All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AActionBean |
AAddDynamicTablesForeignKeys |
AAddDynamicTablesPrimaryKeys |
AAuthenticator<T extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
Abstract base class for user authenticators
AAuthenticatorConfig |
Abstract base class for authenticator configurations
ABackendJSFContext |
Provides global backend functionality
ABackendPushContext |
Base class for backend push contexts (web sockets) with some utility methods for commonly used message, such as
requesting an AJAX update or invoking a remote command.
ABasicResourceBean<E extends IFileDataEntity<?>,T extends IFileProviding<?,E> & INameProviding & IDescriptionProviding> |
AbstractAbruptCompletionException |
Indicates that execution of a workflow node ended abruptly.
AbstractDatei<T extends IAbstractDateiData> |
AbstractDateiData |
AbstractEncryptor |
AbstractEntity |
Diese Klasse ist die Elternklasse aller Entitäten und beinhaltet die Attribute, die in jeder Entität vorhanden sein
AbstractFilter |
AbstractLockableEntity |
Diese Klasse ist die Elternklasse aller Entitäten und beinhaltet die Attribute, die in jeder Entität vorhanden sein
AbstractMandantDependentEntity |
AbstractServletHandler<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
AbstractXfcException |
Diese Klasse ist die Superklasse von denen alle neudefinierten Exceptions erben sollen.
AbstractXfcRuntimeException |
Diese Klasse ist die Superklasse von denen alle neudefinierten Exceptions erben sollen.
ACacheModel |
AccessDeniedException |
When a resource or page was found, but access was denied.
AccessManager |
Deprecated. |
AccessManager |
Deprecated. |
AccessProperty |
AccessPwdAuthenticator |
AClientDependentEntity |
AConfigParam |
AConfigViewModel |
Abstract base class for authenticator config view models
AContextBean |
ActionBean |
ActionImportConfig |
ActionImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ActiveGraphics2D |
Wrapper for a Graphics2D instance that disposes of the instance automatically when closed.
ActivePropertiesModel<TModel,TBean> |
Model for when a trigger or node is selected and its details need to be shown in the properties panel.
ACustomWorkflowLocalValidator |
Base class for custom local workflow element validators.
ADataQueryServlet |
Abstract base class for data query servlets
ADataSheet<T extends Comparable<T>> |
A data sheet for two dimensional data.
ADataSourceServlet |
Abstract base class for data source servlets
ADatenabfrageServlet |
ADatenquelleServlet |
AddAuthenticatorsUpdate_6_4 |
AddDataTablesForeignKeys |
AddDataTablesPrimaryKeys |
AddInboxTablesForeignKeys |
AddInboxTablesPrimaryKeys |
AddMissingUUIDs |
Custom change for Liquibase to generate UUIDs using the FORMCYCLE internal UUID generator
AddNewStateData |
POJO model with the data for adding a new state in the workflow designer.
AddNewStateRequest |
Request a new state to be added to the workflow.
AddNewStateResponse |
AddressInfo |
AdminDashBean |
ADropDynamicTablesForeignKeys |
ADropDynamicTablesPrimaryKeys |
AElementInfoHelper<THandler extends IElementHandler<?,?>> |
Helper class for generating the data for the workflow element info panel.
AEncryptedFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
AEnitityHelper |
Deprecated. |
AEntityAPI<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
AEntityContext |
AEntityDetailsBean<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Abstract bean base class for displaying or editing the details of a single entity
AEntityExporter<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Abstract base class for entity exporters
AEntityImportConfig<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Configuration class for entity imports
AEntityViewModel<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Abstract base class for entity view models
AExternalUserBean<F extends IAuthentticatorFile<?,?>,E extends AAuthenticator<F>> |
AFCBundleProperties |
Deprecated. |
AFCPlugin |
AFD2LanguageProvider |
AFdTransformBuilder |
AffineTransformUtils |
AFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
AFileEntity<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,T extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
AFileListResolutionError |
AFileListResolutionError.AResourceItemResolutionError |
Abstract class for all errors specific to a resource item.
AFileListResolutionError.AttachmentQueryDoesNotMatch |
AFileListResolutionError.CannotProcessFileList |
AFileListResolutionError.CannotProcessResourceItem |
AFileListResolutionError.ClientFileDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.DatabaseError |
AFileListResolutionError.ExternalUrlCannotBeRead |
AFileListResolutionError.ExternalUrlIsSyntacticallyInvalid |
AFileListResolutionError.FileCountReducedToZeroByFilter |
AFileListResolutionError.FileSystemError |
AFileListResolutionError.FormFileDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotProvideFiles |
AFileListResolutionError.NodeNotExecuted |
AFileListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotProvideFiles |
AFileWatcher |
A watcher that runs an action each time at least one of the watched files have changed.
AFormDependendServlet |
AFormEncryptedFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
AFormProcessingServlet |
Base class for workflow-servtes.
AFormRecordEventData |
AFormRecordWrapper |
Abstract base class for form record wrappers
AFormShareScriptBuilder |
Abstract base class for generating form share scripts
AGenericDataCache |
AHandlerProvider |
Base class for implementing IHandlerProvider for both the master and the frontend server.
AjaxCallPushData |
POJO data model for the push event beans.
AjaxCallPushData.Builder |
AjaxUploadException |
When an error occurred in the AJAX upload servlet.
AjaxUploadManager |
Manages the files uploaded via AJAX before the form was submitted.
AjaxUploadRequest |
POJO for a single AJAX upload add or removal request.
AjaxUploadServlet |
Servlet for the AJAX upload feature.
AjaxUploadServletAddUploadParams |
AjaxUploadServletFetchUploadDataParams |
AjaxUploadServletRemoveUploadParams |
AJSFContext |
Stellt globale Funktionalität zur Verfügung
AJSFContext.RedirectOptions |
AJSFContext.RedirectOptionsBuilder |
Aktion |
AktionAPI |
AktionDao |
AktionHandler |
AktionOrderHelper |
AktionServletHandler |
AktuellerBenutzer |
Diese Klasse wird aktuell nur genutzt, um die persönlichen Daten des angemeldeten Benutzer -Objekts zu ändern.
AktuellerBenutzerServletHandler |
AliasHelper |
Deprecated. |
AllowedHttpMethodFilter |
ALockableEntity |
Diese Klasse ist die Elternklasse aller Entitäten und beinhaltet die Attribute, die in jeder Entität vorhanden sein
AMailUtil |
AMessaging |
AMetaDataWrapper |
Diese Klasse bildet den Rahmen für die Meta-Daten die einem Formular angefügt werden können.
AMSApiHandler |
AnonymousConfigViewModel |
AnonymousConfigWrapper |
AnonymousUserClient |
AnyoneConfigWrapper |
Wrapper for virtual authenticator config for anyone.
AParameterVerarbeitung |
APIProvider |
API-Provider-Klasse welche alle verfügbaren Unter-APIs zur instanziiert zur Verfügung stellt
APISettings |
Klasse mit den aktuellen Einstellungen der API
APluginActionNodeHandler<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
Abstract base class meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow action that
executes some business logic.
APluginClientDashboardCustomGUIBean |
APluginConditionNodeHandler<TData extends BaseConditionProps> |
Abstract base class meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow condition that
executes some business logic condition.
APluginCustomGUIBean |
Helper class for a custom beans used by a processing plugin
APluginEntity<T extends IPluginFileEntity<?,?,?>,J extends IFileDataEntity<T>,C extends IFileDataEntity<T>> |
APluginFileEntity<T extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>,J extends IFileDataEntity<?>,C extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
APluginGenericCustomGUIBean |
The base class for the bean of a plugin with a custom UI.
APluginTriggerHandler<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
Abstract base class meant for IPluginWorkflowTrigger plugins that only wish to provide a workflow action that
executes some business logic.
ApplicationConfigBean |
Bean for configuring settings of the application properties file.
ApplicationEventBusBean |
Bean for event subscription and handling during session
ApplicationPropertiesChangedEvent |
ApplicationPropertiesChangedEventHandler |
AppliesToEventParams<TData> |
ApplyToExistingFormRecordResult |
Appointment |
Describes a booked appointment.
AppointmentAPI |
API class for reading and writing Appointment entities.
AppointmentAvailableDate |
AppointmentBookingException |
Exception thrown by the appointment booking handler.
AppointmentBookingExecutor |
Executor with the logic for booking appointments, canceling appointments, or moving appointments to another date.
AppointmentBookingParams |
AppointmentBookingParams.AppointmentSpecifier |
AppointmentBookingParams.Builder<THIS,TARGET extends IAppointmentBookingParams> |
AppointmentBookingParams.SlotIdSpecifier |
AppointmentClosingTime |
AppointmentConverter |
Converts between the timestamp / ID representation of an appointment and the appointment itself.
AppointmentCreateBookingParams |
AppointmentCreateBookingParams.Builder |
AppointmentDao |
AppointmentData |
AppointmentDataCreator |
Class for creating the data of an ical entry
AppointmentDeleteBookingParams |
AppointmentDeleteBookingParams.Builder |
AppointmentEventView |
POJO view for the AttributeSelectCriteriaManager when loading data in the inbox.
AppointmentFilterBean |
Bean that keeps a list of available appointment tempplates, shown in the sidebar menu to the left.
AppointmentFreeSlot |
AppointmentFreeSlotQueryResult |
AppointmentFreeSlotQueryResultSerializeFilter |
AppointmentFreeSlotsServlet |
Servlet for the appointment feature.
AppointmentFreeSlotsServletParameter |
AppointmentHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing Appointment entities.
AppointmentHelper |
Helper methods for the appointment module.
AppointmentIcalException |
Exception thrown by the iCal query executor that creates calendars for appointments.
AppointmentIcalQueryResult |
AppointmentIcalServlet |
Servlet for the appointment feature.
AppointmentIcalServletParameter |
AppointmentLinkBuilder |
Builder for creating ical links to calendars.
AppointmentListBuilder |
Builder for creating an html appointment list
AppointmentMoveBookingParams |
AppointmentMoveBookingParams.Builder |
AppointmentPersistBuilder |
Builder for persisting appointments of a Vorgang .
AppointmentQueryParams |
AppointmentQueryParams.Builder |
AppointmentRangeView |
An implementation of a IAppointmentRangeView that takes an existing appointment and reflects changes in that
AppointmentScheduleBean |
Bean for the appointment schedule view in the inbox.
AppointmentSlot |
AppointmentSlotAPI |
AppointmentSlotDao |
AppointmentSlotHandler |
AppointmentSlotIdConverter |
AppointmentStartEndDateValidator |
AppointmentStartEndTimeValidator |
AppointmentTemplate |
An entity for the appointment module of FORMCYCLE.
AppointmentTemplateAPI |
AppointmentTemplateBean |
Bean for the backend menu that lets the user configure the available appointments.
AppointmentTemplateDao |
AppointmentTemplateDeletionBean |
Bean for the backend menu for deleting one or multiple appointment templates.
AppointmentTemplateHandler |
AppointmentTemplateImportConfig |
AppointmentTemplateImportStager |
Deprecated. |
AppointmentTemplateItem |
AppointmentTemplateListModel |
The view model for the AppointmentTemplate - the backend menu for configuring the appointments.
AppointmentTemplateModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
AppointmentTemplateSlotEditBean |
Bean for the appointment menu that lets the user change the details of a slot, mainly the start end time.
AppointmentType |
Describes the type of an appointment and contains several metadata, such as the duration of the appointment.
AppointmentTypeAPI |
AppointmentTypeDao |
AppointmentTypeHandler |
AppointmentValidateParams |
AppointmentValidateParams.Builder |
AppointmentValidationBuilder<Context> |
Validation builder for validation a sequence of appointment actions.
AProcessingResult |
AProjectDetailsBean |
Abstract bean base class for displaying or editing the details of a single project
AProjectEventData |
AProjektUtil |
AProtocolEntry |
ASaveFormData |
AServletParameter |
Base class for servlet parameters classes.
AServletParameter.MultipartRequest |
AsposeDataAdapter |
AsposeDataAdapter |
AsposeLicencNotFoundException |
Exception die bei fehlender Lizenz geworfen wird
AsposeLicense |
Helper functions related to the Aspose license.
AsposeLocale |
Helper class to convert between Java locales and Aspose locales.
AsposeRootArgs |
AsposeSimpleDataAdapter |
AsposeWordConnector |
Diese Klasse dient dazu ein Word-Dokument mit Formularinhalten zu befüllen und als PDF (andere, von Aspose
unterstützte Ausgabetypen möglich) anzulegen.
AssociateHelper |
Contains all methods that associate derived quantities with the current state.
AssociatesModel |
Stores quantities derived from the current state.
AStatisticsBean |
Base class for beans for a PrimeFaces chart.
AStringListConverter |
A list converter for the Tagify component.
Abstrakte Klasse zur Bereitstellung einer einheitlichen Verarbeitung von Requests an die Handler-Klassen
Attachment |
Die Klasse Attachment beinhaltet Meta-Informationen zu einem im System verfügbaren Anhang.
AttachmentAPI |
API class for manipulation of Attachment entities.
AttachmentDao |
AttachmentData |
AttachmentDatei |
AttachmentDateiData |
AttachmentDownloadServlet |
Download eines oder mehrerer Attachments eines Vorgangs
AttachmentFormServlet |
Behandlung von Attachments innerhalb des Formulars
AttachmentHandler |
The Class AttachmentHandler.
AttachmentHelper |
AttachmentPersistBuildData |
AttachmentPersistData |
AttachmentPersisterBuilder |
Builder for persisting attachments of a Vorgang an returning that form record.
AttachmentPersistMetaData |
AttachmentShowServlet |
Attribut |
Attribut.DatenTyp |
Attribut.SortTyp |
AUniqueEntityFieldValidator<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TField> |
Abstract base class for faces validators that check whether a certain field of an entity is unique amongst all
existing entities within a certain scope.
AUniqueManDepNameValidator<T extends INameProviding & de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long> & IMandantDependent> |
AUniqueNameValidator<TEntity extends INameProviding & de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
AUniqueStringFieldValidator<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Abstract base class for faces validators that check whether a certain string field of an entity is unique amongst all
existing entities within a certain scope.
AUpdater |
AuthCallbackFilter |
Endpoint for authentication request callbacks.
AuthCheckServlet |
Used for polling of new frid during authentication
AuthConfigConversion |
AuthenticationAPI |
AuthenticationData |
AuthenticationDataBuilder |
AuthenticationDataRequest |
AuthenticationHandler |
AuthenticationTargetFactory |
AuthenticationTargetStateGenerator |
Generator for authentication target values
AuthenticatorConfigRenderContextBuilder |
Builder for AuthenticatorConfigRenderContext
AuthenticatorConfigsAssociate |
AuthFailedException |
Exception which is thrown when an authentication-error occurs
AuthFormServlet |
AuthHelper |
Helper class for dealing with authentication
AuthKeyUtils |
AuthLogicFactory |
AuthLogicHelper |
Helper class for security logics.
AuthLoginFilter |
Endpoint for authentication login request.
AuthLoginServlet |
AuthLogoutFilter |
AuthLogoutServlet |
Handles redirect to logout template
AuthorizationFilter |
Filter for handling authorization checks and redirects if necessary
AuthPasswordServlet |
AuthPluginParameterModel<E extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
AuthTemplateUpdate_6_4 |
Marks old HTML templates as outdated and creates/resets new templates for authentication
AuthWrapperFactory |
AuthWrapperHelper |
AutoClosableSardine |
A Sardine that can also be closed automatically so that it can be used with a
try-with-resources statement.
