeExteriorLabelPosition |
The xlp attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeExternalLabel |
The xlabel attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeFillColor |
The fillcolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeFontColor |
The fontcolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeFontName |
The fontname attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeFontSize |
The fontsize attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeGraphRoot |
The root attribute for graphs.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeHeadLabel |
The headlabel attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeHeadTooltip |
The headtooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeHeight |
The with attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabel |
The label attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabelCenterPosition |
The lp attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabelFontColor |
The labelfontcolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabelLocation |
The labelloc attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabelTooltip |
The labeltooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeMargin |
The margin attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeNodeRoot |
The root attribute for nodes.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeNodeSeparation |
The nodsep attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeNodeStyle |
The style attribute for nodes.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeOrdering |
The ordering attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributePenColor |
The pencolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributePenWidth |
The penwith attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributePeripheries |
The peripheries attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeRankDirection |
The rankdir attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeRankSeparation |
The ranksep attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeShape |
The shape attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeShowBoxes |
The showboxes attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeSubGraphStyle |
The style attribute for sub graphs.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeTailLabel |
The taillabel attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeTailTooltip |
The tailtooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeTooltip |
The tooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeTrueColor |
The truecolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeWidth |
The with attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.BuilderEdge |
AttributeListBuilder.BuilderGraph |
AttributeListBuilder.BuilderNode |
AttributeListBuilder.BuilderSubGraph |
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinColor |
Mixin for attributes that accept a single color.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinColorList |
Mixin for attributes that accept a color list.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLabelString |
Mixin for attributes that accept a label string.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLength |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with some unit.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLengthInches |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with the unit inches.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLengthList |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with the some unit.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLengthListInches |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with the unit inches.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLengthPoints |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with the unit pints.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinPoint |
Mixin for attributes that accept a point.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinStyleList |
Mixin for attributes that accept a style list.
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute |
A named attribute for a dot graph.
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.Edge |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.Graph |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.Node |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.SubGraph |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor |
Models the type of a graphviz element attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.E |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.Edge |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.G |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GN |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GNE |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.Graph |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GS |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GSE |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GSN |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GSNE |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.N |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.NE |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.Node |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.S |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.SN |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.SNE |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.SubGraph |
AttributeStatement |
An attribute statement assigning default properties to a graph, node, or edge.
Color |
A single color for graphviz.
ColorList |
A list of weighed colors, used e.g.
DirectedEdgeStatement |
A directed edge statement.
DirectedGraph |
A directed graph.
DirectedSubGraph |
A sub graph statement with directed edges.
DirectedSubGraphExpression |
A sub graph expression with directed edges.
DoubleList |
A list of doubles.
EArrowHeadDirection |
Enumeration of the possible values for the dir attribute.
EArrowShape |
Graphviz arrow head shapes.
EAttributeStatementType |
Enumeration of the different types of attribute statements in a graph dot graph.
EClusterMode |
Possible values for the clusterrank attribute.
EColorSchemeSvg |
Graphviz color names for the SVG scheme.
EColorSchemeX11 |
Graphviz color names for the X11 schema.
ECompassPointType |
Enumeration of the compass point types in a graph dot graph.
EdgeAttributeList |
An attribute list for edges.
EEdgeStyle |
Graphviz styles for edges.
EEdgeType |
Enumeration of the edge types of a graph dot graph.
EGraphType |
Enumeration of the type of a graph dot graph.
ELabelLocation |
Enumeration of the values for the label location attribute.
ENodeStyle |
Graphviz styles for nodes.
EOrdering |
Enumeration for the values of the ordering attribute, which constrains the left-to-right ordering of
node edges.
ERankDirection |
Enumeration of the values for the rankdir attribute.
EShape |
Shapes for graphviz nodes.
EShowBoxesMode |
Enumeration of the modes for the showboxes attribute.
EStandardAttribute |
Standard graphviz attribute names.
ESubGraphStyle |
Graphviz styles for graphs and sub graphs.
GraphAttributeList |
An attribute list for graphs.
GraphDotModelWriter |
Writer for creating content conforming to the graphviz dot language syntax specification, see DOT Language.
GraphDotProductionWriter |
Writer for creating content conforming to the graphviz dot language syntax specification, see DOT Language.
GraphDotTokenWriter |
Writer for creating content conforming to the graphviz dot language syntax specification, see DOT Language.
IDirectedGraphDotStatement |
Base type for all graph dot statements that can be used in directed graphs.
IGenericGraphDotStatement |
A statement that can be used both in directed and undirected graphs.
IGraphDotAttributeList |
Base type for attribute lists.
IGraphDotEdgeSpecifier |
Interface for elements that may appear as the source or target node in an edge statement.
IGraphDotEdgeStatement |
Base type for directed and undirected edge statements.
IGraphDotElement |
Base type for all graph dot elements.
IGraphDotGraph |
Base type for directed and undirected graphs.
IGraphDotStatement |
Base type for all graph dot elements that can be used as statements.
IGraphDotSubGraph |
Base type for directed and undirected graph dot sub graphs.
IGraphDotSubGraphExpression |
Base type for directed and undirected graph dot sub graph statements.
IStyle |
A graphviz style for graphs, nodes, or edges.
IUndirectedGraphDotStatement |
Base type for all graph dot statements that can be used in undirected graphs.
LabelString |
Represents a label string, either plain text or HTML.
Length |
A length with some intrinsic unit for graphviz attribute values.
Length.Inches |
A Length with the intrinsic unit inches.
Length.LengthFactory |
Factory for creating length values in various different units.
Length.Points |
A Length with the intrinsic unit points.
LengthList |
A list of length values.
LengthList.LengthListFactory |
A factory for creating LengthList from values in a given unit.
LengthPoint |
A graphviz 2D or 3D point with a length unit.
LengthPoint.LengthPointFactory |
A factory for creating LengthPoint from values in a given unit.
NodeAttributeList |
An attribute list for nodes.
NodeId |
Represents a graph dot node ID.
NodeStatement |
A graph dot element that represents a node statement.
Point |
A graphviz 2D or 3D point.
Port |
Represents a graph dot port.
StyleList |
A list of doubles.
SubGraphAttributeList |
An attribute list for sub graphs.
UndirectedEdgeStatement |
A undirected edge statement.
UndirectedGraph |
An undirected graph.
UndirectedSubGraph |
A sub graph statement with undirected edges.
UndirectedSubGraphExpression |
A sub graph expression with undirected edges.
WeighedColor |
A weighted color, used in color lists for gradients etc.