Class PluginStoreBean

    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginStoreBean

        public PluginStoreBean()
    • Method Detail

      • getModel

        public PluginStoreModel getModel()
        The model for the plugin store with the available items.
      • getSelected

        public SelectedPluginStoreItem getSelected()
        Gets the currently selected store item, if any. If none is selected, the overview with all items should be shown. Otherwise, the details page for the selected item should be shown.
        The selected store item, or null if none is selected.
      • onCloseDetailsClicked

        public void onCloseDetailsClicked()
        Callback invoked by the UI when the user clicks on the button to close the details view. Unsets the selected plugin item, causing the UI to switch back to the overview view with all available plugins.
      • onInstallClicked

        public void onInstallClicked​(String pluginKey)
        Callback invoked by the UI when the user clicks on the install button of a plugin.
        pluginKey - Plugin key of the plugin on which the user clicked.
      • onMoreInfoClicked

        public void onMoreInfoClicked()
        Callback invoked by the UI when the user clicks on the more-info button of a plugin. Loads the details for the selected plugin, causing the UI to switch to the details view with the details of the selected plugin.
      • onOpenDialog

        public void onOpenDialog()
        Callback invoked by the UI when the plugin store is opened.