Interface IProtokollHandler

    • Method Detail

      • addMalwareDetectedProtocolEntry

        void addMalwareDetectedProtocolEntry​(UserContext uc,
                                             String scannedItem,
                                             MalwareScanReport report)
        Adds a system protocol entry when malware was detected in a file or some data.
        uc - The current user who uploaded the file containing malware.
        scannedItem - A description of the scanned file that was found to contain malware, e.g. the name of an upload element or the name of an attachment.
        report - The malware scan report. When MalwareScanReport.isSafe() is true, no protocol entry
      • addMalwareDetectedProtocolEntry

        void addMalwareDetectedProtocolEntry​(UserContext uc,
                                             String scannedItem,
                                             MalwareScanReport report,
                                             Mandant client)
        Adds a client protocol entry when malware was detected in a file or some data.
        uc - The current user who uploaded the file containing malware.
        scannedItem - A description of the scanned file that was found to contain malware, e.g. the name of an upload element or the name of an attachment.
        report - The malware scan report. When MalwareScanReport.isSafe() is true, no protocol entry is added.
        client - The client scope containing the file or data with malware.
      • addMalwareDetectedProtocolEntry

        void addMalwareDetectedProtocolEntry​(UserContext uc,
                                             String scannedItem,
                                             MalwareScanReport report,
                                             Vorgang formRecord)
        Adds a processing protocol entry when malware was detected in a file or some data.
        uc - The current user who uploaded the file containing malware.
        scannedItem - A description of the scanned file that was found to contain malware, e.g. the name of an upload element or the name of an attachment.
        report - The malware scan report. When MalwareScanReport.isSafe() is true, no protocol entry is added.
        formRecord - The form record to which the file belongs.
      • getProcessProtocolPdf

        byte[] getProcessProtocolPdf​(UserContext uc,
                                     Vorgang process,
                                     Locale locale)
        Returns a byte array, that represents the history of a given process as a PDF file.
        uc - The current user to get the PDF file
        process - The form record for which to create a protocol entry.
        locale - the given locale
        The byte array that represents the PDF file
      • getProcessProtocolHtml

        byte[] getProcessProtocolHtml​(UserContext uc,
                                      Vorgang process,
                                      Locale locale)
        Creates an HTML string that represents the history of a given form record.
        uc - User context for accessing the API and database.
        process - Form record for which to retrieve the history.
        locale - Locale for rendering the history.
        The HTML string with the protocol data.