Class PluginManager

  • public class PluginManager
    extends Object
    Class for managing plugins
    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginManager

        public PluginManager()
    • Method Detail

      • initPlugins

        public static void initPlugins()
        Initialize all plugins stored in the database
      • registerSystemPlugin

        public static void registerSystemPlugin​(Class<? extends IFCPlugin> clazz,
                                                String runtimeKey)
                                         throws FCPluginException
        Method to register a plugin-class in system-scope
        clazz - IFCPlugin-class to register
        runtimeKey - Runtime key (UUID) of the plugin to register.
        FCPluginException - When the the plugin could not be registered.
      • registerClientPlugin

        public static <T extends IFCPlugin> void registerClientPlugin​(Mandant man,
                                                                      Class<T> clazz,
                                                                      String runtimeKey)
                                                               throws FCPluginException
        Method to register a plugin-class in scope of the given client
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the plugin to register.
        man - The client for which to register the plugin.
        clazz - The class of the plugin to register.
        runtimeKey - Runtime key (UUID) of the plugin to register.
        FCPluginException - When the the plugin could not be registered.
      • registerPlugin

        public static <T extends IFCPlugin> void registerPlugin​(boolean isInstall,
                                                                PluginRuntime prtm,
                                                                Class<T> clazz)
                                                         throws FCPluginException
        Register a plugin to the given key and PluginRuntime
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the plugin to register.
        isInstall - true if the plugin is installed for the first time, false if the plugin configuration is only updated.
        prtm - The runtime of the plugin to register.
        clazz - Class of the plugin to register.
        FCPluginException - When the plugin could not be registered.
      • releasePlugins

        public static void releasePlugins()
        Releases all registered plugins
      • uninstallPlugin

        public static void uninstallPlugin​(String scopeKey,
                                           String runtimeKey)
                                    throws IOException
        scopeKey - the plugin scope key
        runtimeKey - the plugin runtime key
        IOException - on errors while uninstall
      • getClientPlugins

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<T> getClientPlugins​(Mandant client,
                                                                    Class<T> pluginType)
        Get a set of plugins with the given interfaces registered to the given client
        client - The client-scope to use for retrieving client plugins, if any.
        pluginType - Type of the plugins to retrieve.
        All active plugins for the given client, if any (does not include systm plugins!)
      • getClientPlugins

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<T> getClientPlugins​(UUID clientUuid,
                                                                    Class<T> pluginType)
        Get a set of plugins with the given interfaces registered to the given client
        clientUuid - The client-scope to use for retrieving client plugins, if any.
        pluginType - Type of the plugins to retrieve.
        All active plugins for the given client, if any (does not include systm plugins!)
      • getClientPluginsWithRuntime

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<PluginRuntime,​T>> getClientPluginsWithRuntime​(Mandant client,
                                                                                                                                        Class<T> clazz)
      • getClientPluginsWithRuntime

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<PluginRuntime,​T>> getClientPluginsWithRuntime​(UUID clientUuid,
                                                                                                                                        Class<T> clazz)
      • getClientPlugins

        public static Set<PluginRuntime> getClientPlugins​(Mandant client)
        Gets a list of all plugin runtimes registered to the given client (not including system plugins!)
        client - A client for which to retrieve the plugins.
        A list of all plugin runtimes corresponding to the plugin installed for the given client
      • getClientPlugins

        public static Set<PluginRuntime> getClientPlugins​(UUID clientUuid)
        Gets a list of all plugin runtimes registered to the given client (not including system plugins!)
        clientUuid - UUID of a client.
        A list of all plugin runtimes corresponding to the plugin installed for the given client
      • getSystemPlugins

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<T> getSystemPlugins​(Class<T> clazz)
        Get a set of plugins with the given interfaces registered in system-scope
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the plugins to retrieve.
        clazz - IFCPlugin-interface
        Set of IFCPlugin-instances
      • getSystemPluginsWithRuntime

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<PluginRuntime,​T>> getSystemPluginsWithRuntime​(Class<T> clazz)
      • getAllPlugins

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<T> getAllPlugins​(Mandant client,
                                                                 Class<T> pluginType)
        Get a set of plugins with the given interface registered in system-scope OR to the given client. (client-scope wins over system-scope)
        client - Client scope for which to retrieve all plugins.
        pluginType - Type of the plugins to retrieve.
        All plugins from the given client (if any) and from the system scope. A client-scoped plugin overwrites a system-scoped plugin.
      • getAllPlugins

