Class FcChangeStateBean

    • Constructor Detail

      • FcChangeStateBean

        public FcChangeStateBean()
    • Method Detail

      • getInputHiddenAuthenticators

        public javax.faces.component.UIComponent getInputHiddenAuthenticators()
      • setInputHiddenAuthenticators

        public void setInputHiddenAuthenticators​(javax.faces.component.UIComponent inputHiddenAuthenticators)
      • getPermittedPersonGroupsDescriptions

        public List<String> getPermittedPersonGroupsDescriptions()
        Returns a list of descriptions of all the person groups that are permitted to view the project.
        a list of descriptions of all the person groups that are permitted to view the project.
      • getState

        public WorkflowStateModel getState()
        The current workflow state that is to be edited in the properties panel.
      • onChange

        public void onChange​(String property)
        Callback invoked when a property of the state being edited was changed.
        property - Property that was modified.