Class ImportConfigDataFactory

  • public class ImportConfigDataFactory
    extends Object
    Factory for generating import config data
    XIMA MEDIA GmbH, Dresden - 19.02.2021
    • Method Detail

      • newImportConfig

        public static final <T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> IEntityImportConfig<?> newImportConfig​(IEntityContext ec,
                                                                                                                        de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long> contextEntity,
                                                                                                                        IEntityDeserializationResult<T> importEntityData,
                                                                                                                        IExportUnzipResult exportResult,
                                                                                                                        T entityToOverride)
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of entity to import
        ec - opened IEntityContext that may be used
        contextEntity - entity that is the context of the entity that is to be imported, e.g. the Mandant in which a Projekt is to be imported.
        importEntityData - data of thet entity that is to be imported
        exportResult - the result of unzipping a formcycle export file
        entityToOverride - the entity that is supposed to be overridden. May be null if no entity should be overridden.
        import config for the given entity data