Class MailHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • MailHandler

        public MailHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • sendSupportMail

        public boolean sendSupportMail​(UserContext uc,
                                       Mandant client,
                                       ISupportInquiryData supportInquiryData)
        Send a support mail from the given client. If no client is given tries using the system mail settings
        Specified by:
        sendSupportMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext the user context in which the action is to be performed.
        client - Mandant for which to send the mail
        supportInquiryData - SupportInquiryData containing support inquiry information
        Whether or not the email was sent successfully
      • sendFeedbackMail

        public boolean sendFeedbackMail​(UserContext uc,
                                        Mandant client,
                                        IFeedbackMailData feedbackMailData)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Send a feedback mail from the given client. If no client is given, attempt to use the system mail settings.
        Specified by:
        sendFeedbackMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext the user context in which the action is to be performed.
        client - Mandant for which to send the mail
        feedbackMailData - IFeedbackMailData containing feedback information
        Whether or not the email was sent successfully
      • sendOptInMail

        public boolean sendOptInMail​(UserContext uc,
                                     Vorgang vorgang)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Send a feedback mail from the given client. If no client is given, attempt to use the system mail settings.
        Specified by:
        sendOptInMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext the user context in which the action is to be performed.
        vorgang - Vorgang for which to send the mail
        Whether or not the email was sent successfully
      • sendUserCredentialsResetMail

        public boolean sendUserCredentialsResetMail​(UserContext uc,
                                                    UserProfile profile,
                                                    String baseUrl,
                                                    String verifiedTargetEmailAddress)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Sends a mail with a user credentials set/reset link. The mail will be send to the users primary email address.
        Specified by:
        sendUserCredentialsResetMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext to use.
        profile - for which to send the credentials mail.
        baseUrl - base URL to use when building the credentials mail.
        verifiedTargetEmailAddress - email address that should receive the user credentials reset request. This email needs to exists in the given user profile and it needs to be verified. A user credentials reset mail cannot be send otherwise!
        Whether or not an email was sent successfully.
      • sendEmailVerificationMail

        public boolean sendEmailVerificationMail​(UserContext uc,
                                                 UserEmail email,
                                                 String baseUrl)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Sends a mail with a user email verification link
        Specified by:
        sendEmailVerificationMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext to use.
        email - Email to send the verification request to.
        baseUrl - base URL to use when building the verification URL
        Whether or not an email was sent successfully.
      • sendPrimaryEmailChangeMail

        public boolean sendPrimaryEmailChangeMail​(UserContext uc,
                                                  UserEmail email,
                                                  String baseUrl)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Sends a mail with a link to change the primary email of the user profile to the UserEmail given.
        Specified by:
        sendPrimaryEmailChangeMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext to use.
        email - Email to send the verification request to and change to primary mail.
        baseUrl - base URL to use when building the verification URL
        Whether or not an email was sent successfully.
      • sendUserIdentityConnectedMail

        public boolean sendUserIdentityConnectedMail​(UserContext uc,
                                                     UserIdentity identity,
                                                     String connectorEmail,
                                                     Instant isntant,
                                                     String remoteAddr,
                                                     String userAgent,
                                                     String baseUrl)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Sends a mail informing the user profile owner about the connection of a new account with the option to remove the account.
        Specified by:
        sendUserIdentityConnectedMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext to use.
        identity - that has been connected to the user profile
        connectorEmail - that was used to connect the identity with the user profile
        isntant - when the connection was made
        remoteAddr - of the client that triggered the connection
        userAgent - of the client that triggered the connection
        baseUrl - base URL to use when building URLs
        Whether or not an email was sent successfully.
      • sendUserIdentityRemovalMail

        public boolean sendUserIdentityRemovalMail​(UserContext uc,
                                                   UserIdentity identity,
                                                   String baseUrl)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Sends a mail with a link to remove the given user identity to the primary UserEmail of the identity's profile.
        Specified by:
        sendUserIdentityRemovalMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext to use.
        identity - Identity to send the removal request for.
        baseUrl - base URL to use when building the verification URL
        Whether or not an email was sent successfully.
      • sendUserProfileMergeRequestMail

        public boolean sendUserProfileMergeRequestMail​(UserContext uc,
                                                       UserProfile userProfile,
                                                       UserProfile toBeMerged,
                                                       String baseUrl)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Sends a mail with a user profile merge link.
        Specified by:
        sendUserProfileMergeRequestMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext to use.
        userProfile - user profile that will receive the merge request via email.
        toBeMerged - user profile that should be merged into the profile that will receive the merge request.
        baseUrl - base URL to use when building the merge URL.
        Whether or not an email was sent successfully.
      • sendUserProfileDeleteRequestMail

        public boolean sendUserProfileDeleteRequestMail​(UserContext uc,
                                                        UserProfile userProfile,
                                                        String baseUrl)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Sends a mail with a user profile delete request containing a link to delete the user profile.
        Specified by:
        sendUserProfileDeleteRequestMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext to use.
        userProfile - to be deleted.
        baseUrl - base URL to use when building the delete URL.
        true if the mail has been send successfully and false otherwise.
      • sendUserMfaRemovalMail

        public boolean sendUserMfaRemovalMail​(UserContext uc,
                                              UserProfileMfa mfaConfig,
                                              String baseUrl)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Sends a mail with an MFA removal link to the users primary email address. Is intended for users to confirm the removal of the MFA from their account.
        Specified by:
        sendUserMfaRemovalMail in interface IMailHandler
        uc - UserContext to use.
        mfaConfig - to send MFA removal mail for.
        baseUrl - base URL to use when building the removal URL
        Whether or not an email was sent successfully.
      • sendUserMfaEmailCodeMail

        public boolean sendUserMfaEmailCodeMail​(IUser user,
                                                Locale defaultLocale)
        Description copied from interface: IMailHandler
        Sends a mail with an MFA code. This is for MFAs of type EMultiFactorAuthenticationType.EMAIL.
        Specified by:
        sendUserMfaEmailCodeMail in interface IMailHandler
        user - to send email with authentication code to.
        defaultLocale - locale to use for localization of the email message if the user does not have a default locale.
        Whether or not an email was sent successfully.