Class LiquibaseDBUtils

  • public class LiquibaseDBUtils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • LiquibaseDBUtils

        public LiquibaseDBUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • dropTable

        public static void dropTable​(IEntityContext ec,
                                     String tableName)
                              throws Exception
        Method to drop a table while using the underlying database connection. In order for the deletion to take place, the system first checks whether the table exists. If the table does not exist a log-entry is being written and processing is aborted.
        ec - the entity context for the database-connection to use
        tableName - the name of the table to delete
        Exception - on errors while dropping the table
      • createTable

        public static void createTable​(IEntityContext ec,
                                       String tableName,
                                       ArrayList<String> colNames,
                                       String colType)
                                throws Exception
        Method to create a table while using the underlying database connection. In order for the table to be created, it is first checked whether the table does not exist. If the table already exists, a log message is displayed and processing is aborted.
        ec - the entity context for the database-connection to use
        tableName - the name of the table to create
        colNames - the names of the columns to use for this table
        colType - the type of the columns to use for this table
      • getTableExistsPrecondition

        public static liquibase.precondition.core.TableExistsPrecondition getTableExistsPrecondition​(liquibase.database.Database db,
                                                                                                     String tableName)
                                                                                              throws liquibase.exception.DatabaseException
        Method to create a TableExistsPrecondition to checks if a table exists.
        db - the database to check the table existence for
        tableName - the name of the table to check for
        TableExistsPrecondition the resulting check
      • getForeignKeyExistsPrecondition

        public static liquibase.precondition.core.ForeignKeyExistsPrecondition getForeignKeyExistsPrecondition​(liquibase.database.Database db,
                                                                                                               String tableName,
                                                                                                               String foreignKey)
                                                                                                        throws liquibase.exception.DatabaseException
        Method to create a ForeignKeyExistsPrecondition check if a foreign key exists
        db - the database to use
        tableName - the name of the table to check for the foreign key
        foreignKey - the name of the foreign key to check
        ForeignKeyExistsPrecondition the resulting check
      • getAddForeignKeyConstraintStatement

        public static liquibase.sql.Sql[] getAddForeignKeyConstraintStatement​(liquibase.database.Database db,
                                                                              String tableName)
      • getForeignKeyName

        public static String getForeignKeyName​(String tableName)
      • getPrimaryKeyName

        public static String getPrimaryKeyName​(String tableName)