Class ValueParameters

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ValueParameters
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Represents the parameters of form HTTP request as key-value pairs. They are grouped according to their type. For each key, there may exists multiple values. This class also provides some utility methods such as to get the first value for a certain key.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ValueParameters

        public ValueParameters()
    • Method Detail

      • setProzessParameterMap

        public void setProzessParameterMap​(Map<String,​List<String>> prozessParameterMap)
      • setRenderParameterMap

        public void setRenderParameterMap​(Map<String,​List<String>> renderParameterMap)
      • getAttachmentsUuidSet

        public Set<String> getAttachmentsUuidSet()
        A set with all UUIDs of the attachments for the current FormEingang.
      • setAttachmentsUuidSet

        public void setAttachmentsUuidSet​(Set<String> attachmentsUuidSet)
      • getSingleValue

        public String getSingleValue​(String key)
        key - The key of a request parameter to retrieve.
        All values for the given key, joined with a comma. When no value exists for the given key, returns the empty string.
      • getRenderParam

        public String getRenderParam​(String key)
        When multiple values exists for a render parameters, this returns all of them separated with a comma. This usually occurs when the render parameter is specified twice (such as via URL and post parameters) -- in that case, it usually has the same value. Use getRenderParameter(String) to get that value. Otherwise, if you expect multiple values, use getRenderParameters(String).
        key - The key of a render parameter to retrieve. This key may or may not start with the CmnConst.RenderParams.PREFIX.
        All values for the given key, separated with commas. When no value exists for the given key, returns the empty string.
      • getRenderParameters

        public List<String> getRenderParameters​(String key)
        key - The key of a render parameter to retrieve. When the key does not start with CmnConst.RenderParams.PREFIX, that prefix is added to the key.
        The first value for the given key. When no value exists for the given key, returns the empty list.
      • getRenderParameter

        public String getRenderParameter​(String key)
        key - The key of a render parameter to retrieve. When the key does not start with CmnConst.RenderParams.PREFIX, that prefix is added to the key.
        The first value for the given key. When no value exists for the given key, returns the empty string.
      • getProzessParam

        public String getProzessParam​(String key)
        When multiple values exists for a processing parameters, this returns all of them separated with a comma. This usually occurs when the processing parameter is specified twice (as a URL parameter and as an input field) -- in that case, it usually has the same value. Use getProcessParameter(String) to get that value. Otherwise, if you expect multiple values, use getProcessParameters(String).
        key - The key of a process parameter to retrieve. This key may or may not start with the CmnConst.ProzessParams.PREFIX.
        All values for the given key, separated with commas. When no value exists for the given key, returns the empty string.
      • getProcessParameters

        public List<String> getProcessParameters​(String key)
        key - The key of a process parameter to retrieve. The CmnConst.ProzessParams.PREFIX is added when the key does not have that prefix already.
        All values for the given processing parameters key. When no value exists for the given key, returns the empty list.
      • getProcessParameter

        public String getProcessParameter​(String key)
        key - The key of a process parameter to retrieve. The CmnConst.ProzessParams.PREFIX is added when the key does not have that prefix already.
        The first value for the given key. When no value exists for the given key, returns the empty string.