Class SummaryKeyValuePair

    • Constructor Detail

      • SummaryKeyValuePair

        public SummaryKeyValuePair​(String displayKey,
                                   boolean displayKeyHtml,
                                   boolean displayKeyI18n,
                                   String displayKeyStyle,
                                   String displayValue,
                                   boolean displayValueHtml,
                                   boolean displayValueI18n,
                                   String displayValueStyle)
        displayKey - The i18n key or plain text for the key.
        displayKeyHtml - Whether the key is interpreted as plain text or an HTML string.
        displayKeyI18n - Whether the key is plain text or an i18n key.
        displayKeyStyle - CSS styles for the key.
        displayValue - The i18n key or plain text for the value.
        displayValueHtml - Whether the value is interpreted as plain text or an HTML string.
        displayValueI18n - Whether the value is plain text or an i18n key.
        displayValueStyle - CSS styles for the value.
    • Method Detail

      • isDisplayKeyI18n

        public boolean isDisplayKeyI18n()
        Specified by:
        isDisplayKeyI18n in interface ISummaryKeyValuePair
        Whether the key is an i18n key for a resource bundle, or literal text. If the former, the key is looked up in the custom resource bundle of the workflow element handler first, then in the built-in resource bundle of formcycle.
      • isDisplayValueI18n

        public boolean isDisplayValueI18n()
        Specified by:
        isDisplayValueI18n in interface ISummaryKeyValuePair
        Whether the value is an i18n key for a resource bundle, or literal text. If the former, the key is looked up in the custom resource bundle of the workflow element handler first, then in the built-in resource bundle of formcycle.
      • with

        public static ISummaryKeyValuePair with​(String key,
                                                Object value)
        key - Localized text for the key.
        value - Localized text for the value.
        A new key value pair with the given text.
      • with

        public static ISummaryKeyValuePair with​(String key,
                                                Object value,
                                                String keyStyle,
                                                String valueStyle)
        key - Localized text for the key.
        value - Localized text for the value.
        keyStyle - CSS styles for the key.
        valueStyle - CSS styles for the value.
        A new key value pair with the given text.
      • with

        public static ISummaryKeyValuePair with​(String key,
                                                Object value,
                                                boolean keyHtml,
                                                boolean valueHtml)
        key - Localized text for the key.
        value - Localized text for the value.
        keyHtml - Whether the key is interpreted as plain text or a HTML string.
        valueHtml - Whether the value is interpreted as plain text or a HTML string.
        A new key value pair with the given text.
      • withI18nKey

        public static ISummaryKeyValuePair withI18nKey​(String i18nKey,
                                                       Object value)
        i18nKey - I18n key for the key.
        value - Localized text for the value.
        A new key value pair with the given text.
      • withI18nKey

        public static ISummaryKeyValuePair withI18nKey​(String i18nKey,
                                                       Object value,
                                                       String keyStyle,
                                                       String valueStyle)
        i18nKey - I18n key for the key.
        value - Localized text for the value.
        keyStyle - CSS styles for the key.
        valueStyle - CSS styles for the value.
        A new key value pair with the given text.
      • withI18nKey

        public static ISummaryKeyValuePair withI18nKey​(String i18nKey,
                                                       Object value,
                                                       boolean keyHtml,
                                                       boolean valueHtml)
        i18nKey - I18n key for the key.
        value - Localized text for the value.
        keyHtml - Whether the key is interpreted as plain text or a HTML string.
        valueHtml - Whether the value is interpreted as plain text or a HTML string.
        A new key value pair with the given text.