AutoLoginBean |
Bean zur Verwaltung der Anzeige aller auto.
AutoLoginCache |
AutoLoginCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
AutoLoginFilter |
AutoLoginHelper |
AutoLoginInData |
AVerarbeitung |
AVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
AWorkflowElement<TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity,TSearchTerm extends AWorkflowElementSearchTerm<TElement>> |
Base class for workflow elements, i.e.
AWorkflowElementCategory |
Abstract base class for element categories
AWorkflowElementSearchTerm<TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
Each workflow element can have one or more search terms that are used in database queries to filter the applicable
AWorkflowEventData |
Base POJO class that can be used (but does not have to be) for implementations of IWorkflowEventData .
AXItemPropertiesData |
Stores all the properties ( XPropertyEnum ) of a form item and offers methods to access these properties.
AzureAdWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
BackendApplicationPushContext |
A backend push context that should scoped to the application scope.
BackendBean |
BackendPushContextBean |
BackendSecurityFilter |
Filter that adds security-relevant headers and other settings for the backend.
BackendSessionPushContext |
A backend push context that should be scoped to a HTTP session.
BackendViewPushContext |
A backend push context that is scoped to a JSF view.
BackupChangeEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the backup state has unsaved changed.
BackupDetectEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the presence of a backup was detected on the client.
BackupDialogModel |
BackupUnchangeEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the backup state has no unsaved changed.
BaseActionProps |
Base class for node properties.
BaseAppointmentHelper |
Helper methods for the appointment module.
BaseConditionProps |
Base class for common properties used by binary condition nodes.
BaseConfigViewModel |
View model for general authenticator configs
BaseDesignerModel |
Base designer model used by all designer pages.
BaseNodeEvent |
Base class for all cluster events with a node.
BaseResolvedFileListProcessor<R,E extends Throwable> |
BaseTopologyEvent |
Base class for events the relate to a change in the cluster topology (e.g.
BaseTriggerProps |
Base class for trigger properties.
BasicAuthFilter |
A very simple Servlet Filter for HTTP Basic Auth.
BasicDataTableBean |
BasicFormRecordRequestData |
Model class for basic form record request data
BasicPluginBean<E extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>> |
BasicRefResult |
BasicScheduleModel |
Extends the DefaultScheduleModel and adds some additional functionality.
BeanAPI |
API class for manipulation of beans.
BeanAttribute |
BeanHandler |
BeanManagerAdapter |
Adapter for CDI BeanManager which extends default BeanManger functionality
BeanUtils |
Hilfsklasse für das (generische) Setzen von Eigenschaften (speziell von Entitäten).
BeanWorkflowValidationEnvironmentData |
Bedingung |
BedingungAPI |
BedingungDao |
BedingungServletHandler |
Benutzer |
An entity that describes a real-life person.
BenutzerAPI |
API class for manipulation of Benutzer entities.
BenutzerDao |
BenutzerGruppe |
Diese Entität bildet ein Guppensystem ab, dem verschiedene Benutzer zugeordnet werden können.
BenutzerGruppeAPI |
BenutzerGruppeDao |
BenutzerGruppeHandler |
The Class BenutzerHandler.
BenutzerHandler |
The Class BenutzerHandler.
BenutzerServletHandler |
BinaryCacheModel |
BinaryData |
Binary data that can be added to a HTTP request.
BodyPartData |
Class for storing informations and data for an mail-bodypart based on text
BooleanExpression |
Utility methods specific to infix expressions consisting of boolean constant, operators, and variables.
BrandingBean |
BuildInProjectTemplate |
BundleConfigGroupItem |
BundleConfigParam |
ByteArrayResourceDescriptor |
ByteOrderMarkUtil |
Utility class for working with byte order marks.
CacheConfigBean |
Bean zum Abspeichern / Laden der NTLM-Konfiguration.
Callback |
CallbackExecuter |
CallbackHttpActionAdapter |
HTTP action adapter for authentication request callbacks.
CertRequestDataModel |
ChainedClassLoader |
A class loader that combines several other class loaders.
ChainExpression |
ChannelCommunicationData |
Models the state of a cluster channel for a node in the cluster.
ChannelMessage |
A message sent to the client via a web socket.
CheckForUnsavedChangedResult<TElement> |
ClearAndUpdateDatatablesUpdate_6_0 |
ClientAliasValidator |
ClientAuthenticator |
Entity model for user authenticators in Mandant scope
ClientAuthenticatorDao |
ClientAuthenticatorFile |
ClientAuthenticatorFileData |
ClientBean |
ClientClientCounterView |
ClientClientResourceView |
ClientConst |
Marker-Annotation für Konstanten, die sowohl server- wie auch clientseitig verwendet werden.
ClientCounter |
ClientCounterApi |
ClientCounterChoiceProvider |
Provider for client counters available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
ClientCounterConfigBean |
ClientCounterDao |
ClientCounterDaoListener |
ClientCounterHandler |
ClientCounterImportConfig |
ClientCounterModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
ClientCounterResetWorker |
Job for periodically resetting a counter
ClientCounterServlet |
ClientDashBean |
ClientExporterImpl |
ClientFilter |
ClientFormTrackerHelper |
ClientHandlerLocatorBean |
Bean for the flowchart component to locate the appropriate client handlers.
ClientIcon |
Similar to IGuiIcon , but a final mutable class that can be serialized and deserialized via JSON .
ClientIconWrapper |
ClientImporterImpl |
ClientInbox |
Models an inbox with a list of mails.
ClientInboxView |
View of an Inbox that can be sent to the client.
ClientMailServerData |
ClientMarshaller |
Main entry point for importing and exporting clients.
ClientOpaqueColor |
Represents an opaque (=no transparency) color for a node or trigger.
ClientPaginator |
Diese Klasse dient dazu eine PaginationCriterion -Instanz aus HttpServletRequest -Parametern zu
ClientPlugin |
Entity for the binary data of an client-wide plugin
ClientPluginBean |
ClientPluginConfigData |
Entity for the configuration of an client-wide plugin
ClientPluginDao |
ClientPluginFile |
Entity for the binary data of an client-wide plugin
ClientPluginFileData |
Entity for the binary data of an system-wide plugin
ClientProjectResourceView |
ClientResourceBean |
ClientResourceImportConfig |
ClientResourceImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ClientResourceItem |
A file select menu may contain options form form resources, client resources and external URLs.
ClientResourceModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
ClientSorter |
ClientSubmitButtonView |
ClientTemplateView |
ClientUserGroupView |
View of a UserGroup that can be sent to the client.
ClientUserManagementValidator |
ClientUserView |
View of a UserGroup that can be sent to the client.
ClientWorkflowStateView |
ClusterBean |
ClusterChannelStateObserver |
ClusterControllMessage |
A message is sent to control other nodes, such as when a node should change its state and start or stop performing work.
ClusterListener |
ClusterManager |
Manager for the cluster that can be used to control the cluster in a way that is independent of the implementation
used for the clustering.
ClusterMessageObserver |
ClusterNodeStateManager |
ClusterOpenException |
Exception that is thrown when a cluster connection could not be opened.
ClusterPluginSyncMessage |
A message that is sent when a plugin was activated or deactivated.
ClusterTopologyObserver |
CmnConst |
Allgemeine Konstanten.
CmnConst.AjaxUploadServletParams |
Parameters for the AJAX upload servlet (/form/ajaxupload).
CmnConst.AjaxUploadServletParams.AddUpload |
Parameters for the addUpload sub request type of the AJAX upload servlet.
CmnConst.AjaxUploadServletParams.FetchUploadData |
CmnConst.AjaxUploadServletParams.RemoveUpload |
CmnConst.AppointmentFreeSlotsParams |
Parameters for the appointment free slots servlet (/appointment/freeslots).
CmnConst.AppointmentIcalParams |
Parameters for the appointment iCal servlet (/appointment/ical)
CmnConst.AttachmentFormParams |
CmnConst.AttachmentParams |
CmnConst.Auth |
CmnConst.ClientCounterServletParams |
CmnConst.ClientId |
CmnConst.ClientScript |
CmnConst.ClientWidgetVar |
CmnConst.Cluster |
CmnConst.Database |
CmnConst.DataQuery |
CmnConst.DatenabfrageDB |
CmnConst.DatenabfrageLDAP |
CmnConst.Designer |
CmnConst.Designer.ClientId |
CmnConst.Designer.ClientScript |
CmnConst.Designer.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.Designer.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.DownloadManagerParams |
CmnConst.EcParamKey |
CmnConst.FormDesigner |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.ClientId |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.ClientScript |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.ClientWidgetVar |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.PushEvent |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.FormPreviewImageParams |
CmnConst.FormReviewParams |
CmnConst.ICal |
CmnConst.Inbox |
CmnConst.Inbox.InternalFieldName |
CmnConst.Inbox.InternalFilterName |
CmnConst.Limits |
CmnConst.LoggingKeys |
Keys, that used with the MDC The Keys can be used inside a log file pattern configuration with the
placeholder '%X{}'.
CmnConst.PersistenceParams |
CmnConst.Plugins |
CmnConst.Print |
CmnConst.ProjectOverview |
CmnConst.ProjectOverview.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.ProjectOverview.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.ProjectResource |
CmnConst.ProjectResource.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.ProjectResource.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.ProzessParams |
CmnConst.Push |
CmnConst.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.RenderParams |
CmnConst.ResourceParams |
CmnConst.Security |
CmnConst.Security.Authentication |
CmnConst.Security.AzureAd |
CmnConst.Support |
CmnConst.SystemProperties |
CmnConst.SystemProperty |
CmnConst.TableColumns |
CmnConst.Target |
CmnConst.Template |
CmnConst.Views |
CmnConst.Workflow |
CmnConst.Workflow.ClientId |
CmnConst.Workflow.ClientWidgetVar |
CmnConst.Workflow.PostRequest |
CmnConst.Workflow.Push |
CmnConst.Workflow.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.Workflow.RemoteCommandParam |
CodeMirrorLintResult |
Result for the server side linting callback of code mirror, see the script function
CodeOnlyStandardFileListResolutionErrorCreator |
CodeOnlyStandardFileListResolutionErrorCreator.Builder |
CodeSnippetBean |
We use the monaco editor for editing JavaScript.
ColorField<T extends Serializable> |
ColorField.Identifier |
CombinedResourceDescriptor |
CommonBundleLocator |
A Hibernate bean validation API resource bundle locator for the xima-common-localizations resource bundle.
CommonBundleMessageInterpolator |
A JAKARTA bean validation API message interpolator for the xima-common-localizations resource bundle.
CommonFormUtil |
CommonPlaceholders |
List of common, non-dynamic placeholders that can be used within FORMCYCLE.
CommonPlaceholders.DoubleDollar |
List of common, non-dynamic session placeholders that can be used within
CommonPlaceholders.NoPrefix |
List of common, non-dynamic form placeholders that can be used within FORMCYCLE.
CommonPlaceholders.SingleDollar |
List of common, non-dynamic system placeholders that can be used within FORMCYCLE.
ComponentHelper |
Utility methods for working with UIComponent s.
CompressedUpload |
An upload that replaces the original image with a compressed and/or scaled down version.
ConditionCheck |
ConfigWrapperFactory |
ConnectionFilter |
Filter for all pages that require access to the database.
Constants |
Constants.ClientAttributeCnst |
Constants.FcCnst |
Constants.ResourceCnst |
Constants.TestDir |
Constants.TestDir.SetupClientImport |
Constants.TestDir.SetupImportProject |
ConsumingFileHandlerImpl |
ContentTypeHttpRequestParameter |
An HTTP request parameter with a name, value, and content type that can be added to a request.
ContextBuilderException |
ContextPlaceholderType |
An implementation of IPlaceholderType for context placeholders of the form [%key.value%] .
ConvertibleComponent |
Can be used together with a <xi:convertible> component.
CouldNotLockFormRecordException |
Indicates that a form record could not be locked
CounterProcessor |
CreateEvent<T> |
A generic AJAX behavior event that is triggered when an item was inserted somewhere.
CrossViewScopeClientRequestData |
POJO push data for the cross view scope request.
CrossViewScopeClientResponseData |
POJO model for the data received from the client to a cross view scope push message.
CrossViewScopeRequestPushData |
POJO push data for the cross view scope request.
CssBuilder |
Static factory methods for different CSS syntax types.
CssClassInfo |
Represents an analyzed CSS class.
CssColor |
A CSS color value, with optional transparency.
CssDeclarationListBuilder |
CssDefaultValue |
CssFontFaceInfo |
Represents the font faces contained in an analyzed CSS file.
CssInclude |
A CSS file to include in the designer.
CssInfo |
Represents an analyzed CSS file.
CssRequest |
Client-side model for requesting info about a CSS file.
CssRuleListBuilder |
CssSelectorBuilder |
Simple builder for creating CSS selector string, e.g.
CssTransformListBuilder |
CSVDatenquelleResolver |
CSVFormatWrapper |
Wrapper class for CSV formats
CSVImportOptions |
Utility class for importing CSV files
CSVParserWrapper |
Wrapper class for CSV parser
CSVPrinterWrapper |
Wrapper class for CSV printer
CSVRecordWrapper |
Wrapper class for CSV records
CSVSourcesMigrationUpdate |
CurrentProjectBean |
CurrentViewBean |
CustomAjaxSource |
Simple POJO implementation of an AjaxSource with setters for programmatic configuration.
CustomAuthContentAction |
CustomBackupData |
Model with the additional data for the JSON serialized form of a workflow version (in addition to the process model).
CustomBodyDataBuilder |
CustomColor |
A custom IGuiColor color with a builder that supports whatever color fields were added during the build
CustomColor.Builder |
CustomMailServerData |
CustomResource |
Resource for custom content
CustomViewModel |
CustomViewSettings |
DaoActionHookHelper |
DaoProvider |
Keeps a static reference to all DAO (data access object) instances.
DaoProviderIcalQueryAccessObject |
DaoProviderValidationAcessObject |
DatabaseConnectionChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the database connections available in the current client during workflow editing and
DatabaseConnectionModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
DatabaseHealthCheck |
A health check that checks whether the connection to the system database is valid.
DatabaseMonitor |
DatabaseMonitor |
DatabasePropertiesHelper |
DatabaseQueryChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the URL templates available during workflow editing and validation.
DatabaseUtils |
DatabaseUtils |
DataSourceDescriptor |
DataSourceImportConfig |
DataSourceImporter |
DataSourceImportStager |
Deprecated. |
DataSourceModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
DataSourcesBean |
Bean für die aktuelle Session und deren Informationen
DataSourcesSheetBean |
Bean for handling data source manipulation through excel-like sheet
DataSourceUtils |
DataTable<S,T> |
Simple Model holding headers and data rows of a fixed data table for outputting information
DataTableColumn |
DataTableTemplate |
DatenabfrageDBServlet |
DatenabfrageLDAPServlet |
DatenbankZugriff |
DatenbankZugriffAPI |
DatenbankZugriffDao |
DatenbankzugriffHandler |
Datenquelle |
DatenquelleAPI |
DatenquelleCSVServlet |
DatenquelleDao |
DatenquelleHandler |
The Class DataStoreHandler.
