Interface IPluginEntitiesParams

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IPluginParameters, Serializable
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IPluginEntitiesParams
    extends IPluginParameters, Serializable
    Interface for entities plugins. These parameters are passed to the entities plugin once the connection to the database was set up. The plugin may now create connections to the database and retrieve or create entities.
    • Method Detail

      • getEntityManagerFactory

        javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory()
        Returns the EntityManagerFactory the plugin should use to create new EntityManagers. The entity manager lets you create new entities, query for existing entities or delete entities. This is a low-level API method, consider using getPluginEmManager() instead.
        An EntityManagerFactory for creating a new EntityManager.
        See Also:
      • getPluginEmManager

        IPluginEmManager getPluginEmManager()
        To make it easier to work with entities, you can use the em manager provided by this method. See IPluginEmManager for more details on how to use it.
        A manager for the EntityManager that also lets you create an IBaseEntityContext that can be used with the DAO API of formcycle.