Class UserIdentityHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • UserIdentityHandler

        public UserIdentityHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • getByRemovalUuid

        public UserIdentity getByRemovalUuid​(UserContext uc,
                                             UUID removalUuid)
        Description copied from interface: IUserIdentityHandler
        Finds the user identity with the given removal UUID.
        Specified by:
        getByRemovalUuid in interface IUserIdentityHandler
        uc - User context for accessing the database.
        removalUuid - of the user identity to be removed
        the user identity with the given removal UUID or null if no user identity was found for the given removal UUID.
      • getExisting

        public UserIdentity getExisting​(UserContext uc,
                                        UserIdentity identity)
        Description copied from interface: IUserIdentityHandler
        Gets another user identity with the same identifier information (client/identifier) if it exists.
        Specified by:
        getExisting in interface IUserIdentityHandler
        uc - User context for accessing the database.
        identity - to check.
        the user identity with the same identifier information (client/identifier) if it exists and null otherwise.
      • isExisting

        public boolean isExisting​(UserContext uc,
                                  UserIdentity identity)
        Description copied from interface: IUserIdentityHandler
        Checks whether or not another user identity exists with the same identifier information (client/identifier).
        Specified by:
        isExisting in interface IUserIdentityHandler
        uc - User context for accessing the database.
        identity - to check.
        true if there exists another user identity with the same identifier information (client/identifier) and false otherwise.