DatenquelleJSONServlet |
DatenquelleParams |
DatenquelleResolverFactory |
DatenquelleXMLServlet |
DatentabelleDao |
DBAccessPoolManager |
DBBinaryEncryptor |
DbConnectionBean |
Bean für die Verwaltung von Verbindungen
DBConnectionData |
DBDatenquelleResolver |
DbEncryptionBean |
DBEncryptionProcessor |
DBEncryptionPropertiesHelper |
DBEncryptionProvider |
DBNameHelper |
DbQueryBean |
Bean for handling db queries
DBQueryManager |
DbSettingsBean |
DBStringEncryptor |
DefaultAuthenticatorClients |
Default implementation for accessing the clients of an authenticator depending on the authentication flow.
DefaultAuthenticatorClients.Builder |
DefaultClientCreator |
Default-implementation for creating clients
DefaultClientData |
Default-implementation of the default data to use while creating an client
DefaultContextValueReplacer |
DefaultConvertibleMap<V> |
DefaultDaoActionHook<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
DefaultedZonedDateTimeTemporalQuery |
DefaultEntityWriter |
Default writer for entities that serializes the entity based on ExportDetails
DefaultFastJsonConfigFactory |
Creates the default serializer and deserializer configurations for fast JSON.
DefaultFastJsonConverter |
Default implementation of IFastJsonConverter that does not add any custom serializers etc.
DefaultFD2AppointmentProvider |
DefaultFD2ConditionsFactory |
DefaultFD2ConditionsFactory |
Deprecated. |
DefaultFD2DatasourceProvider |
DefaultFD2ItemProvider |
DefaultFD2LanguageProvider |
DefaultFD2LicenseDataProvider |
DefaultFD2MetaDataProvider |
DefaultFD2MetaDataWrapper |
Diese Klasse kapselt ein Script -Objekt welches als Node im einem HTML-Generierungsprozess eingebunden
werden kann.
DefaultFD2ReplacerProvider |
DefaultFD2StatusProvider |
DefaultFD2TemplateProvider |
DefaultFD2UserGroupProvider |
DefaultFD2VRulesProvider |
DefaultFormFunctionReplacer |
DefaultFormValueReplacer |
DefaultI18nValueReplacer |
DefaultListConverter |
Default converter for the tagify component.
DefaultMailContext |
Default implementation for sending mails via smtp
DefaultMandantCreator |
DefaultMandantData |
DefaultPluginLifecycleData |
DefaultReplacerParameters |
DefaultSessionValueReplacer |
Default implementation for placeholder values in session scope.
DefaultSettingsController |
Contains the default implementation for the addNewListener and deleteListener required by the
settings.xhtml custom component.
DefaultSystemValueReplacer |
DefaultTemplateValueReplacer |
DefaultVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
DefaultWorkflowValidationContext |
DelimitedStringListConverter |
DependencyDescriptor |
DeprecateTextTemplateSystemInfoUpdate_7_0 |
DeserializedEntity |
DesignerAddStateBean |
Controller bean for adding a new workflow state to the workflow.
DesignerConfigFactory |
Utility methods for creating the designer JSON config required by the client side JavaScript.
DesignerContextAwareViewHandler |
View handler for the designer that adds the designer conversation ID to all URLs.
DesignerConversationBean |
Bean for handling the designer conversation context.
DesignerConversationModel |
POJO model for the current global state of a designer instance.
DesignerConversationModelHelper |
DesignerFrameConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the designer frame.
DesignerModelBean |
Bean for the new designer.
DesignerModelFactory |
Utility methods for creating the various models used by the designer frame.
DesignerPageBean |
Bean for all designer pages.
DesignerPreviewBean |
Bean for the designer.
DesignerRequestResponder |
Utility methods for responding to invalid requests when the designer is opened.
DesignerSetupBean |
Called during pre-render view and creates the designer model.
DesignerStateHelper |
Helper for adding new state to the workflow.
DesignerTabBean |
Bean controlling the components of the designer.
DevelopmentServletContextListener |
Servlet context listener that checks whether javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE ) is set to
ProjectStage.Development .
DevIncludesDevServlet |
DevResource |
A resource meant only for development.
DevResourceBundleFilter |
Filer that is added dynamically when dev mode is activated.
DevResourceDescriptor |
DevResourceDescriptor |
Wraps a resource and serves it directly from the file system when dev mode is turned on.
DialogBean |
Emulates the dynamic functionality of a primefaces dialog.
DiscriminatedUnionMember<D,V> |
DocumentTypes |
Holds a map with frequently used suffixes of files as keys and grouping them through the values, each value has a
visual representation for p:treeNode
DoiVerificationResult |
Model class for the result of the execution of a double opt-in verification event.
DomUtil |
DownloadBean |
DownloadIncludesServlet |
DownloadLocalBackupParams |
DownloadManager |
DrawerPanelModel |
Model that stores the available prototypes for the workflow elements.
DropDataTablesForeignKeys |
DropDataTablesPrimaryKeys |
DropInboxTablesForeignKeys |
DropInboxTablesPrimaryKeys |
DuplicateFormElementAliasException |
Exception thrown when a multiple form elements have got the same alias, such as when persisting a form version.
DurationPartsConverter |
DynamicShortDateTimeConverter |
EAccessProperty |
An access property describes the permissions a FORMCYCLE user is granted.
EAdminDashCategory |
Categories of the admin dashboard, used by IMenuEntryModel.
EAktionsResultat |
Resultat eines Workflow-Schrittes.
EAnrede |
The form of address of a person.
EAppenderKey |
Deprecated. |
EAppenderType |
Enum with the available log-appender-types
EAppointmentActionType |
An enumeration of the actions that can be applied to a submitted appointment.
EAppointmentBookingError |
An enumeration of the possible errors that may occur when booking an appointment.
EAppointmentBookingFlag |
Enumeration with flags for changing the validation process of an Appointment .
EAppointmentIcalError |
EAppointmentLinkType |
EAppointmentStatus |
EAssociativity |
EAttachmentSource |
EAuthCallbackUrlType |
Types of callback URLs.
EAuthClientType |
EAuthConfigState |
An enumeration with the possible states of an authenticator, indicating whether it's configuration is complete.
EAuthenticationFlow |
Enum representing the supported authentication flows for authenticator clients.
EAuthError |
Enum with available authentication-error-reasons
EAutoLoginType |
EBaseActionViewType |
Default built-in views for business action nodes for the workflow flowchart.
EBenamungsModus |
Die Enumeration Benamungsmodus wird dazuverwendet um anzugeben ob die Standardelementbenamung aus dem Designer
genutzt wird, oder die benutzerspezifischen Benamungen.
EBenutzerStatus |
Der Benutzerstatus gibt an ob der Nutzer das System nutzen kann, er blockiert oder gar gelöscht ist.
EBenutzerTyp |
An enumeration of the different user types.
EBenutzerverwaltungsTyp |
EBrowserType |
EByteOrderMarkMode |
Enumeration of possible byte order marks, indicating whether a byte order mark is added to some data.
EByteOrderMarkSupport |
EChangeFormAvailabilityType |
Enumeration of the different ways to change a form's availability, used by the workflow action.
EClientLdapType |
Which type of LDAP connection the newly created client should use.
EClientMailType |
EClusterControllMessage |
Enumeration of the possible control commands that can be sent to a node in the cluster.
EClusterImplementation |
Enumeration of the possible implementations for the cluster.
EClusterProtocolType |
EColorPalette |
Enumeration of available color palettes for the web.
EColumnLabelType |
Representing label options for columns during form record export
ECommonFileSearchOptions |
ECommonServlets |
ECompressAsZipNamingScheme |
Enumeration with the possible values for how files are named when put into a ZIP archive.
EConditionType |
EConnectionEncryption |
EConnectionStatus |
Enum der Verbindungs-Status
EContentDisposition |
EContentType |
EContentType.Constants |
EContentView |
Enumeration describing views to FORMCYCLE content pages.
EContentViewCategory |
ECounterActionType |
Defines types of actions for counters.
ECounterRefGroupType |
Enum representing different groups for referencing counters
ECounterResetType |
Types of conditions by which an object/entity may be reset
ECssAlignItems |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property align-items .
ECssBackgroundRepeat |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property background-repeat .
ECssBoxSizing |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property box-sizing .
ECssCursor |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property cursor .
ECssDisplay |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property display .
ECssJustifyContent |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property justify-content .
ECssOverflow |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property overflow .
ECssPointerEvent |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property pointer-events .
ECssPosition |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property position .
ECssRequestType |
Enumeration of the possible CSS request types, see CssRequest .
ECssTextAlign |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property text-align .
ECssTranformOrigin |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property transform-origin .
ECssUnit |
Enumeration of CSS units.
ECSVDelimiterType |
ECSVImportFormat |
Enum of CSV import options
ECSVTextQualifierType |
EDatasource |
EDataView |
Enum for different view types for inputing or presenting information.
EDatenabfrageTyp |
EDatenbankTyp |
Enumeration of the database management systems natively supported by FORMCYCLE.
EDatenquellenTyp |
EDBEncryptionAlgorithm |
EDbUpdateStep |
EDesignerPropertyPanel |
Enumeration for the different property panels of the designer.
EDesignerTabType |
Enumeration of how the content of a designer tab is rendered.
EDesignerUploadFileSource |
Enumeration of the cross view upload file sources used in the designer.
EElementHelpPageTargetType |
Enumeration of how how a workflow element can provide the user with a usage help page.
EElementPrototypeTag |
Enumeration of tags for workflow element prototypes that affect how the prototypes are displayed etc.
EElementProtoViewType |
Enumeration of the possible types how a workflow element prototype is displayed in the drawer and overlay panels.
EEmailBodyFormatType |
Types of mail body sending format
EEncryptionTestResult |
EEntityConflictResolveAction |
Possible actions if entity conflicts arise
EEntityKeySelectionType |
Describes how to find the key for entity list views to store the currently selected entity via the
SelectionBean .
EEntityRefType |
Type of reference to an entity
EErrorType |
Beschreibt die verschieden Typen von Fehlern die auftreten können.
EExecCondition |
EExportContext |
Context for use in ExportDetails to determine when a field should be exported
EExportToXmlField |
Enumeration of additional fields that can be included in the generated XML file with the submitted form data.
EExportType |
EExterneRessourcenTyp |
EFacesMessageSeverity |
EFacesMessageSeverity |
Serializable wrapper for a FacesMessage FacesMessage.Severity .
EFcChangeFormAvailabilityError |
EFcChangeFormAvailabilitySoftError |
EFcChangeFormValueError |
EFcChangeFormValueSoftError |
EFcChangeStateError |
EFcChangeStateSoftError |
EFcCompressAsZipError |
EFcCompressAsZipSoftError |
EFcCompressAsZipUpdates |
Enumeration with the updates for the properties of the compress as ZIP action.
EFcCopyFormRecordError |
EFcCopyFormRecordSoftError |
EFcCounterError |
EFcCounterSoftError |
EFcCreateTextFileError |
EFcCreateTextFileSoftError |
EFcDecodeBase64Error |
EFcDecodeBase64SoftError |
EFcDoiInitError |
EFcDoiInitSoftError |
EFcEmailError |
EFcEmailSoftError |
EFcEmailUpdates |
Enumeration with the updates for the properties of the email workflow action.
EFcEncodeBase64Error |
EFcEncodeBase64SoftError |
EFcExperimentError |
EFcExperimentSoftError |
EFcExportToPersistenceError |
EFcExportToPersistenceSoftError |
EFcExportToXmlError |
EFcExportToXmlSoftError |
EFcFillPdfError |
EFcFillPdfSoftError |
EFcFillWordError |
EFcFillWordSoftError |
EFcHttpRequestError |
EFcHttpRequestPropsUpdate |
EFcHttpRequestSoftError |
EFcImportFormValueFromXmlError |
EFcImportFormValueFromXmlSoftError |
EFcLdapQueryError |
EFcLdapQuerySoftError |
EFcLogEntryError |
EFcLogEntrySoftError |
EFcMoveFormRecordToInboxError |
EFcMoveFormRecordToInboxSoftError |
EFcMultipleConditionError |
EFcMultipleConditionSoftError |
EFcProcessLogPdfError |
EFcProcessLogPdfSoftError |
EFcProvideResourceError |
EFcProvideResourceSoftError |
EFcQueueTaskError |
EFcQueueTaskSoftError |
EFcRedirectError |
EFcRedirectSoftError |
EFcRenewProcessIdError |
EFcRenewProcessIdSoftError |
EFcReturnFileError |
EFcReturnFileSoftError |
EFcSaveToFileSystemError |
EFcSaveToFileSystemSoftError |
EFcSaveToWebDavError |
EFcSaveToWebDavSoftError |
EFcSetSavedFlagError |
EFcSetSavedFlagSoftError |
EFcShowTemplateError |
EFcShowTemplateSoftError |
EFcSqlStatementError |
EFcSqlStatementSoftError |
EFcSwitchError |
EFcSwitchSoftError |
EFcThrowExceptionError |
EFcThrowExceptionSoftError |
EFcWriteFormRecordAttrError |
EFcWriteFormRecordAttrSoftError |
EFileConflictMode |
Enumeration indicating how to proceed when a file exists already.
EFileConflictResolution |
Enumeration with the possible actions to be taken when an uploaded file conflicts with an existing file.
EFilter |
EFlowchartBackupRequestSource |
Enumeration of the possible request source that may trigger a backup detect event.
EFlowchartSelectionType |
EFormAuthTyp |
Deprecated. |
EFormElementTyp |
Elementtypen in Formularen, die für die Platzhalter-API relevant sind.
EFormExportFormat |
Type of form print export
EFormExportOptionConverter |
EFormExportPart |
Enumeration indicating which part of a form should be exported.
EFormFieldTyp |
This enum lists the different types of form elements.
EFormImpexOption |
Definiert die möglichen Import/Export-Optionen für ein Formular
EFormOfflineMode |
Enumeration with the possible behaviors how a form record is treated when the associated form is currently offline.
EFormPersistFile |
Enumeration of the different form persist files.
EFormPrintFormat |
Export format for printing forms
EFormProcessType |
EFormRecordDataAccess |
Enum for regulating access to form records
EFormRecordQuartzJobType |
Enum for displaying different kinds of quartz jobs for form records.
EFormRequestType |
EFormResourceType |
EFormShareOutputType |
EFormShareProperty |
EFormShareType |
Enum representing ways of sharing FORMCYCLE forms along with customization options
EFormTargetState |
When a form is submitted, a new state must be determined for the form.
EFormTemplateScope |
EFormTyp |
Von Formcycle unterstützte Formulartypen.
EFormVersionActions |
FormVersion aktionen einer FormVersion
EFreigabeStatus |
Freigabe-Status einer FormVersion
EFreigabeTyp |
Typ des Freigabemechanismus eines Mandanten
EHttpContentType |
Enumeration of the possible content types that can be selected for the EWorkflowNodeType#FC_POST_REQUEST .
EHttpLocationResolutionType |
How to handle redirect (relative) URIs when sending an HTTP request and the response has a 3xx status code with a
Location header.
EHttpRequestType |
Enumeration for the various ways of configuring the body of an HTTP request, used by the HTTP request workflow
EHttpVerb |
A list of well-known HTTP verbs, mostly those defined by the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 standards.
EI18nSource |
Given a default string and a language-specific string, indicates which string should be used.
