Interface IPluginFormRenderCallback

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IFCPlugin, INamedUiElement, INameProviding, ITransferable, Serializable

    public interface IPluginFormRenderCallback
    extends IFCPlugin
    Plugins that allows the form render process to be customized. Consists of a set of callbacks that are invoked at certain stages of the form render lifecycle. More callback methods may be added later as required.

    Can be used, for example, to modify rendered form elements, such as in combination with a IPluginFormElementPropertiesExtension in order to render custom properties added to built-in elements.

    • Method Detail

      • createCallbacks

        Iterable<? extends IFormRenderPluginCallback> createCallbacks()
        Gets a list of callbacks to invoke when a form is rendered.

        This method is invoked once each time a form is rendered. If you need to share any state between several callback methods, you can create a new callback instance each time. Implementations must not be thread-safe,they are used only on a single thread during a single form render operation.

        Note that sometimes items are rendered in isolation, without an associated form (such as within the form designer UI). In such cases, this method is invoked once for each such item.

        A list of callbacks to invoke when a form is rendered.
        RuntimeException - Any exceptions are caught, logged, and ignored otherwise.