Class FormDesignerTemplateBean

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FormDesignerTemplateBean
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Bean for the form designer. Creates the list of available templates, and handles saving templates.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • FormDesignerTemplateBean

        public FormDesignerTemplateBean()
    • Method Detail

      • createFormTemplate

        public void createFormTemplate()
        Remote command that creates a new templates from the request and persists it.
      • deleteFormTemplate

        public void deleteFormTemplate()
        Remote command that deletes the template with the given ID.
      • getTagsAndTemplates

        public void getTagsAndTemplates()
        Remote command that returns all available tags and adds the FormTemplate with the given ID to the list.
      • getTemplatePersistJson

        public void getTemplatePersistJson()
        Remote command to fetch the persist JSON for a specific template.
      • getTemplateImage

        public org.primefaces.model.StreamedContent getTemplateImage​(long clientId,
                                                                     String typeId,
                                                                     String templateId,
                                                                     String iconUri,
                                                                     String contentType)
        Bean callback that fetches the image of the given template.
        clientId - ID of the Mandant
        typeId - ID of the ETemplateType.
        templateId - The ID of the template for which to retrieve the image.
        iconUri - The URI of the icon. For ETemplateType.PLUGIN, the URI of the icon.
        contentType - Content type of the icon.
        The image of the given template
      • updateFormTemplate

        public void updateFormTemplate()
        Remote command that updates the template with the ID with the given data.