EicarTestFileMalwareScannerPlugin |
A sample implementation for a malware scanner plugin.
EicarVirusTestFileScanner |
Malware scanner that detects the EICAR virus test
file (but not in ZIP archives etc.) According to the spec:
EIconType |
EIdentityTokenFailure |
Error reasons why the one-time submission token check failed.
EInboxFilterTag |
EIncrementalPersistPatchOperation |
EJobAction |
ELanguage |
ELanguageConverter |
ELayoutType |
Enum with appender-layout patterns
ELdapLoginStatus |
ElementDrawerPanelBean |
Controller for the drawer panel and the task / node add panel.
ElementEntry<TElement> |
ElementGlobalValidationParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
ElementHelpLocation |
POJO implementation of IElementHelpLocation with some additional static factory methods for convenience.
ElementHelpLocationBean |
ElementInfoPanelBean |
Beans which handles the element info dialog for a flowchart node or trigger.
ElementInfoPanelModel |
View Model storing the data that shown in the element info dialog of the flowchart.
ElementInfoRequestEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when more info regarding an element was requested (by clicking on the info
ElementInitParams<TData> |
ElementKey |
The key of a workflow element that uniquely identifies it within the context of a process.
ElementLocalValidationParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
ElementMessageModel |
ElementMessageSetModel |
ElementNodeInfoHelper |
ElementPropertiesBean |
Bean for the properties panel to the right, that may contain node or trigger properties.
ElementPropertiesHelper |
ElementPrototypeCategory<TWrapper> |
ElementPrototypeDescriptor<TData,TPayload extends IElementPrototypeData<TData>> |
ElementPrototypeModel |
JSON-convertible client model that represents a prototype for a flowchart element that corresponds to a HTML element.
ElementPrototypesHelper |
Static function for creating workflow element prototypes.
ElementResultBuilder |
ElementTriggerInfoHelper |
ElementUpdateCurrentPropsParams<TData> |
ElementUpdateCurrentTaskParams |
ElementWithTask<TElement> |
ELicenseFeature |
ELicenseFileType |
ELicenseState |
ELicenseSubscriptionType |
ELicenseType |
Enumeration of the available license type.
ELicenseVersionState |
ELinkTarget |
ELiquibaseCmd |
ELiquibaseCmd |
ELizenzTyp |
Deprecated. |
ELogEntryActionLogLevel |
Enumeration on the different levels of workflow actions which are relevant for a log filter.
ELoggerKey |
Deprecated. |
ELoggerType |
ELoginContext |
ELogLevel |
Enum representing log levels
ELogLevel |
Deprecated. |
EMailAuthenticationType |
Enumeration of possible authentication methods.
EmailContent |
Model for displaying the content of an email (which may be a multipart consisting of other parts).
EMailEncrpytionType |
Enumeration of possible email encryption methods.
EMailEncryption |
EmailInfo |
Data extracted from a mail message.
EMalwareScanOutcome |
Enumerates the possible outcomes of a malware scan.
EMatchCondition |
EMime |
EModule |
EMonacoOptions |
Enumeration of default options for the monaco code editor.
EMProvider |
EmptyEventExecutionResult |
An event execution result that can be used when no tasks were executed, such as when no triggers fired).
EmptyFileItem |
EmptyResourceDescriptor |
EMrmrsColor |
EMultipleConditionCombinationType |
Enumeration of the different possibilities how the individual conditions of a multiple condition workflow node may be
EMultipleResolvedFilesCollector |
ENagixChartJsColor |
Color palette from
ENamedCssColor |
Enumeration of CSS color name, together with the usual color values.
EncryptionUtils |
EncryptTemplateI18nUpdate_6_4 |
Generates new HTML templates for authentication
Endpoint<C extends Comparable> |
POJO class describing an end point of a range, either a lower or upper end point.
EndpointAccessor<T,C extends Comparable> |
Interface for a handler that allows accessing a Range endpoint of some object.
EndpointAccessorsIdentity |
An enumeration containing instances of EndpointAccessor , for Range.lowerEndpoint() s or
Range.upperEndpoint() .
EndpointAccessorsRange |
An enumeration with implementations of EndpointAccessor s for accessing the end points of Range
EndpointDescriptor |
Interface for a handler that describes the properties of an end point of Range .
EndpointDescriptors |
EndpointDirection |
Describes the direction or type of end point, i.e.
EndpointType |
Interface for a handler that describes an end of an interval.
EndpointTypeComparator |
A comparator for comparing two end points of a range.
EndpointTypeComparators |
EndpointTypes |
An enumeration with implementations of all possible EndpointType s.
EndToEndClientInboxBean |
Bean for the client inbox portal page.
EndToEndFormRecordInfoBean |
ENodeCompletionType |
Enumeration of the possible types how the execution of a workflow node was completed.
ENodeState |
Enumeration describing the possible states of a node in the cluster.
ENodeType |
Enumeration of the possible modes of a node, i.e.
ENodeTypes |
EntitiesRuntime |
EntitiesRuntimeManager |
EntityAlternativeProvider |
Helper class for providing alternatives during entity import
EntityBean<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
Entityberechtigung |
EntityberechtigungAPI |
EntityberechtigungDao |
EntityberechtigungHandler |
EntityComparator |
Comparator for IEntity s
EntityConfigWrapper |
EntityContext |
EntityContextFactory |
EntityDependency |
EntityDependencyUpdater |
EntityDescriptor |
Model for describing a FORMCYCLE entities
EntityDummyFactory |
EntityExporterFactory |
Factory for FORMCYCLE entity exporters
EntityExportFileFactory |
Factory for creating the export files for entities during serialization
EntityExportHelper |
Helper class for generating StreamedContent from entities
EntityExportWrapper |
EntityHelper |
Internal helper for working with entities.
EntityIdView |
POJO view for the AttributeSelectCriteriaManager when selecting only the ID of an entity.
EntityImportConfig |
Deprecated. |
EntityImportDetails |
Annotation for customizing the deserialization process during entity import to take into account deprecated fields
EntityImporter |
EntityImportHelper |
Helper class for importing entities
EntityImportResult |
Model class for entity import results
EntityImportStagerFactory |
Deprecated. |
EntityListDependency |
EntityListModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
EntityListModelSelectByView<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
Extends the EntityListModel and adds functionality for memorizing the currently selected entity for the
duration of the current session.
EntityProjectTemplate |
EntityRef |
Model class for referencing an entity either by UUID or name
EntityReferenceDaoListener<TReferenced extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TReferencing extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
A IDaoActionListener for checking whether an entity is still referenced by another entity, and preventing the
deletion of said entity if it is.
EntityReferenceDescriptor |
EntitySelectModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
EntitySerializer |
Class for (de-)serializing entities
EntityTypeAdapter |
EntityUtils |
EnumBean |
EnumHandlerRestriction |
Behandelt Einschränkungen bezüglich Enums, welche bei bestimmten Entitäten unterschiedliche Werte annehmen kann.
EnumServletHandler |
EnumTransform<T extends Enum<T>> |
Transform er similar to for enums which allows you to specify how unknown enum constants are handled.
EObjectGraphVisitResult |
EOperatorType |
EParsedElementKind |
Enumeration of the possible types resulting when an infix expression is parsed into reverse polish notation (RPN).
EPasswordAssignType |
Typen für die Art der Passwortvergabe (bei Anlegen eines Benutzers)
EPasswordLinkType |
Link-Typen für das Passwort am Benutzer setzen
EPasswordPolicy |
EPatchOperation |
Enumeration of JSON patch operation.
EPathSegmentSanitizationRulesPreset |
EPdfAcroFormType |
Enumeration with the different types of AcroForm fields.
EPlaceholderEscaper |
EPlaceholderSyntaxKind |
Enumeration of the different placeholder types that can be distinguished solely by their string representation,
without semantic information from placeholder replacement handlers.
EPlaceholderType |
Common placeholder types.
EPlaceholderType |
EPluginCompatibility |
EPluginFormResourceType |
EPluginLifecycleEvent |
An enumeration of the different types of plugin related events for which a listener may be registered.
EPluginScope |
Deprecated. |
EPluginTypes |
EPostfachColumnIdentifier |
EProcessingResult |
Enumeration for the types of data provided by the workflow.
EProcessListView |
EProcessLogFormat |
EProcessView |
EProjectAccessConfig |
Options during project import for choosing how the project access will be resolved
EProjectExportFormat |
EProjectImportStep |
EProjectImportType |
Enumeration of how the an imported export file is used.
EProjectSpecificDBTable |
Definiert die projektspezifischen Datentabelle, in denen die Vorgangsdaten abgelegt werden können.
EProjectWizard |
EProtocolCleanupRange |
Ranges that may be selected for configuring a protocol cleanup job
EProtocolEntryProcessType |
EProtocolType |
That type of protocol that is needed for deleting protocol entries
EProtokollEintragTyp |
Deprecated. |
EQuasarColor |
Colors from
ERedirectToClientInboxError |
ERedirectToFormRecordError |
EReplacementInsertionType |
ERequestType |
EResolutionType |
EResourceItemResolutionError |
Enumeration of the different error types that can occur when resolving the files references by a
ResourceItem .
EResourceItemType |
Enumeration of the different types of resources that can be selected in the configuration of workflow actions.
EResponseType |
An enumeration of possible HTTP response types.
ERessourcenTyp |
ERobotsTag |
Possible values for the X-Robots-Tag header.
ERollen |
ERollenTyp |
Der Enum RollenTyp wird dazu genutzt spezielle Systemberechtigungen zu setzen, die in der Logik selbst ausgewertet
werden und nicht in den Entityberechtigung en.
ErrorCode |
ErrorCodeSection |
POJO model for the error section detailing an error that may be thrown by a node.
ESameSiteValue |
The allowed same-site cookie attribute values.
EServletAction |
An enumeration of the available HTTP methods for a HTTP servlet.
ESessionAttributes |
ESingleResolvedFileCollector |
EStatusRefType |
Type of reference to a state
EStatusTyp |
EStringMatchType |
Enumeration of how to string are compared to another.
ESubmitButtonAction |
ESystemInfo |
Enum representing types of system information
ETagUtil |
Utility for working with the ETag HTTP caching mechanism.
ETagUtil.ETag |
POJO models for an ETag that can be exchanged via HTTP requests for cache control etc.
ETaskStatus |
ETestCaseRuntimeMethod |
Enumeration of the possible methods to run a test case.
ETestCaseSetupMethod |
Enumeration of the possible types to set up a test case.
ETextbausteinKategorie |
ETextbausteinMsgCode |
Dieser Enum listet alle möglichen Nachrichtencodes auf, die Textbausteinen zugeordnet werden können
ETextFileContentType |
Enumeration of the possible content types that can be selected for the EWorkflowNodeType#FC_CREATE_TEXT_FILE .
ETextFormatFlag |
Enumeration with the possible flags for different text formatting styles.
ETimePointTriggerDurationUnit |
ETimePointTriggerOperation |
ETimePointType |
Enumeration of the possible ways how a point in time may be specified.
ETimeSpan |
Enum für die möglichen Anzeige-Zeitspannen
ETokenKind |
Enumeration of the possible tokens that may occur in an infix expression.
EUpdateResult |
EUpdateStatus |
EUploadType |
EUserAuthorizationType |
Deprecated. |
EValidations |
EValidationSeverity |
EvaluationMode |
EValueType |
Enumeration of different value types for a JSON like data structure.
EventExecutionResult |
EventResultConverter |
EventTaskLocator |
Helper for locating the workflow tasks that apply to a certain event.
EVerarbeitungsTyp |
Klasse zum Mappen von hinterlegten Verarbeitungsnamen zur entsprechenden Klasse
EViews |
EWebColors |
Color palette with the named colors as defined by the CSS standard.
EWeiterverarbeitung_Aktion |
EWeiterverarbeitung_Bedingung |
EWeiterverarbeitung_Status |
EWizardStep |
Deprecated. |
EWizardStepCSVImport |
Enum for wizard steps during CSV import
EWizardStepFormShare |
Enum for wizards steps during form link creation
EWorkflowElementCategory |
Enumeration of built-in categories for workflow nodes and triggers.
EWorkflowElementType |
EWorkflowEventLoopTiming |
EWorkflowNodeType |
A list of built-in workflow types.
EWorkflowStateModelProperty |
EWorkflowStateType |
Enumeration of WorkflowState s types that may be treated specially by the system.
EWorkflowTriggerType |
EWorkflowValidationGroup |
ExcelImportOptions |
Utility class for importing Excel files
ExclusiveFormRecordLockResult |
Model class for the result of form record lock requests
ExecuteScriptPushData |
POJO data model for the push event beans.
ExecutionAbortedException |
Indicates that execution of a workflow node was aborted.
ExportAktionData |
ExportBedingungData |
ExportDetails |
ExportMetadata |
Metadaten zum Export
ExportProjektData |
ExportProjektDoiData |
ExportStatusData |
ExportStatusHelpData |
ExportUnzipper |
Utility class for unzipping FORMCYCLE export files
ExtendedAppointmentFreeSlot |
POJO helper class for the appointment free slot query result builder.
ExtendedEntityModel<E extends ITransferable> |
ExtendedFormPersistContext |
Context of an form-resist-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedFormProcessContext |
Context of an form-process-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedFormPublishContext |
Context of an form-publish-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedFormRenderContext |
Context of an form-render-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedFormRequestContext |
Context of an form-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedJeeHttpActionAdapter |
Extended JEE HTTP action adapter
ExtendedPostfach |
ExtendedSAML2AuthnResponseValidator |
ExtendedSAML2Client |
ExtendedVorgangResultTransformer |
ExternalClientServicesBuilder |
ExternalContextFilter |
Servlet Filter implementation class ExternalFilter
ExternalFormsBean |
Bean for the external page /external/forms .
ExternalResourceItem |
A file select menu may contain options form form resources, client resources and external URLs.
ExternalUserClientBean |
ExternalUserSystemBean |
ExtractSearchTermsParams<TData> |
EZugriffsrecht |
Der Enum Zugriffsrechte dient dazu die Rechte eindeutig zu identifizieren
FacebookWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
FacesFunctions |
Static methods that can be used within XHTML pages, e.g.
FacesHelper |
FacesMessagePushData |
POJO data model for the push event beans.
FacesWorkflowLocalValidationContext |
Context for the workflow validation that is available when bean validation is invoked from JSF.
FallbackExecutionAnalyzer |
Fallback execution analyzer when no logic handler could be found for a node.
FastJsonException |
Similar to JSONException , but with the difference that this is a checked exception.
FastJsonProvider |
A JsonProvider for JSON .
FCApplicationFactoryWrapper |
FCApplicationWrapper |
FcBeanValidatorMessageInterpolator |
A JAKARTA bean validation API message interpolator for FORMCYCLE that combines different built-in resource bundles as
well as resource bundles provided by plugins.
