Interface IFD2ReplacerProvider

    • Method Detail

      • parse

        String parse​(String text,
                     IXFormRenderConfig renderConfig,
                     boolean escapeHtml)
        Replaces placeholders in the given text, using the data from the given render config.
        text - Text that may contain placeholders to replace.
        renderConfig - Render config to use for the replacement process.
        escapeHtml - true to escape HTML in form placeholders, false otherwise.
        The text with all placeholders replaced.
      • parse

        default String parse​(String text,
                             IXFormRenderConfig renderConfig)
        Replaces placeholders in the given text, using the data from the given render config.
        text - Text that may contain placeholders to replace.
        renderConfig - Render config to use for the replacement process.
        The text with all placeholders replaced.