CreateIndirectClientAuthorizations_8_0 |
CreateLdapAuthenticatorsUpdate_8_0 |
System update that creates all necessary LDAP authenticators
DeactivateNtlmUpdate_8_0 |
System update that deactivates the NTLM configuration if it is active.
I18NVariableInputElementCounterUpdate_8_1 |
Update of the i18n variable 'lettersLeft' for the new input element counter api on a textarea element.
InitMimeCheckActivationUpdate_8_1 |
System update that sets the initial value of the 'deactivate content type verification for uploads' system property.
KerberosConfigMigrationUpdate_8_0_4 |
MigrateClientLdapData_8_0 |
Creates LDAP connections for all MandantLdapData and connects them with appropriate LDAP queries or actions.
MigrateOldWorkflowUserReferencesUpdate_8 |
Deprecated. |
MigrateUserGroupReferencesInFormDesignerToUuid_8_0_4 |
Before version 8.0.4, references to user groups in the form designer used the name of the user group.
MigrateUsersUpdate_8_0 |
Migrates all users to user profiles and creates client authorizations
MigrateWorkflowUserReferencesUpdate_8_0 |
RenameQuartzTriggerJobName_8_0 |
Renames all group names of timed workflow trigger quartz trigger and jobs from scheme
_WORKFLOW_TRIGGER__pid#_cid# .
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_8_0 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_8_0_2 |
TemplateUpdate_8_0 |
Adds new MAIL templates for the new user management.