FcCatchErrorHandler |
FcCatchErrorProps |
FcChangeFormAvailabilityExecutor |
FcChangeFormAvailabilityHandler |
FcChangeFormAvailabilityProps |
FcChangeFormValueExecutor |
FcChangeFormValueHandler |
FcChangeFormValueProps |
FcChangeStateBean |
FcChangeStateExecutor |
FcChangeStateHandler |
FcChangeStateProps |
FcChangeStateValidator |
FcCompressAsZipExecutor |
FcCompressAsZipHandler |
FcCompressAsZipProps |
FCContextBean |
Stellt globale Funktionalität zur Verfügung, wenn Nutzer eingeloggt ist
FcCopyFormRecordExecutor |
FcCopyFormRecordHandler |
FcCopyFormRecordProps |
FcCounterExecutor |
FcCounterHandler |
FcCounterProps |
FcCreateTextFileExecutor |
FcCreateTextFileHandler |
FcCreateTextFileProps |
FcDecodeBase64Executor |
FcDecodeBase64Handler |
FcDecodeBase64Props |
FcDeleteFormRecordHandler |
FcDeleteFormRecordProps |
FcDoiInitExecutor |
FcDoiInitHandler |
FcDoiInitProps |
Model class for the workflow action that initializes the Double-Opt-In process.
FcDoiVerifiedHandler |
FcDoiVerifiedProps |
FcEmailBean |
FcEmailExecutor |
FcEmailHandler |
FcEmailProps |
FcEmptyHandler |
FcEncodeBase64Executor |
FcEncodeBase64Handler |
FcEncodeBase64Props |
FCEncryptedBinaryType |
FCEncryptedIntegerType |
FCEncryptedStringType |
FCEntityConverter |
FCEntityListConverter |
FcExceptionHandler |
FcExceptionHandlerFactory |
FcExperimentExecutor |
FcExperimentHandler |
FcExperimentProps |
FcExportToPersistenceExecutor |
FcExportToPersistenceHandler |
FcExportToPersistenceProps |
FcExportToXmlBean |
FcExportToXmlExecutor |
FcExportToXmlHandler |
FcExportToXmlProps |
FcFileUploadFilter |
An extension of the PrimeFaces FileUploadFilter that stores items in a sub directory of the temp directory.
FcFillPdfExecutor |
FcFillPdfHandler |
FcFillPdfProps |
FcFillWordExecutor |
FcFillWordHandler |
FcFillWordProps |
FCFontInfo |
FCFormElementModelPicklistConverter |
A Converter for a FormElementModel that is used on the inbox and data table configuration page.
FcFormSubmitButtonHandler |
FcFormSubmitButtonProps |
FcHttpRequestExecutor |
FcHttpRequestHandler |
FcHttpRequestProps |
FcHttpRequestProps.BasicAuthProps |
POJO model class for the basic auth credentials of the HTTP request action.
FcHttpRequestProps.ProxyAuthProps |
POJO model class for the credentials to use with the proxy of the HTTP request action (applicable only when a proxy
is used).
FcHttpRequestProps.ProxyProps |
POJO model class for the proxy configuration of the HTTP request action.
FcI18nBundleLocator |
A Hibernate bean validation API resource bundle locator for the i18n.fc resource bundle.
FcI18nBundleMessageInterpolator |
A JAKARTA bean validation API message interpolator for the i18n.fc resource bundle.
FcImportFormValueFromXmlExecutor |
FcImportFormValueFromXmlHandler |
FcImportFormValueFromXmlProps |
FcInvitationErrorHandler |
FcInvitationErrorProps |
FcInvitationSentHandler |
FcInvitationSentProps |
FcLdapQueryBean |
FcLdapQueryExecutor |
FcLdapQueryHandler |
FcLdapQueryProps |
FcLogEntryExecutor |
FcLogEntryHandler |
FcLogEntryProps |
FcManualHandler |
FcManualProps |
FCMessage |
A message that may be shown to the user.
FCMessage |
FCMessage.ESeverity |
FCMessage.ParamsLocalizer |
FcMoveFormRecordToInboxExecutor |
FcMoveFormRecordToInboxHandler |
FcMoveFormRecordToInboxProps |
FcMultipleConditionBean |
FcMultipleConditionExecutor |
FcMultipleConditionHandler |
FcMultipleConditionProps |
FcMultipleConditionProps.SingleCondition |
Models a single conditions with an operator and one or two operands.
FcMultipleConditionsCustomExpression |
FcMultipleConditionsCustomExpression.List |
FcMultipleConditionsCustomExpressionValidator |
FcMultipleConditionsUniquelyNamed |
FcMultipleConditionsUniquelyNamed.List |
FcMultipleConditionsUniquelyNamedValidator |
FCPluginException |
Exception welche innerhalb der Plugin-Initialisierung und Abarbeitung geworfen werden kann
FCPluginType |
Markup annotation for plugin types.
FcProcessHistoryPdfHandler |
FcProcessHistoryPdfProps |
FcProcessLogPdfExecutor |
FcProcessLogPdfHandler |
FcProcessLogPdfProps |
FcProvideResourceExecutor |
FcProvideResourceHandler |
FcProvideResourceProps |
FcQualifiedFormSubmitButtonHandler |
FcQualifiedFormSubmitButtonProps |
FcQueueTaskExecutor |
FcQueueTaskHandler |
FcQueueTaskProps |
FcRedirectBean |
FcRedirectExecutor |
Creates a new executor for executing a forwarding action with the given parameters.
FcRedirectHandler |
FcRedirectProps |
FcRenewProcessIdExecutor |
FcRenewProcessIdHandler |
FcRenewProcessIdProps |
FCResourceHandler |
FcReturnFileExecutor |
FcReturnFileHandler |
FcReturnFileProps |
FcReturnHandler |
FcReturnProps |
FCReversePicklistConverter |
FcSaveToFileSystemExecutor |
FcSaveToFileSystemHandler |
FcSaveToFileSystemProps |
FcSaveToWebDavBean |
Bean for accessing a root TreeNode for generating a output of directories
FcSaveToWebDavExecutor |
FcSaveToWebDavHandler |
FcSaveToWebDavProps |
FCSecurityExtension |
FcSequenceHandler |
FcServerType |
Markup annotation for controlling initialization of classes inside plugins through the plugin or portal manager.
FcSetSavedFlagExecutor |
FcSetSavedFlagHandler |
Handler for the Workflow node action that sets the form record to saved
FcSetSavedFlagProps |
Model class for the workflow node action that marks form records as saved
FcShowTemplateExecutor |
FcShowTemplateHandler |
FcShowTemplateProps |
FcSqlStatementBean |
FcSqlStatementExecutor |
FcSqlStatementHandler |
FcSqlStatementProps |
FcStateTimerBean |
FcStateTimerHandler |
FcStateTimerProps |
FcSwitchCaseBean |
FcSwitchCaseCustomExpression |
FcSwitchCaseCustomExpression.List |
FcSwitchCaseCustomExpressionValidator |
FcSwitchCaseHandler |
FcSwitchCaseProps |
FcSwitchCaseProps.SingleCaseValue |
A single case value with an operator an a right-hand side that is tested against the switch value.
FcSwitchCaseUniquelyNamed |
FcSwitchCaseUniquelyNamed.List |
FcSwitchCaseUniquelyNamedValidator |
FcSwitchDefaultHandler |
FcSwitchDefaultProps |
FcSwitchExecutor |
FcSwitchHandler |
FcSwitchProps |
FcThrowExceptionExecutor |
FcThrowExceptionHandler |
FcThrowExceptionProps |
FcTimePointBean |
FcTimePointHandler |
FcTimePointProps |
FcTimePointProps.TimePointExpressionWithFormat |
FcTimePointProps.TimePointFixed |
FCUserProfile |
FcUuidEntityConverter |
Converter for FORMCYCLE entities that also implement IUUIDEntity .
FcWriteFormRecordAttrExecutor |
FcWriteFormRecordAttrHandler |
FcWriteFormRecordAttrProps |
FD2ConfigBuilder |
FD2Const |
Klasse mit den Konstatnen für den Designer
FD2Const.Files |
FD2Const.Notes |
FD2Const.XRendererConst |
FD2Const.XRendererParameter |
FD2Const.XRendererPath |
FD2Const.XResourceParameter |
FD2DefaultValues |
FD2FormLanguageProvider |
FD2Helper |
FD2i18nKeys |
FD2i18nKeys.ServerValidation |
FD2RenderContext |
FD2Session |
FD2SessionManager |
FD2SystemLanguageProvider |
FdExportConfigModel |
FdToExcelBuilder |
Builder to transform form-data to excel
FdToExcelResult |
The result of an transformation of formdata to excel
FDToExcelTransformer |
FdToXmlBuilder |
Builder for transforming form-data into XML
FdToXmlResult |
The result of an transformation of formdata to XML
FDToXmlTransformer |
FeConst |
FeedbackBean |
FeedbackMailData |
Data required for sending a feedback mail.
FeedbackMailUtil |
FetchDesignerPlaceholdersRequest |
Requests the current additional placeholders from the active designer tab.
FetchDesignerPlaceholdersResponse |
FetchTemplateResult |
FetchUploadDataResult |
FetchWebFormPersistRequest |
Requests the current web form persist file from the form designer.
FetchWebFormPersistResponse |
FetchWorkflowConfigRequest |
Requests the current workflow process from the workflow designer.
FetchWorkflowConfigResponse |
FetchWorkflowPersistRequest |
Requests the current workflow persist file from the workflow designer.
FieldFdHTML |
FieldFdXml |
FieldMetaDataHelper |
FieldName |
Represents a parsed form field name, with the base name, the suffix, and the repetition index.
FileAPI |
API class for interaction with files.
FileBodyBuilder |
FileCache |
FileConflict |
POJO class that describes a file conflict, i.e.
FileData |
FileDataCacheManager |
FileFormatException |
A particular IOException caused by an invalid file format
FileFormRecordDataSizeUpdate_6_0 |
FileHandler |
The Class FileHandler.
FileMeta |
FilenameUtils |
FilePartData |
Class for storing informations and data for an mail-bodypart based on an file
FilePathValidator |
FileProvidingWrapper |
Common wrapper for file providing entities
FileSearchOptions |
FileSizeConverter |
FileUploadedRequest |
When a plain file was uploaded.
FileUploadExtension |
Extension to FileUpload that publishes all validation message as global messages as well (so that they can be
shown in the global p:growl).
FileUtils |
FileValueDescriptor |
FilterCriteriaForEventParams |
FilteredClassLoader |
FilterMandantDependentDefault |
FilterMetaConverter |
FilterZugriffsrechtDefault |
Diese Klasse implementiert einen konkreten Zugriffsfilter, der die Standardzugriffsrechte prüft, wie diese in der
Entwicklungsphase definiert wurden.
FindPdfImporterIdsRequest |
Requests the existing PDF importer IDs.
FindPdfImporterIdsResponse |
FixMissingInvalidTokenTemplate_6_6_9 |
FlattenedSubCatIterable |
Flowchart |
Component handler for the flowchart component that can represent a syntax tree-like program as a diagram and also
allows editing.
FlowchartBase |
Base class for the Flowchart component that contains all the getters and setters for the flowchart's
FlowchartBase.PropertyKeys |
FlowchartClientConfig |
Model class for the JSON object that is sent to the client (browser) during a full update of the flowchart.
FlowchartClientConfigHelper |
FlowchartElementIndex |
An index of the nodes and triggers in a workflow process.
FlowchartElementResource |
Represents the JavaScript and CSS resources required by a flowchart element.
FlowchartJsonConverter |
JSON converter for the flowchart component, used to convert the data transmitted between the client and server.
FlowchartLinterProviderBean |
Bean for the flowchart component to locate dead workflow nodes.
FlowchartModel |
FlowchartModelConverter |
FlowchartRenderer |
The default renderer for the Flowchart component.
FlowchartRenderer.FlowchartPartialRenderListener |
Partial renderer listener for updating the flowchart via a script instead of replacing the entire DOM element.
FlowchartSaveEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the user wishes to save (e.g.
FlowchartSelection<TElement> |
Describes the currently selected element of the flowchart.
FlowchartSnapshot |
Represents the serialized version of the flowchart model.
FlowchartUpdateClientConfig |
Model class for the JSON object that is sent to the client (browser) during a partial update of the flowchart.
FlowGraphEndPoints |
FontUtils |
FormAccessAuthorizer |
Deprecated. |
FormAjaxRequestResolver |
FormAjaxScriptBuilder |
Generates a script for loading form via ajax
FormAliasCopyServlet |
Kopieren einer 'FormVersion' per Alias Aufruf (alle Formulartypen)
FormAliasProvideServlet |
Alias-Auslieferung einer 'FormVersion' (alle Formulartypen)
FormAPI |
FormApiScriptBuilder |
Generates a script for loading form via the form include API (see include.js)
FormAttachmentModel |
FormatterManager |
FormAuthContext |
The authentication context for an form
FormAuthContextBuilder |
FormAuthHttpActionAdapter |
FormAuthorizerFactory |
FormBackupHelper |
Utilities for saving and loading form backups.
FormBackupModel |
POJO model for the form version backup available in the form designer.
FormBackupVersion |
FormCallbackRequestHandler |
FormConfigWrapper |
FormContainerMetaData |
FormCopyServlet |
Kopieren einer 'FormVersion' (alle Formulartypen)
FormCopyUtil |
FormCssHelper |
FormcycleAppSetup |
FormcycleEnvironmentConfigBuilder |
FormcycleEnvironmentConfigurator |
Configures an E2E environment for a FORMCYCLE app.
FormcycleEnvironments |
Main entry point for creating and working with FORMCYCLE E2E test environments.
FormcycleProvisioner |
Provisions the FORMCYVLE app to meet the necessary preconditions before a test case can be executed.
FormcycleSetupResult |
FormcycleUpdate |
Callable for update of the entire system.
FormcycleUpdate.Builder |
FormcycleUriManager |
Manages URLs as used by the FORMCYCLE app.
FormDataAPI |
FormDataEncryptedBinaryType |
FormDataEncryptedStringType |
FormDataHandler |
The Class FormDataHandler.
FormDataUtils |
FormDesignerApplicationEventHandler |
Handler for designer events
FormDesignerApplicationEventHandler.Fd2ProjectMetaUpdatedData |
FormDesignerBackupBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerCatalogBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the form designer.
FormDesignerCrossViewScopeRequestHandlerBundle |
Conversation request handler bundle for the form.
FormDesignerCssBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerLangChangedEvent |
When the language used to edit the form has changed.
FormDesignerLanguageBean |
Controller bean for the form designer handling the language.
FormDesignerLanguageModel |
POJO model for the form designer, contains the selected language and the available languages.
FormDesignerModel |
POJO model holding the data required for the form designer.
FormDesignerModelBean |
Bean for the new designer.
FormDesignerModelFactory |
Utility methods for creating the various models used by the form designer.
FormDesignerPluginBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerPublishBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerRefactorBean |
Controller bean for the form designer handling refactorings in form element names etc.
FormDesignerRenderBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerSetupBean |
Bean that is invoked when the form designer is opened.
FormDesignerSyncPersistBean |
Controller bean for the form designer handling changes to the form persist JSON.
FormDesignerTemplateBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormEditValidator |
FormEingang |
FormEingabeDaten +- Vorgang +- Eingangsinformationen (Datum, Nutzer) +- Mapping der Feldnamen-Aliasse auf die
zugehörigen Werte
FormEingangAPI |
FormEingangDao |
FormEingangDatei |
FormEingangDateiData |
FormEingangHandler |
The Class FormEingangHandler.
FormElement |
FormElementAdapter |
FormElementAPI |
FormElementDao |
FormElementHandler |
The Class FormElementHandler.
FormElementModel |
FormElementRelations |
Used by the PDF importer, list of elements that are near the elements to insert.
