Interface IPublicPromaCallInvokerAsync

    • Method Detail

      • extractResultAsync

        default <T,​R> Void extractResultAsync​(StageChain<T,​R> responseStage,
                                                    Function<? super T,​? extends R> fn,
                                                    Duration timeout)
        Extracts the result from a response stage in an asynchronous fashion by discarding the result once the stage completes.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the intermediate result.
        R - Type of the final result.
        fn - A function for converting the intermediate result into the final result if the stage has not yet returned.
        responseStage - The response stage from which to extract the result.
        timeout - The timeout until the stage completes exceptionally with a TimeoutException if stage does not complete otherwise within that time frame.
      • extractResultAsync

        <T,​R> Void extractResultAsync​(StageChain<T,​R> responseStage,
                                            Function<? super T,​? extends R> fn,
                                            Duration timeout,
                                            BiConsumer<? super R,​Throwable> action)
        Extracts the result from a response stage in an asynchronous fashion by invoking the callback once the stage completes normally or exceptionally.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the intermediate result.
        R - Type of the final result.
        fn - A function for converting the intermediate result into the final result if the stage has not yet returned.
        responseStage - The response stage from which to extract the result.
        timeout - The timeout until the stage completes exceptionally with a TimeoutException if stage does not complete otherwise within that time frame.
        action - Callback that is invoked with either the result or the error once the stage completes or times out.
      • extractResultAsync

        default <T> Void extractResultAsync​(StageChain<T,​T> responseStage,
                                            Duration timeout)
        Extracts the result from a response stage in an asynchronous fashion by discarding the result once the stage completes.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the intermediate and final result.
        responseStage - The response stage from which to extract the result.
        timeout - The timeout until the stage completes exceptionally with a TimeoutException if stage does not complete otherwise within that time frame.
      • extractResultAsync

        default <T> Void extractResultAsync​(StageChain<T,​T> responseStage,
                                            Duration timeout,
                                            BiConsumer<? super T,​Throwable> action)
        Extracts the result from a response stage in an asynchronous fashion by invoking the callback once the stage completes normally or exceptionally.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the intermediate and final result.
        responseStage - The response stage from which to extract the result.
        timeout - The timeout until the stage completes exceptionally with a TimeoutException if stage does not complete otherwise within that time frame.
        action - Callback that is invoked with either the result or the error once the stage completes or times out.