Class XfcConfig

  • public final class XfcConfig
    extends Object
    • Field Detail


        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration APPLICATION
        General settings related to the formcycle application.
      • CACHE

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration CACHE
        Settings related to caches, such as the form or data cache.
      • CLUSTER

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration CLUSTER
        Settings related to the cluster configuration when using multiple master servers in a cluster.
      • DATABASE

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration DATABASE
        Settings related to the database configuration, such as the JDBC URL and credentials.
      • KERBEROS

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration KERBEROS
        Settings related to the Kerberos authenticator configuration.
      • LOGGING

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration LOGGING
        Settings related to the logging configuration, such as the log level and log files.
      • MAIL

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration MAIL
        Settings related to the system email server configuration.
      • NTLMAUTH

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration NTLMAUTH
        since version 8.0.0 Settings related to the NTLM authenticator configuration.

        public static String THEME_FILE_PATH

        public static String LIST_PROPERTY_PREFIX
    • Constructor Detail

      • XfcConfig

        public XfcConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • setFrontendServer

        public static void setFrontendServer​(boolean frontendServer)
      • isFrontendServer

        public static boolean isFrontendServer()
      • getContext

        public static javax.servlet.ServletContext getContext()
      • hasGuiCommonModule

        public static boolean hasGuiCommonModule()
      • hasInboxModule

        public static boolean hasInboxModule()
      • getServerInfo

        public static String getServerInfo()
      • initApplication

        public static void initApplication()
      • initMail

        public static void initMail()
      • initDatabase

        public static void initDatabase()
      • initLDAPAuthConfig

        public static void initLDAPAuthConfig()
      • initKerberosConfig

        public static void initKerberosConfig()
      • initClusterConfig

        public static void initClusterConfig()
      • initCacheConfig

        public static void initCacheConfig()
      • initThemeCss

        public static void initThemeCss()
      • getBoolean

        public static boolean getBoolean​(org.apache.commons.configuration2.ImmutableConfiguration props,
                                         String key,
                                         boolean defaultValue)
        Retrieves a value from the given properties object and converts it to a boolean. Compared with ImmutableConfiguration.getBoolean(String, Boolean), this never throws and returns the default value for non-boolean values.
        props - Properties object from which to get a boolean.
        key - Key to access on the properties object.
        defaultValue - Default value used when the properties object does not contain a valid boolean value.
        The boolean value at the given key, or the default when it does not contain a valid boolean value for the key.
      • configureLog4j

        public static void configureLog4j()
      • configureLocale

        public static void configureLocale()
      • shutdown

        public static void shutdown​(javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx)
      • init

        public static void init​(javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx)
      • hasNTLMConfig

        public static boolean hasNTLMConfig()
        Prüft, ob Konfigurationswerte für NTLM-Authentifizierung existieren
        true oder false, wenn ein Wert fehlt
      • isNTLMActive

        public static boolean isNTLMActive()
        NTLM is deprecated.
      • isNTLMUseForSSO

        public static boolean isNTLMUseForSSO()
        NTLM is deprecated.
      • isKerberosActive

        public static boolean isKerberosActive()
      • isKerberosUseForSSO

        public static boolean isKerberosUseForSSO()
      • isSystemMailActive

        public static boolean isSystemMailActive()
        Prüft, ob die System-Mail-Einstellung aktiviert ist und die entsprechenden Properties vorhanden sind.
        true wenn aktiviert, false wenn nicht
      • getInlineTheme

        public static String getInlineTheme()
      • getInlineThemeLastModified

        public static long getInlineThemeLastModified()
      • getPropertiesConfiguration

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration getPropertiesConfiguration​(String fileName)
        Gets the properties configuration by its file name.
        fileName - of the properties file.
        the properties configuration with the given file name.
      • getPluginStoreKey

        public static String getPluginStoreKey()
        Gets default store key for the official formcycle PROMA plugin store.
        The key of the formcycle plugin store in PROMA.
      • addBuilderEventListener

        public static <E extends org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.Event> void addBuilderEventListener​(EXfcConfigType configType,
                                                                                                             org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventType<E> eventType,
                                                                                                             org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventListener<? super E> eventListener)
        Adds an event listener to the ConfigurationBuilder of a given formcycle properties file. When a listener exists already, it is not added again.
        Type Parameters:
        E - Type of the event model class.
        configType - Type of the properties file for which to add a listener.
        eventType - Type of the event for which to add a listener.
        eventListener - Listener to add.
      • removeBuilderEventListener

        public static <E extends org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.Event> void removeBuilderEventListener​(EXfcConfigType configType,
                                                                                                                org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventType<E> eventType,
                                                                                                                org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventListener<? super E> eventListener)
        Removes an event listener from the ConfigurationBuilder of a given formcycle properties file. When a listener does not exist, this is a no-op.
        Type Parameters:
        E - Type of the event model class.
        configType - Type of the properties file for which to remove a listener.
        eventType - Type of the event for which to remove a listener.
        eventListener - Listener to remove.
      • getTransformedNamesList

        public static List<String> getTransformedNamesList​(List<String> nameList)