FormExportBean |
Bean for configuring the print export of projects
FormExporter |
Exporter for creating documents from FORMCYCLE forms
FormFdHTML |
FormFdXml |
FormFieldDataModel |
View Model for data of a form record field
FormFieldDataService |
Service for creating the view model for displaying form record data
FormFieldDescription |
FormFieldMetaData |
FormForwardProvideServlet |
Forward-Alias-Auslieferung einer 'FormVersion' (alle Formulartypen)
FormFunctionFactory |
FormFunctionParseException |
Exception thrown when a form function could not be parsed when it is syntactically invalid.
FormFunctionParser |
Parses a form field function, used by placeholders and by the Word fill workflow action, e.g.
FormHandler |
FormHelper |
Class for different helper-methods for the usage with forms
FormImpexOptionNode |
Model für Darstellung einer Node im FormImpex-Tree
FormItemAddition |
FormItemsPersistUpdatedEvent |
When the persist JSON of a single items was modified.
FormItemUpdate |
FormLanguageHelper |
Helper methods related to the languages available for a form.
FormLifecycleShouldExecuteParams |
FormModel |
POJO model holding data related to the current form edited in the designer.
FormOverviewBean |
FormOverviewContent |
FormOverviewHelper |
Helper for creating and working with the form overview table in the designer.
FormOverviewRow |
POJO model for the form element overview table in the designer.
FormParser |
Deprecated. |
FormPersist |
POJO model for storing the current form persist JSON, with a few utility methods.
FormPersistChangedEvent |
When the persist JSON was modified of the entire form was modified.
FormPersistContext |
Context of an form-persist-request with data after the persist-call
FormPersistContextBuilder |
Builder for creating an form-persist-context.
FormPersistData |
Class with data for ein form-persist-request
FormPersistDataBuilder |
FormPersistHelper |
Helper for working with the form persist JSON from the client, such as applying increment patches.
FormPersistModifications |
FormPersistRequest |
Class with request-data for a form persist request
FormPluginHelper |
FormPortraitExportBean |
Bean for configuring the print export of projects
FormPortraitExporter |
Helper for converting a FORMCYCLE form into a PDF form.
FormPreviewImageServlet |
This servlet returns the preview (thumbnail) image for a given form or form template.
FormPreviewServlet |
Absenden eines Formular für die Vorschau
FormPrintServlet |
Auslieferung einer 'FormVersion' für den Druck(alle Formulartypen)
FormProcessContext |
Context of an form-process-request with data after the processing
FormProcessContextBuilder |
Builder for creating an form-process-context.
FormProcessData |
Class with data for an form-process-request
FormProcessDataBuilder |
FormProcessRequest |
Class with request-data for an form-process-request
FormProcessServlet |
FormProcessUtil |
FormProcessUtils |
Helper class for Form processes
FormProvideServlet |
allgemeines Servlet für die Auslieferung (den Aufruf) von Formularen mit beliebigem FormTyp
FormProvideUtil |
FormPublishContext |
Context of an form-publish-request with data for an publish-call
FormPublishContextBuilder |
Builder for creating an form-publish-context.
FormPublishHelper |
FormPublishUtil |
FormPublishValidator |
FormRecordAttachmentInfo |
Model for displaying the data of an attachment.
FormRecordAttachmentServletPlugin |
Simple servlet for downloading a form record attachment, meant for integration tests.
FormRecordBaseData |
Model class for form record base data
FormRecordBaseData.Builder |
FormRecordDataFactory |
Factory for creating models for specific form record data
FormRecordDoiInitData |
Model holding the Double opt-in details that were used to initialize the Double opt-in process of a form record
FormRecordDoiMailData |
Model holding the Double opt-in details that were used to send the email initializing the Double opt-in process
FormRecordExtendedListItem |
FormRecordInfo |
Model for displaying the data of a form record.
FormRecordJobDetailsModel |
View model for displaying the details of a form record quartz job
FormRecordListItem |
Wrapper class for displaying form records in the
FormRecordLock |
Simple table that holds potentially long-term locks on a form record.
FormRecordLockContext |
Acquires a form record lock on creation and releases it when the context is closed
FormRecordLockDao |
FormRecordLockManager |
FormRecordLockManager.ILockedFormRecord |
FormRecordReviewData |
Model class for form record review data
FormRecordSelectItem |
Wrapper class for form record selection
FormRecordWorkflowData |
FormRenderContext |
Context of an form-render-request with data for an renderer-call
FormRenderContextBuilder |
Builder for creating an form-render-context.
FormRenderData |
Class with data for an form-render-request
FormRenderDataBuilder |
FormRenderHelper |
Helper methods for rendering form element for the form designer.
FormRenderRequest |
Class with request-data for an form-render-request
FormRequest |
Class with data for an form-request
FormRequestContext |
FormRequestContextBuilder |
Builder for creating an form-request-context.
FormRequestContextFactory |
Factory for creating different form-contexts
FormRequestData |
Class with request-data for an form-request
FormRequestDataBuilder |
FormRequestValidator |
FormResource |
FormResourceItem |
A file select menu may contain options form form resources, client resources and external URLs.
FormResponder |
FormReviewServlet |
Liefert eine (Nur-Lese-)Sicht für Postfachbearbeiter, die eingegebene Formulardaten zu einem bestimmten Vorgang
FormReviewUtil |
FormSaveExportBean |
Bean for exporting a copy of the form.
FormSubmissionEventDataBuilder |
Builder for the event data for a form submission event, i.e.
FormTemplate |
FormTemplateDao |
FormTemplateFile |
FormTemplateFileData |
FormTemplateHelper |
FormTemplatePreview |
FormTemplateTag |
FormTemplateThumbnail |
FormUserRequest |
Class with data for an user-form-request
FormUserRequestData |
Class with user-data for an form request
FormUserRequestDataBuilder |
FormVariable |
Models a form variable that can be created in the form designer.
FormVerifyServlet |
The verify servlet is used for the double opt-in link.
FormVersion |
Die Entität FormVersion ermöglicht es verschiedene Versionen eines Formulars zu verwalten.
FormVersionAPI |
FormVersionBackup |
FormVersionBackupDao |
FormVersionBackupData |
FormVersionBean |
FormVersionConverter |
FormVersionDao |
FormVersionDatei |
FormVersionDateiData |
FormVersionHandler |
The Class FormVersionHandler.
FormVersionHelper |
Deprecated. |
FormVersionImportConfig |
FormVersionImportStager |
Deprecated. |
FormVersionUpdate_6_1 |
Updates the theme reference on FormVersion s from its name to UUID
FrameDesignerCrossViewScopeRequestHandlerBundle |
Conversation request handler bundle for the designer frame.
FrameDesignerModel |
POJO model holding the data required for the main designer frame page containing the sub pages such as the form and
workflow designer.
FrameIntegrationUrl |
FrameSecurityFilter |
FreeSlotQueryExecutor |
FreeSlotQueryResultBuilder |
FrontendSecurityFilter |
Filter that adds security-relevant headers and other settings for the frontend (web forms).
FrontendServer |
FrontendServerAPI |
FrontendServerBean |
FrontendServerDao |
FrontendServerHandler |
The Class FrontendServerHandler.
FRQSession |
FRQSessionManager |
FRQSessionStateGenerator |
Generator for FRQ session values.
FRQSessionStateGenerator |
FRQSessionStore |
FSClientFilter |
FSClientImpl |
Klasse mit der Implementierung der RMI-Mehtoden
FSConfigContextListener |
FSConnection |
Klasse zum Verbinden und Trennen der Verbindung mit dem FServer
FSConnectionAPI |
API class for manipulation of FrontendServer entities and API-Klassse zur Manipulation von
FrontendServer -Entitäten und to invoke the appropriate connect / disconnect and connection testing operations
FSConnectionHandler |
The Class FSConnectionHandler.
FSConnectionInfo |
FSConnectionListener |
FSConnectionManager |
FSConnectionMonitorServlet |
Servlet to monitor and establish an frontend server connection.
FSConnectionThread |
FSContextBean |
FSContextListener |
ContextListener-Implementierung für XFC-spezifische Funktionalitäten zum Webapp-Start und -Ende.
FSHandlerProvider |
FSMonitor |
FSMonitorMBean |
FSServer |
Diese Klasse implementiert einen Frontendserver gegen den sich verbunden werden kann.
FSServerFilter |
FSServerImpl |
Klasse mit der Implementierung der RMI-Mehtoden
FSSessionImpl |
FSSessionListener |
Deprecated. |
FSSystemStatusChecker |
FSTokenGenerator |
FunctionArgument |
FunctionHandlerFactory |
Contains the mapping between Word fill function names and the corresponding handlers for executing those functions.
GeneralServletHandler<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
GenericAPI |
Generic API class for manipulation of entities.
GenericCacheAPI |
API class for interaction with cache
GenericCacheHandler |
GenericCacheModel<T> |
GenericDao<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
GenericDaoUtils |
Utility class for working with entities
GenericDataCache |
GenericDataCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
GenericDesignerPageApplicationEventHandler |
Handles application events that are relevant to all designer pages.
GenericDesignerPageConversationEventHandler |
Generic designer conversation event listener that handles common events for all designer pages.
GenericEMFListener |
GenericEntityDescriptor |
GenericEntityListenerBean |
GenericFileDao |
GenericFormPersistFile |
Describes the data of a generic form persist file, whose exact meaning has yet to be determined.
GenericFormPersistFile.PdfInfo |
GenericHandler |
The Class GenericHandler.
GenericProjectOverviewConversationEventHandler |
Generic project overview conversation event listener that handles common events for the project overview.
GenericRESTServlet |
GenericSaveFormData |
GenericSessionListener |
An HTTP session listener to clean the XFC form request user session (after a logout or session timeout).
GenericSessionManager |
GenericStringModel |
GenericStringTrimConverter |
GenericTemplateHelper<E> |
GetDisplayLabelParams<TData> |
GetElementPrototypesParams |
GetElementPrototypesParams.GetNodePrototypesParams |
GetElementPrototypesParams.GetTriggerPrototypesParams |
GetElementSummaryParams<TData> |
GetFilterCriteriaForEntitiesParams |
GlobalCacheManager |
GlobalSecurityFilter |
GlobalServerInfoFilter |
GoogleWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
GraphAlgos |
Helper methods for graph data structures.
GsonDateTypeAdapter |
Adapter for serializing and deserializing Date objects with GSON.
GsonJavaTimeAdapter |
A collection of TypeAdapter s for java.time.* classes.
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.DurationAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.InstantAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.LocalDateAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.LocalDateTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.LocalTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.MonthDayAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.OffsetDateTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.OffsetTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.PeriodAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.YearAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.YearMonthAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.ZonedDateTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.ZoneIdHierarchyAdapter |
Type adapter for ZoneId and its subclasses.
GsonTypeAdapterFactory |
GsonTypeFactory |
GuessedContentType |
GuiIcon |
Default implementation of IGuiIcon for common icon libraries.
HandledServletException |
HardwareId |
Class to determine and check the hardware-id
HashHelper |
HasReferenceException |
An exception that indicates that a certain operation cannot be performed on an entity, due to that entity still being
reference by other entities.
HasUserGroupAuthorizer |
Authorizer that checks if the user is part of the given user groups
HeaderParameters |
Represents the parameters of form HTTP request as key-value pairs.
HibernateUtils |
Utitlity class for dealing with Hibernate objects
HistoryInfo |
POJO model for receives updates from the client regarding updates to the redo / undo buttons.
HslUvTriplet |
Represents an HSLul color triplet, see
HsvTriplet |
Represents an HSV color triplet.
HTMLFormatter |
HtmlTemplateChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the HTML templates available during workflow editing and validation.
HTMLUtils |
HttpContextData |
HttpContextData.Builder |
HttpCustomMethod |
A custom HTTP method with the given method name.
HttpPostRequestBuilder |
HttpRequestBuilder |
Builder for preparing and sending an HTTP request.
HttpRequestParameter |
An HTTP request parameter with a name and value that can be added to a request.
HttpResponseWrapper |
Wrapper for a CloseableHttpResponse which provides a couple of convenient methods for working with the
HttpServletRequestWithModifiedParams |
HTTP servlet request that wraps another servlet request, but with a changed parameter map.
I18nClientKeys |
Statische Klasse der auf Serverseite benutzen i18n-Keys
I18nClientKeys.Events |
I18nKeys |
I18nKeys.Defaults |
Schlüssel für lokalisierte Standardwerte.
I18nKeys.ErrMsg |
Schlüssel für lokalisierte Fehlermeldungen.
I18nKeys.Exceptions |
I18nKeys.FD2 |
I18nKeys.FormSummary |
I18nKeys.General |
I18nKeys.InfixExpression |
I18nKeys.LDAP |
I18nKeys.Liquibase |
I18nKeys.Logging |
I18nKeys.Mail |
I18nKeys.MailPostfix |
I18nKeys.Msg |
Schlüssel für lokalisierte Hinweise, Nachrichten, Eingabeaufforderungen und Bezeichnungen.
I18nKeys.PasswordValidation |
I18nKeys.ProcessLog |
I18nKeys.Project |
I18nKeys.ProjectTemplates |
I18nKeys.ProjectUpdate |
I18nKeys.ProjektImpExp |
I18nKeys.Protokoll |
Schlüssel für Texte innerhalb von Protokollen
I18nKeys.SystemUpdate |
I18nKeys.TemplateKeys |
I18nKeys.Workflow |
I18nResource |
Resource handler for i18n resources required by the client.
I18nUtils |
I18nValuesJSONBuilder |
I18nVariableMigrationUpdate |
System update for migration old text-templates 'FD2_I18N' to new 'I18N_VARIABLE' templates.
IAbruptCompletionExceptionBuilder<TBuilder,TResult> |
Builder for the result of a node that was completed abruptly by throwing an exception or issuing a return statement.
IAbstractDatei<T extends IAbstractDateiData> |
IAbstractDateiData |
Deprecated. |
IAccessProperty |
Interface for user-role and license-based access-properties
IAcroChoiceOption |
IActiveFlagProviding |
Interface for types whose instances indicate whether they are active or not.
IAktionDao |
IAktionHandler |
IAnyValueBuilder |
IAnyValueDescriptor |
IAnyValueDescriptorBuilder |
IAPIHandler |
Interface for remote API-handlers
IAppender |
Common interface for logging appenders
IApplicationEvent |
IApplicationEventHandler |
IAppointmentAvailableDate |
Represents part of the result of a query that retrieves the available times of a AppointmentTemplate .
IAppointmentBookingParams |
Represents the base parameters for booking, updating, or cancelling an appointment.
IAppointmentCreateBookingParams |
Represents the parameters for creating (booking) a new appointment.
IAppointmentDao |
IAppointmentData |
Interface that represents part of the data of an appointment.
IAppointmentDeleteBookingParams |
Represents the parameters for deleting (cancelling) an existing appointment.
IAppointmentFreeSlot |
Interface for the appointment servlet.
IAppointmentFreeSlotQueryParams |
IAppointmentFreeSlotQueryResult |
IAppointmentHandler |
IAppointmentIcalQueryAccessObject<Context> |
Interface that abstracts the database interaction required by the ical servlet, to allow for easier mocking during
IAppointmentIcalQueryParams |
The parameters for a query that retrieves the available appointments of a AppointmentTemplate as an iCal
IAppointmentIcalQueryResult |
Represents the result of a query that retrieves the available appointments of a AppointmentTemplate as an
iCal file.
