AAttachmentListResolutionError |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.AAttachmentItemResolutionError |
Abstract class for all errors specific to an attachment item.
AAttachmentListResolutionError.AttachmentCountReducedToZeroByFilter |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.AttachmentQueryDoesNotMatch |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.CannotProcessAttachmentItem |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.CannotProcessAttachmentList |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.DatabaseError |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.FileSystemError |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotExist |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotProvideAttachments |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.NodeNotExecuted |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotExist |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotProvideAttachments |
AbstractAbruptCompletionException |
Indicates that execution of a workflow node ended abruptly.
AbstractXfcException |
Diese Klasse ist die Superklasse von denen alle neudefinierten Exceptions erben sollen.
AbstractXfcRuntimeException |
Diese Klasse ist die Superklasse von denen alle neudefinierten Exceptions erben sollen.
AFileListResolutionError |
AFileListResolutionError.AResourceItemResolutionError |
Abstract class for all errors specific to a resource item.
AFileListResolutionError.AttachmentQueryDoesNotMatch |
AFileListResolutionError.CannotProcessFileList |
AFileListResolutionError.CannotProcessResourceItem |
AFileListResolutionError.ClientFileDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.DatabaseError |
AFileListResolutionError.ExternalUrlCannotBeRead |
AFileListResolutionError.ExternalUrlIsSyntacticallyInvalid |
AFileListResolutionError.FileCountReducedToZeroByFilter |
AFileListResolutionError.FileSystemError |
AFileListResolutionError.FormFileDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotProvideFiles |
AFileListResolutionError.NodeNotExecuted |
AFileListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotProvideFiles |
AjaxUploadException |
When an error occurred in the AJAX upload servlet.
ArchiveException |
Exception for failed email archiving.
ContextBuilderException |
CouldNotLockFormRecordException |
Indicates that a form record could not be locked
DuplicateFormElementAliasException |
Exception thrown when a multiple form elements have got the same alias, such as when persisting a form version.
ExecutionAbortedException |
Indicates that execution of a workflow node was aborted.
FastJsonException |
Similar to JSONException , but with the difference that this is a checked exception.
FileFormatException |
A particular IOException caused by an invalid file format
HasReferenceException |
An exception that indicates that a certain operation cannot be performed on an entity, due to that entity still being
reference by other entities.
InvalidUriPathSegmentNameException |
Exception when a name is encountered that cannot be used literally as a URI path segment .
IsNotAssignableException |
LoginLockedException |
MailContextNotAvailableException |
Exception thrown when an email cannot be send because no mail context (=mail server configuration) is available.
MalwareDetectedException |
Generic exception that is thrown when a file or some data was detected to contain malware.
MismatchingChecksumException |
A special IOException thrown when the actual checksum (e.g.
MissingEntityException |
NodeReturnedException |
Indicates that an exception occurred during the execution of a workflow node.
NodeSoftErrorException |
Indicates that a soft error occurred during the execution of a workflow node.
NodeThrewException |
Indicates that execution of a workflow node ended abruptly via a throw statement, including exceptions thrown by the
workflow runtime engine.
PatternNotFoundException |
PostPersistValidationException |
When form record validation failed after the form record was persisted.
PropertyException |
'Checked Exception' für Probleme bei der Property-Verarbeitung.
ResourceAccessCheckException |
Exception that is thrown when access to a resource could not be checked due an unhandled or unforeseen error.
SystemUpdateException |
TransformationException |
ValidationException |
Ausnahme für fehlgeschlagene Validierungen.
WorkflowAnalysisException |
WorkflowEventRunnerException |
Exception thrown by the workflow event runner.
WorkflowPlaceholderException |
Exception thrown by the workflow placeholder refactorer.
WorkflowProcessingException |
Diese Exception tritt in der Workflowabarbeitung auf und wird von konkreten Aktionsverarbeitungen (
IProcessing -Implementierungen) geworfen.
WorkflowTaskExecutionException |
Exception thrown by the task runner when a task could not be executed.
WorkflowValidationException |
This exception is thrown when an error occurs during workflow validation.
XfcExportException |
XfcUpdateException |