Class AjaxUploadException

    • Constructor Detail

      • AjaxUploadException

        public AjaxUploadException​(String message,
                                   String messageKey,
                                   String formI18nKey)
        message - Detail message describing the error.
        messageKey - Key for the localized message.
        formI18nKey - I18N message key with the message for the web form.
      • AjaxUploadException

        public AjaxUploadException​(String message,
                                   Throwable cause,
                                   String messageKey,
                                   String formI18nKey)
        message - Detail message describing the error.
        cause - Underlying cause of the error.
        messageKey - Key for the localized message.
        formI18nKey - I18N message key with the message for the web form.