IAppointmentMoveBookingParams |
Represents the parameters for the appointment booking handler when the date or time of an appointment is to be
IAppointmentQueryParams |
Parameters for the appointment DAO for querying existing appointments.
IAppointmentRangeView |
A view of an Appointment that includes only the start and end time.
IAppointmentSlotDao |
IAppointmentSlotHandler |
IAppointmentSpecifier |
Marker interface for an object that can be used to retrieve an appointment.
IAppointmentTemplateDao |
IAppointmentTemplateHandler |
IAppointmentTypeDao |
IAppointmentTypeHandler |
IAppointmentValidateParams |
Represents the parameters for validating an appointment about to be persisted.
IAppointmentValidationAccessObject<Context> |
Interface that abstracts the database interaction required by the validation process of the appointment booking
handler, to allow for easier mocking during testing.
IAppointmentValidationInfo |
IAsposeConnector |
IAttachableFile |
Interface for all workflow actions that attach files
IAttachmentDao |
IAttachmentHandler |
IAuthenticationHandler |
IAuthenticationTarget |
Common interface describing the target of an authentication request e.g.
IAuthenticator<T extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
Common interface for user authenticator entities.
IAuthenticatorAttributeParam |
Common interface for accessing parameters of authenticator attributes
IAuthenticatorClients |
Common interface for clients of an authenticator.
IAuthenticatorConfig |
Common interface for authentication config entities
IAuthenticatorConfigRenderContext |
Common interface for context data need for rendering authenticator configs
IAuthenticatorConfigRenderer |
Common interface for authenticator config renderers that are used to create the rendered HTML for an authenticator
IAuthenticatorConfigWrapper |
Common interface for authenticator config wrapper
IAuthenticatorWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
Interface for authenticator wrappers
IAuthentticatorFile<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,T extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
IBaseActionClientHandlerNode<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
Mixin for nodes that wish to register the default client-side action handlers.
IBaseActionNode<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
Node logic handler for actions with a properties model that inherit from BaseActionProps .
IBaseCompletionResult |
Represents any result of INodeHandler#execute , regardless how
execution finished (normally or abruptly).
IBaseConditionClientHandlerNode<TData extends BaseConditionProps> |
Mixin for nodes that wish to register the default client-side condition handlers.
IBaseEntityListener<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IBaseEnvironmentData |
Environment data with basic info for within various backend environments.
IBaseMailData |
IBaseNotificationListener |
IBaseTrigger<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
Trigger handler for triggers with a properties model that inherit from BaseTriggerProps .
IBaseWorkflowEnvironmentData |
Environment data required when create node or trigger prototypes.
IBaseWorkflowExecutionContext |
Context object that contains data related to the current execution of the workflow processing.
IBasicConfigParam |
Base interface for the available configuration parameters of a plugin bundle.
IBasicFormRecordRequestData |
Common interface for identifying a Vorgang
IBasisServletAction |
IBeanHandler |
IBeanScopeHandler |
Handler for the various different bean scopes, such as session scoped beans or view scoped beans.
IBeanValidatingElement<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IBeanValidatingNode<TData> |
IBeanValidatingTrigger<TData> |
IBedingungDao |
IBenutzerDao |
IBenutzerGruppeDao |
IBenutzerGruppeDependent |
Schnittstelle für Modelklassen, die in Beziehung zu BenutzerGruppen stehen.
IBenutzerGruppeHandler |
IBenutzerHandler |
The Class BenutzerHandler.
IBenutzerServletAction |
IBinaryDataBuilder<Self> |
A builder for an HTTP request body that can have binary data items, such as a multipart body.
IBooleanValueBuilder |
IBooleanValueDescriptor |
IBooleanValueDescriptorBuilder |
IBuiltinNodeType<TData> |
Mixin for all built-in workflow node handlers.
IBuiltinResourcesHandler<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IBuiltinTriggerType<TData> |
Mixin for all built-in workflow trigger handlers.
IBuiltinWorkflowUpdate |
IBundleConfigParam |
Interface für (Jar)Bundle-Konfigurations-Parameter
IBundleProperties |
Provides a list of all the plugin bundle properties used to display in the configuration view.
ICalDataFactory |
Factory for creating iCal String data
IcalEscaper |
Method for escaping text inside ICAL files.
ICallback |
ICallbackLogic |
Common interface for callback logic.
IcalQueryExecutor<Context> |
Executor with the logic for creating iCal files with appointments.
ICalServlet |
Generic Servlet for generating iCal files
IChangeStatusJobDetails |
Interface for quartz job details for state change jobs of the old workflow.
IClientAuthenticatorDao |
IClientCounterDao |
IClientCounterHandler |
IClientCreateData |
IClientCreator |
Interface for classes which should create clients
IClientExporter |
IClientHandlerService |
Interface for an object that is able to locate the resources required by a flowchart element (node or trigger).
IClientIdProviding |
IClientImporter |
IClientImportResult |
IClientPluginDao |
ICluster |
Models a cluster with one or more nodes that can communicate with each over.
IClusterChannelStateListener |
A listener that can be used to react to events related to changes in the channel of a cluster, e.g.
IClusterChannelStateObserver |
An observer that can be used to listen for changes to the channel state, such as when the connection a node was
established or cut.
IClusterConnection |
Models the connection between nodes in the cluster.
IClusterMessage |
Base interface for messages that can be exchanged between nodes in a cluster.
IClusterMessageListener |
A listener that can be used to react to events related to when messages are sent between nodes in the cluster.
IClusterMessageObserver |
An observer that can be used to listen for messages exchanged by nodes in the cluster.
IClusterTopologyListener |
A listener that can be used to react to events related to changes in the topology of a cluster, e.g.
IClusterTopologyObserver |
An observer that can be used to listen for changes to the cluster topology (e.g.
IColorField<T extends Serializable> |
Represents a field supported by each IGuiColor of a color palette.
ICompletionResultBuilder<TBuilder,TResult> |
Builder for the result of a node when it was executed, either successfully or abruptly.
IComponentValueConverter<ExternalValue,ComponentValue> |
Used with the composite component convertible .
IComputeRequestedDataParams |
IConfigurableClientSettings |
IConfigurableEntity |
IconItem |
IConsoleAppender |
Common interface for console appenders
IConstant |
Details of a constant used in an infix expression.
IConstValueBuilder<V> |
IConstValueDescriptor<V> |
IConstValueDescriptorBuilder<V> |
IConsuming |
Interface for all workflow actions that require files to perform their job.
IConsumingFileHandler |
IContentTypeParameterBuilder<Self extends IContentTypeParameterBuilder<Self>> |
A builder for an HTTP request body that can have parameters with different content types, such as a multipart body.
IContextReplacerParams |
IContextReplacerParams.IValueReplacer |
IContextValueReplacer |
IConvertibleMap<V> |
ICounter |
Common interface for counter entities
ICreateFlowGraphContext<TElement extends IWorkflowNodeTypeProviding> |
ICreateFlowGraphParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowNodeTypeProviding> |
ICrossViewScopeRequest<T extends Serializable> |
Base interface for a cross-view scope request for a piece of data.
ICrossViewScopeRequestHandler<T extends Serializable,R extends ICrossViewScopeRequest<T>> |
Handles a cross view scope request for a piece of data.
ICrossViewScopeResponse<T extends Serializable> |
Result from a cross view scope request for a piece of data.
ICrossViewScopeResponseConsumer<T extends Serializable> |
Processes the response obtained for a cross view scope request.
ICrossViewScopeResponseData<T extends Serializable> |
ICrossViewScopeResponseSupplier<T extends Serializable> |
Creates the response to a cross scope request.
ICustomBodyDataBuilder<Self> |
Body builder for writing custom content to an HTTP request
ICustomEntityAttributes |
ICustomParametersProviding |
Interface for entities that provide custom parameters stored as a JSON string.
ICustomParametersUpdateable |
Interface meant to be used along with ICustomParametersProviding for updating the custom parameters that were
created with a previous version of the software product.
IDataAdapter |
Schnittstelle zu den konkreten Formulardaten.
IDatabaseAccessDependent |
IDataContainer |
Callback interface for updating data held within this container
IDatenbankZugriffDao |
IDatenbankzugriffHandler |
IDatenbankzugriffServletAction |
IDatenquelleDao |
IDatenquelleHandler |
The Class DataStoreHandler.
IDatenquelleParams |
Interface für Datenquellen-Parameter
IDatenquelleResolver |
IDatentabelleDao |
IDBBinaryEncryptor |
IDBEncryptionProcessor |
IDBStringEncryptor |
IDefaultClientHandlerNode<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
IDefaultClientHandlerTrigger<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
Trigger handler for triggers that wish to register the default client-side handlers.
IDefaultMandantData |
IDefaultMandantData |
IdentityTokenCheck |
IdentityTokenGeneration |
IdentityTokenUpdate |
IDescriptionProviding |
Common interface for all objects (mainly entities) that have got a human-readable description.
IDescriptionProvidingPlugin |
IDesignerConversationEvent |
Base interface for all designer conversation events.
IDesignerConversationRequest<T extends Serializable> |
Base interface for all designer conversation events.
IDetailedEntity |
IDiscriminatedUnionMember<D,V> |
Represents a member of a discriminated union, in the form of tuples (Discriminator, Value) .
IDoiVerificationEventData |
Interface for the data to be used in a double opt-in verification event.
IDoiVerificationResult |
Interface for the result of the verification of a Double Opt-In process of a form record.
IDoiVerifiedEventData |
IEffectiveAppointmentStatusProviding |
IElementCategory |
Models a category for a workflow element, such as a node or trigger.
IElementGlobalValidationParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IElementHandler<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
All element handlers must be thread-safe.
IElementHelpLocation |
Models the location of the help page for a workflow element.
IElementKeyProviding |
Interface for objects that have got a UUID identifying them.
IElementLocalValidationParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IElementModelPrototype<Model> |
Interface for element prototypes, i.e.
IElementPropertiesBean<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
The interface of a bean for editing the properties of workflow elements.
IElementPropInitParams<TData> |
IElementPrototypeData<TData> |
The data that is used to create a new workflow element when an element prototype is dragged into the workflow
IElementPrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
A prototype for a workflow element (node or trigger) that is shown in the drawer panel in the workflow designer.
IElementPrototypeProviding |
IElementPrototypeWrapper<Model> |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
IElementSearchTermsProviding |
Interface for objects that have got custom search terms for database queries.
IElementUpdateCurrentPropsParams<TData> |
IElementUpdateCurrentTaskParams |
IElementWithTask<TElement> |
Represents a workflow element together with the WorkflowTask to which it belongs.
IEMFactory |
IEntityberechtigungDao |
IEntityberechtigungHandler |
IEntityContext |
Interface for the IEntityContext which is required for database transactions.
IEntityDependency |
Interface for dependencies of entities that have not not yet been resolved
IEntityDescriptor |
IEntityDeserializationExtension |
Extension for hooking into the deserialization of entities e.g.
IEntityDeserializationParams |
Common interface for parameters needed for entity deserialization
IEntityDeserializationResult<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface representing the result of an entity deserialization
IEntityExporter<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface for entity exporters
IEntityImportConfig<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Interface for entity import configurations
IEntityImportConfigData<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IEntityImportContext |
IEntityImportStager |
Deprecated. |
IEntityListModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
Describes a list of entities of which one can be selected.
IEntityListModelSelectByView<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
IEntityModifiedEvent<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Interface for events that occur when an entity was changed.
IEntityModifiedEventFactory<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IEntityReference |
Interface for identifying an entity by its UUID and entity Class
IEntityReferenceDescriptor |
Interface describing an entity reference and its location
IEntitySelectModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
IEntityViewModel<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface for entity view models
IEntityWrapper<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
Common interface for entity wrappers
IEnumServletAction |
IErrorResultData |
IEvalContext<TData,TConstant extends IConstant,TOperator extends IOperator> |
Context for evaluating an infix expression.
IEventExecutionResult |
IExceptionalCompletionResult |
Represents the result of INodeHandler#execute when the node was
completed abruptly by throwing an exception.
IExclusiveFormRecordLockResult |
Common interface for accessing the result of an exclusive form record lock request
IExecutingLikeActionNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikeBinarySelectionNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikeExceptionHandlerNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikeMultiSwitchNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikeReturningActionNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikeReturnNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikeSequenceNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikeThrowNode<TData> |
IExecutionResultDescriptor |
Each action may create data when it is executed, that describe the result of the action.
IExportUnzipResult |
Common interface for results of unzipping FORMCYCLE export files
IExtendedFormContext |
Interface for extending form-contexts with HttpServletResponse and HttpServletRequest
IExtendedFormPersistContext |
IExtendedFormProcessContext |
IExtendedFormPublishContext |
IExtendedFormRenderContext |
IExtendedFormRequestContext |
IExternalClientServices |
IExternalClientServicesBuilder |
IExtractSearchTermsParams<TData> |
IFastJsonConverter |
Interface for a handler that performs serialization and deserialization via JSON .
IFastJsonSerializeOptions |
IFcCatchErrorDescriptors |
IFcChangeFormAvailabilityDescriptors |
IFcChangeFormValueDescriptors |
IFcChangeStateDescriptors |
IFcCompressAsZipDescriptors |
IFcCopyFormRecordDescriptors |
IFcCounterDescriptor |
IFcCreateTextFileDescriptors |
IFCDaoActionHook<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IFcDecodeBase64Descriptor |
IFcDoiInitDescriptor |
IFcDoiVerifiedDescriptors |
IFcEmailDescriptors |
IFcEncodeBase64Descriptor |
IFcExportToPersistenceDescriptors |
IFcExportToXmlDescriptors |
IFcFillPdfDescriptors |
IFcFillWordDescriptors |
IFcFormSubmitButtonDescriptors |
IFcHttpRequestDescriptors |
IFcImportFormValueFromXmlDescriptors |
IFcInvitationErrorDescriptors |
IFcInvitationSentDescriptors |
IFcLdapQueryDescriptors |
IFcLogEntryDescriptor |
IFcManualDescriptors |
IFcMoveFormRecordToInboxDescriptors |
IFCPlugin |
Base interface that all FORMCYCLE plugins must implement.
IFcProcessLogPdfDescriptor |
IFcProvideResourceDescriptors |
IFcQualifiedFormSubmitButtonDescriptors |
IFcQueueTaskDescriptors |
IFcRedirectDescriptors |
IFCRemoteSyncPlugin |
Markup interface for plugins which need to be synchronized with the frontend server.
IFcRenewProcessIdDescriptors |
IFcReturnFileDescriptors |
IFcSaveToFileSystemDescriptors |
IFcSaveToWebDavDescriptors |
IFcSetSavedFlagDescriptor |
IFcShowTemplateDescriptors |
IFcSqlStatementDescriptors |
IFcStateTimerDescriptors |
IFcThrowExceptionDescriptors |
IFcTimePointDescriptors |
IFCUserProfile |
Interface of an user profile with an system user
IFcWriteFormRecordAttrDescriptors |
IFD2AppointmentProvider |
Provider for accessing appointments and appointment templates when a form is rendered.
