Interface IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    INodePropertyPluginBean<TData>, IPluginAuthenticatorCustomGUIBean, IPluginClientDashboardCustomGUIBean, IPluginCustomGUIBean, IPluginProjectMenuGUIBean, IPluginWorkflowNodeBean, IPluginWorkflowTriggerBean, ITriggerPropertyPluginBean<TData>
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    APluginClientDashboardCustomGUIBean, APluginCustomGUIBean, APluginGenericCustomGUIBean

    public interface IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean
    extends Serializable
    Interface for a managed bean required by a plugin that provides a custom user interface.

    Please note that this bean is unmanaged - functionality specific to managed bean is not available. This means, for example, that annotations such as PostConstruct and ManagedProperty are not supported and will not work.

    This bean should be annotated with Named.If this annotation is not present or or name is specified, the name defaults to the simple name of the bean class.

    Also, this bean needs to be annotated one of the following scopes: RequestScoped, ViewScoped, SessionScoped or ApplicationScoped. Note that it depends on the type of plugin which scopes are actually supported. In case you do not specify a scope, an appropriate scope will be determined automatically.

    Certain features of CID managed beans may be supported partially, depending on the type of plugin, but may work differently. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • The exact timing at which PostConstruct and PreDestroy are called may differ.
    • A field marked with Inject may not work with all values allowed by the CDI bean specification, and may not perform checks such as the check for circular dependencies. It will also not create new beans when those beans have not been created yet as part of the current page.
    • Method Detail

      • destroy

        default void destroy()
        A callback method that is called when this bean is not needed anymore. When exactly this and whether this is called may depend on the type of plugin. Usually, this should be called when the bean is about to be destroyed. This can be used to perform any required cleanup.
      • getFileHelper

        IPluginFileHelper getFileHelper()
        Lets you access the file helper of the plugin that provided this UI.
        IPluginFileHelper The helper class for working with the plugin files
      • getProperties

        Properties getProperties()
        Lets you access the properties of the plugin that provided this UI.
        Properties The properties of the plugin.
      • getResourceHelper

        IPluginResourceHelper getResourceHelper()
        Lets you access the resource helper of the plugin that provided this UI.
        IPluginResourceHelper The helper class for working with resources
      • initialize

        default void initialize​(IPluginInitializeBeanData initializeBeanData)
                         throws FCPluginException
        A callback method that is invoked after all beans required by the IPluginGenericCustomGUI plugin were created. You can use this method to get access to the plugin configuration data. If you need to perform any initialization logic, do it in this method.
        initializeBeanData - The IPluginInitializeBeanData you can make use of in the initialization process.
        FCPluginException - When the bean could not be initialized. If you do throw the exception, an error will be shown to the user. Depending on the type of custom UI, the user may instead see an error page, a default page or be redirected to another page.