Interface ISystemPropertyHandler

    • Method Detail

      • getStringValue

        String getStringValue​(UserContext uc,
                              String key,
                              String defaultValue)
        Returns the String value of the system property with the given key if it exists. If the system property does not exists the provided default value will be returned.
        uc - user context for database transactions.
        key - of the system property.
        defaultValue - to return if no system property was found for the given key.
        the String value of the system property with the given key if it exists and the provided default value otherwise.
      • getBooleanValue

        boolean getBooleanValue​(UserContext uc,
                                String key,
                                boolean defaultValue)
        Returns the boolean value of the system property with the given key if it exists. If the system property does not exists the provided default value will be returned.
        uc - user context for database transactions.
        key - of the system property.
        defaultValue - to return if no system property was found for the given key.
        the boolean value of the system property with the given key if it exists and the provided default value otherwise.