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<T> getAllPlugins​(UUID clientUuid,
                                                                 Class<T> pluginType)
        Get a set of plugins with the given interface registered in system-scope OR to the given client. (client-scope wins over system-scope)
        clientUuid - UUID of a client.
        pluginType - Type of the plugins to retrieve.
        All plugins from the given client (if any) and from the system scope. A client-scoped plugin overwrites a system-scoped plugin.
      • getAllPluginsWithRuntime

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<PluginRuntime,​T>> getAllPluginsWithRuntime​(Mandant man,
                                                                                                                                     Class<T> clazz)
      • getAllPluginsWithRuntime

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<PluginRuntime,​T>> getAllPluginsWithRuntime​(UUID clientUuid,
                                                                                                                                     Class<T> clazz)
      • getRegisteredPlugins

        public static <T extends IFCPluginSet<T> getRegisteredPlugins​(Class<T> clazz)
        Get a set with all registered plugins of the given IFCPlugin-interface
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the plugins to retrieve.
        clazz - IFCPlugin-interfaces
        Set of IFCPlugin-instances
      • getPluginByName

        public static <T extends IFCPlugin> T getPluginByName​(Mandant man,
                                                              Class<T> clazz,
                                                              String pluginName)
        Get a plugin by name and IFCPlugin-interface from client- and system-scope
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the plugins to retrieve.
        man - The client from which to retrieve the plugins.
        clazz - IFCPlugin-interface to search for
        pluginName - String name of the searched plugin
        IFCPlugin-instance or null if no plugin could be found
      • getPluginByNameWithRuntime

        public static <T extends IFCPlugin> org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<PluginRuntime,​T> getPluginByNameWithRuntime​(Mandant man,
                                                                                                                                  Class<T> clazz,
                                                                                                                                  String pluginName)
      • getSystemPluginByName

        public static <T extends IFCPlugin> T getSystemPluginByName​(Class<T> clazz,
                                                                    String pluginName)
        Get a system-plugin by name, IFCPlugin-interface
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the plugins to retrieve.
        clazz - IFCPlugin-interface to search for
        pluginName - String name of the searched plugin
        IFCPlugin-instance or null if no plugin could be found
      • createSystemProtocolEntry

        public static void createSystemProtocolEntry​(UserContext uc,
                                                     String protocolEntry,
                                                     Object... params)
        Creates a system protocol entry
        uc - UserContext
        protocolEntry - String protocol-text
        params - Objects parameters
      • createClientProtocolEntry

        public static void createClientProtocolEntry​(UserContext uc,
                                                     Mandant man,
                                                     String protocolEntry,
                                                     Object... params)
        Creates a client protocol entry
        uc - UserContext with the user who uploaded the plugin.
        man - The client for which to create the protocol entry.
        protocolEntry - String protocol-text
        params - Objects parameters
      • isPluginJar

        public static boolean isPluginJar​(File file)
      • getMandantPlugins

        public static SortedSet<IFCPlugin> getMandantPlugins​(Mandant man,
                                                             EPluginTypes type)
        will be removed!
        man - The client scope from which to retrieve plugins.
        type - The type of the plugins to retrieve.
        A set of all matching plugins.
      • getMandantPluginByName

        public static IFCPlugin getMandantPluginByName​(Mandant man,
                                                       EPluginTypes type,
                                                       String pluginName)
        will be removed!
        man - The client scope from which to retrieve plugins.
        type - The type of the plugins to retrieve.
        pluginName - The name of the plugin to retrieve.
        The plugin or null when no plugin matches.
      • scanAndRegisterSystemPlugin

        public static boolean scanAndRegisterSystemPlugin​(PluginRuntime pluginMeta,
                                                          byte[] jarData)
        pluginMeta - Runtime of the plugin to register.
        jarData - Binary content of the JAR file to register.
        Always false - this method is deprecated!
      • scanAndRegisterMandantPlugin

        public static boolean scanAndRegisterMandantPlugin​(Mandant man,
                                                           PluginRuntime pluginMeta,
                                                           byte[] jarData)
        man - The client for which to register a plugin.
        pluginMeta - Runtime of the plugin to register.
        jarData - Binary content of the JAR file to register.
        Always false - this method is deprecated!