Interface IPluginGenericReplacerRetVal

    • Method Detail

      • getReplacedValue

        String getReplacedValue()
        The value that should be used as the replacement for the placeholder. This must be just the value, without any placeholder-specific prefixes or suffixes.

        Also, a plugin may not want to handle all placeholders and delegate some placeholders to other plugins or to the default placeholder replacer. Return the name of the placeholder as the replaced value to indicate that the plugin cannot (or does not with to) handle that placeholder.

        The value to be used as the replacement for the placeholder. When this returns null: The placeholder is considered not resolved if getReplacementStatus() is LEGACY; otherwise null is treated as the empty string.
      • getReplacementStatus

        default EPluginReplacementStatus getReplacementStatus()
        The status indicating whether the placeholder could be resolved. If it could be resolved, the getReplacedValue() is used as the replacement for the placeholder. If it could not be resolved, other placeholder plugin are tried, and if none of those plugins could resolve the placeholder, the default placeholder replacer is used.
        Whether the placeholder could be resolved.