Class PluginAuthenticatorRetVal

    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginAuthenticatorRetVal

        public PluginAuthenticatorRetVal​(org.pac4j.core.client.IndirectClient client)
        Since 7.2.0. Use newBuilder() instead.
        Creates a new return value with the given client.
        client - The client that implements the user authentication.
    • Method Detail

      • getDirectClient

        public org.pac4j.core.client.DirectClient getDirectClient()
        Description copied from interface: IPluginFormAuthenticatorRetVal
        The direct client to be used for authentication. Direct clients generally bring authentication information with the request to a protected resource (i.e. as Request-Headers).
        Specified by:
        getDirectClient in interface IPluginFormAuthenticatorRetVal
        The DirectClient created by the plugin.
      • getIndirectClient

        public org.pac4j.core.client.IndirectClient getIndirectClient()
        Description copied from interface: IPluginFormAuthenticatorRetVal
        The indirect client to be used for authentication. Indirect clients work with an authorization flow that redirects the user to the IDP where they authenticate. The result of the authentication is then returned to the callback URL.
        Specified by:
        getIndirectClient in interface IPluginFormAuthenticatorRetVal
        The IndirectClient created by the plugin.
      • autoExecuteIndirectClient

        public boolean autoExecuteIndirectClient()
        Description copied from interface: IPluginFormAuthenticatorRetVal
        Determines whether or not the provided indirect client should be executed automatically iff there is only one authenticator configured for access to a protected resource (e.g. form, backend). Automatic execution of the client will result in immediate redirection to the IDP defined by the client when accessing the protected resource.
        Specified by:
        autoExecuteIndirectClient in interface IPluginFormAuthenticatorRetVal
        true if the provided indirect client should be automatically executed and false otherwise.