Interface ILicensePromaApi

  • public interface ILicensePromaApi
    API for interacting with license resources via PROMA (product manager).
    • Method Detail

      • createDemoLicense

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<byte[]>,​R> createDemoLicense​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                         Locale locale)
        This method creates a demo license for the given parent license resource and returns the status code and on success the demo license data as a byte array.
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        licenseResource - the license resource of the parent license
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        The demo license data as byte array, if available, may be null.
      • getAllLicenseItemsAsFile

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<Collection<byte[]>>,​R> getAllLicenseItemsAsFile​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                                            String productLicenseKey,
                                                                                            Locale locale)
        This method returns the status code of the http request and the all license items in a ZIP file of the given product license if the request was successful
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        productLicenseKey - the key of the product license for fetching
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        All license items in a ZIP file of the given product license if the request was successful.
      • getAllLicenseItemsAsResource

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<>,​R> getAllLicenseItemsAsResource​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                                                                                               String productLicenseKey,
                                                                                                                                               Locale locale)
        This method returns the status code of the http request and the all license items of the given product license if the request was successful
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        productLicenseKey - the key of the product license for fetching
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        All license items of the given product license if the request was successful.
      • getAllSubLicenses

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<Collection<byte[]>>,​R> getAllSubLicenses​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                                     String licenseKey,
                                                                                     Locale locale)
        This method returns the status code of the request and all sub license files in a ZIP file with request was successful
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        licenseKey - the key of the item for fetching
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        All sub license files of a license if the request was successful
      • getLicenseFile

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<byte[]>,​R> getLicenseFile​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                      String licenseKey,
                                                                      Locale locale)
        This method returns a license file as byte array for a given license key.
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        licenseKey - the key of a license
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        A byte array of the license file, if successful.
      • getLicenseItem

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<byte[]>,​R> getLicenseItem​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                      String itemLicenseKey,
                                                                      Locale locale)
        This method returns the status code of the http request and the license item file if the request was successful
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        itemLicenseKey - the key of the item for fetching
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        The license item file if the request was successful.
      • getLicenseStatus

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<Void>,​R> getLicenseStatus​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                      Locale locale)
        This method checks the status of a license and returns the status in form of a http request status.
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        hardwareIdResource - the PROMA rest object for the current hardware id
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        The status code which is returned of http request
      • getLicenseUpdateStatus

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<Void>,​R> getLicenseUpdateStatus​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                            String licenseKey,
                                                                            String versionUuid,
                                                                            Locale locale,
                                                                            String productVersion)
        This method checks the update status of a license and returns the status in form of a http request status.
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        licenseKey - the key of a license
        versionUuid - the UUID of license version
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        productVersion - the version of the product from PROMA
        The status code which is returned of http request
      • keyCheckAllLicenseFiles

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<byte[]>,​R> keyCheckAllLicenseFiles​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                               Locale locale)
        This method returns the current status of license and the license as a ZIP file with all license files of a license if it was successful
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        hardwareIdResource - the PROMA rest object for the current hardware id
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        All license files of a license if the request was successful
      • licenseKeyCheck

        <R> StageChain<IPromaResponse<byte[]>,​R> licenseKeyCheck​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc,
                                                                       Locale locale)
        This method returns the current status of license and the license as a byte array if it was successful
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA APIs.
        hardwareIdResource - the PROMA rest object for the current hardware id
        locale - the locale for localized item informations
        A byte array with the license if the request was successful