IFD2DataSourceProvider |
IFD2LanguageProvider |
IFD2LicenseDataProvider |
IFD2MetaDataProvider |
IFD2ReplacerProvider |
IFD2StatusProvider |
IFD2TemplateProvider |
Provider for accessing templates
IFD2UserGroupProvider |
IFD2VRulesProvider |
IFD2XItemProvider |
IFdTransformBuilder |
Interface for formdata transform builders to create an export of formdatas
IFdTransformResult |
Interface of the result of an formdata transformation
IFeedbackMailData |
IFieldMetaData |
IFileBodyBuilder<Self> |
Body builder for writing the content of an file to an HTTP request
IFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
IFileEntity<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,T extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
IFileHandler |
IFileProviding<T extends IFileEntity<?,E>,E extends IFileDataEntity<T>> |
IFileProviding<TData> |
Mixin interface for all node handlers that require files from previous actions or from upload elements.
IFileSearchOptions |
IFileValueDescriptor |
Descriptor for the files returned when a workflow node is executed.
IFilter |
Common interface for logging filters
IFloatValueBuilder |
IFloatValueDescriptor |
IFloatValueDescriptorBuilder |
IFlowchartLinterService |
Interface for an object that is able to locate dead workflow nodes.
IFlowGraphEndPoints |
IFormatter |
IFormAuthContext |
Interface of an form based authentication context
IFormContainerMetaData |
Meta data about a repeated form element.
IFormcycleAppState |
Represents the state obtained when the FORMCYCLE app was provisioned .
IFormcycleEnvironmentConfig |
Configuration with the data required for creating a FORMCYCLE web app running in a servlet container.
IFormcycleEnvironmentConfigBuilder |
Simple builder for creating an environment configuration for FORMCYCLE.
IFormcycleEnvironmentLifecycleState |
Runtime data available when a FORMCYCLE app is started for testing.
IFormcycleProvisioner |
Provisions the FORMCYVLE app to meet the necessary preconditions before a test case can be executed.
IFormcycleUriManager |
Manages URLs as used by the FORMCYCLE app.
IFormDataAdapter |
Interface for form data.
IFormDataAdapterProvidingEvent |
IFormDataBodyBuilder |
A builder for an HTTP request form data body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded ).
IFormDataHandler |
IFormDesignerEnvironmentData |
Environment data required within the form designer.
IFormEingangDao |
IFormEingangHandler |
IFormElementDao |
IFormElementHandler |
IFormFunction |
Interface for form function handlers that can evaluate a form function.
IFormFunctionReplacer |
Interface for an form field functions replacer
IFormHandler |
IFormI18nException |
IFormItemFilter |
Filter for checking whether a built-in or plugin widget form element should be included or excluded.
IFormLifecycleExecuteParams |
Parameters passed to form lifecycle plugins when they are executed.
IFormLifecyclePlugin |
Base interface for plugins which hook into the lifecycle of the form, such as pre-render or pre-process plugins.
IFormLifecycleShouldExecuteParams |
Parameters passed to form lifecycle plugins to check whether they should be executed for a given form request.
IFormPersistContext |
Context after persisting a form.
IFormProcessContext |
Context after processing an form
IFormPublishContext |
Context for publishing an form
IFormRecordBaseData |
Common interface for base data of a form record.
IFormRecordData |
Common interface for accessing form records and their meta data
IFormRecordDoiInitData |
Data interface for transferring the Double opt-in details that were used to initialize the Double opt-in process
IFormRecordElementData |
Common interface for accessing the field data of a form record.
IFormRecordFormData |
Common interface for accessing form data information of a form record
IFormRecordItemData |
Common interface for accessing the form record data of a specific form element item.
IFormRecordJobDetails |
Common interface for detail information about quartz jobs of a form record
IFormRecordJobDetailsModel |
Common interface for models for form record quartz jobs
IFormRecordLockContext |
Common interface for a form record locking context that can acquire a lock on a form record and which needs to be
released when the context is closed
IFormRecordLockDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowTask entities.
IFormRecordProvidingEvent |
IFormRecordReviewData |
Common interface for accessing the review data of a single form record.
IFormRecordVariableData |
Common interface for accessing the form record data of a specific variable.
IFormRecordWorkflowData |
Common interface for accessing the workflow data of a form record
IFormRecordWrapper |
Wrapper interface for form records
IFormRenderContext |
Context for rendering an form
IFormReplacerParams |
IFormRequestContext |
A class with the relevant data of a form request, such as the current form or the authenticated user.
IFormResource |
IFormSubmissionEvent |
Interface for the event when a form was submitted via an HTTP request.
IFormTemplateDao |
IFormValueReplacer |
IFormVersionBackupDao |
IFormVersionDao |
IFormVersionHandler |
IFrontendServerDao |
IFrontendServerHandler |
IFSClient |
Interface of RMI-methods which are available on the master-server
IFSConnectionHandler |
The Class FSConnectionHandler.
IFSConnectionInfo |
IFSServer |
Interface of RMI-methods which are available on the master-server
IFSSession |
Interface of the client-session on the frontend-server after authentication
IFunctionArguments |
IFunctionHandler<State> |
IFunctionWithArguments |
Arguments of a function to evaluate.
IGenericCacheHandler |
IGenericDao<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IGenericFileDao |
IGenericHandler |
The Class GenericHandler.
IGetDisplayLabelParams<TData> |
IGetElementPrototypesParams |
IGetElementSummaryParams<TData> |
IGetFilterCriteriaForEntitiesParams |
IGetNodePrototypesParams |
IGetTriggerPrototypesParams |
IGsonEntityResult<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface for Gson deserialization of FC entities
IGuessedContentType |
Represents the guessed content type of a file or data stream.
IGuiCategory |
IGuiColor |
Interface for the color entries provided by a color palette.
IGuiIcon |
Represents an icon used in the fronted.
IHandlerProvider |
The interface for the instance that provides access to an instance of the various different remote handlers.
IHierarchyValidatingNode<TData> |
IHttpBodyBuilder |
A builder for an HTTP request body.
IHttpContextData |
Details on an HTTP request that is serializable and can be transferred between servers.
IHttpContextProvidingEvent |
IHttpRequestNodeBuilder |
II18nValueReplacer |
II18nValueReplacerParams |
IIdChainProviding |
IIdProviding<T> |
Interface for objects that have got an ID identifying them.
IImageMapper<R> |
Processes the raw image of a PDF page into the desired format, e.g.
IImageOpts |
Options for creating images from a PDF document.
IImportConversionStrategy |
IImportedEntity |
IInboxDependent |
IInboxFormRecordEventData |
Common interface for form record events that occur inside the inbox
IInboxFormRecordRequest |
Common interface for requests of a single form record from inside the inbox
IIndexed |
Allgemeine Schnittstelle für indexbasierte Entitäten.
IInfixExpressionHandler<TConstant extends IConstant,TOperator extends IOperator> |
Handler that can tokenize, parse, and evaluate character sequences representing infix expressions.
IInitialNodePrototypeModel |
Interface for the node prototypes that should be set when a new task is created.
IIntegerValueBuilder |
IIntegerValueDescriptor |
IIntegerValueDescriptorBuilder |
IIntegrationTestLifecycleListener |
IInvitationErrorEventData |
Interface for the event when an error occurred while trying to send an invitation to a form record.
IInvitationSentEventData |
Interface for the event when a form record invitation has been sent successfully.
IIsAvailableParams<TData> |
IJobWrapper |
Interface for data of an scheduling-task
IJsonLikeObject |
Interface for a class that behaves like a JSON object in that it has key value pair.
IKeyValueSummarizableElement<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IKeyValueSummarizableNode<TData> |
IKeyValueSummarizableTrigger<TData> |
ILanguageTagProviding |
Common interface for instances that can provide a languageTag .
ILargeStringValueBuilder |
ILargeStringValueDescriptor |
ILargeStringValueDescriptorBuilder |
ILayout |
Common interface for appender layout configs
ILazyEntityListModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
ILazyListModel<T> |
ILazyProcessModel |
ILazyTreeNodeAdapter<T> |
Adapter for a lazily loaded PrimeFaces tree.
ILDAPAbfrageDao |
ILDAPAbfrageHandler |
ILDAPGruppeDao |
ILDAPGruppeHandler |
ILDAPZugriffDao |
ILDAPZugriffHandler |
ILicenseFileDao |
ILicenseFileHandler |
ILicenseHandler |
IListConverter |
A converter for the Tagify component.
IListenerRegistrator |
Interface for registering listeners that perform setup logic.
IListValueBuilder<V> |
IListValueDescriptor<V> |
IListValueDescriptorBuilder<V> |
ILockingVersionProviding |
Common interface for all objects (mainly entities) that have a locking version.
ILogConfig |
Common interface for logging configs
ILogger |
Common interface for Logger configs
ILoggerCallback |
ILoginListener |
Deprecated. |
ILoginLogic |
Common interface for login logic of authentication requests.
ImagePreviewUtils |
ImageRequestParameter |
ImageRequestParameter.EdgeSize |
ImageRequestParameter.Vector2 |
ImageSize |
POJO describing the size of an image.
IMailContent |
IMailContext |
Interface of an mail context
IMailContextFactory |
Interface for the factory for creating mail contexts
IMailData |
IMailDependent |
Markup-Interface für Verarbeitungen die einen Mail-Server benötigen!
IMailEncryptor |
Interface for mail-encryptors
IMailEncryptorCertProvider |
Interface for certificate-providers for the mail-encryption
IMailHandler |
IMailServerData |
IMainMenuInitListener |
Deprecated. |
IMalwareScanner |
Interface for a scanner that can detect malware.
IMalwareScanResult |
The result that is returned by a malware scan plugin.
IMandantCreator |
IMandantDao |
IMandantDependent |
Schnittstelle für Modelklassen, die in Beziehung zu einem Mandanten stehen.
IMandantDependentBaseDao<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
IMandantDependentFilter |
Dieses Interface bildet eine Schnittstelle für Filter, die auf Mandantenabhängigkeit Prüfen.
IMandantFrontendServerDao |
IMandantFrontendServerHandler |
IMandantFrontendServerServletHandler |
IMandantHandler |
IMandantLdapDataDao |
IMandantLdapDataHandler |
IMandantMailDataDao |
IMandantMailDataHandler |
IMandantRessourceDao |
IMandantRessourcenHandler |
IMapDiff<K,V> |
Represents the different between two Map s, i.e.
IMapDiff.IModifiedValue<V> |
ImapServerSettings |
IMapValueBuilder<V> |
IMapValueDescriptor<V> |
IMapValueDescriptorBuilder<V> |
IMenuEntryModel |
ImmutableEnumNameToEnumMap<E extends Enum<E>> |
IModulDao |
IModulHandler |
ImportConfigDataFactory |
Factory for generating import config data
ImportConfigWrapper |
ImportConstantsTagHandler |
Same as the p:importConstants tag, but extends it with an additional attribute loader .
ImportEnumMapTagHandler |
TagHandler for the ImportEnumMap component.
ImportValueConverter |
Annotation for translating deprecated entities and entity fields to current fields
IMultiFileProviding |
Interface for a POJO view model class that describes a list of files that can be selected by the user.
IMultipartBodyBuilder |
A builder for an HTTP request multipart body (multipart/form-data ).
INamedElement<T> |
Interface for a wrapper that provides a name for the named element.
INamedUiElement |
Schnittstelle für benannte Elemente, die als Text angezeigt werden können.
INamedUiElement |
INameProviding |
Common interface for all objects (mainly entities) that have got a name.
InboxBean |
InboxChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the inboxes available during workflow editing and validation.
InboxConstBean |
InboxFacesEventDataFactory |
InboxFilterBean |
InboxFilterTagConverter |
InboxFormRecordRequestBuilder |
InboxFormRecordRequestFactory |
InboxImportConfig |
InboxImportStager |
Deprecated. |
InboxLayoutBean |
InboxMetaConverter |
InboxModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
InboxPermissionBean |
InboxProfileBean |
InboxProjectListBean |
InboxTaskUtil |
Helper methods for obtaining all tasks a user may initiate in the inbox.
InboxUtils |
InboxWorkflowFilter |
Filter for the inbox-workflow.
InboxWorkflowServlet |
Servlet for saving the submitted form data and triggering the workflow from the inbox.
InboxWorkflowServlet.EAction |
IncrementalPersistPatch |
POJO model for JSON patches received from the form designer for the form persist JSON.
INetAddressValidator |
InfixExpression |
Static methods for working with infix expressions.
InfixExpressionException |
An exception that is thrown when an infix expression could not be processed.
InfoItem<V> |
InitialElementHandlerTypeSet |
Contains the additional workflow element handlers that should be loaded when the flowchart is loaded.
InitialNodePrototypeClientModel |
JSON-convertible client POJO model for the node prototypes that should be set when a new task is created.
InitialNodePrototypeModel |
InjectableValidationContext |
INodeExecutionParams<TData> |
INodeHandler<TData> |
All node handlers must be thread-safe.
INodeModelPrototype |
Interface for node prototypes, i.e.
INodePropertiesBean<TData> |
The interface of a bean for editing the properties of workflow nodes.
INodePropertyPluginBean<TData> |
Workaround for Java not having intersection types.
INodePrototypeData<TData> |
The data that is used to create a new node when a node prototype is dragged into the workflow designer.
INodePrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
A prototype for a workflow node that is shown in the drawer panel in the workflow designer.
INodePrototypeWrapper |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
INodeReturnedExceptionBuilder |
Builder for the exception thrown by a node when it wishes to stop the current execution by issuing a return
INodeThrewExceptionBuilder |
Builder for the exception thrown by a node when it encounters an error upon execution.
INodeWithName |
INormalCompletionResult |
INormalCompletionResultBuilder |
Builder for the result returned by a node when it was executed successfully.
InputTags |
InputTags.PropertyKeys |
InputTagsRenderer |
InsertFormElementData |
Used by the PDF importer, data with the element to insert into the form.
InsertFormElementRequest |
Requests a livecycle file to get loaded in the workflow designer.
InsertFormElementResponse |
InsertNodeData |
POJO model for inserting a node into the flowchart from external Java code.
InsertOrUpdateNodeData |
POJO model for inserting a node into the flowchart from external Java code.
InsertWorkflowNodeEvent |
When a new action needs to be created in the workflow flowchart.
InsertWorkflowNodePushData |
IntegrationResourcesPortalPlugin |
Portal plugin for running E2E tests against a FORMCYCLE app.
IntegrationServletContextListener |
IntegrationTestJavaScriptPlugin |
Injects some JavaScript code into all forms with helper functions for testing, such as e.g.
IntegrationTestLifecycleListener |
Listeners for integration tests that are run in the context (class loader) of the FORMCYCLE webapp.
InternalEMFactory |
InterpolatedFileNameUpload |
INullValueBuilder |
INullValueDescriptor |
INullValueDescriptorBuilder |
InvalidUriPathSegmentNameException |
Exception when a name is encountered that cannot be used literally as a URI path segment .
InvitationErrorEventDataBuilder |
Builder for the event data for a form record invitation error event, i.e.
InvitationSentEventDataBuilder |
Builder for the event data for a form record invitation sent event, i.e.
InviteDatasourceModel |
InvokableTaskModel |
POJO Model for a workflow task / trigger that can be initiated by a user in the inbox.
IObjectGraphVisitor |
Visitor callback for visiting the fields of an object via reflection.
IOfficialHelpPageElement<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IOfficialHelpPageNode<TData> |
IOfficialHelpPageTrigger<TData> |
IOnTaskBeginRetVal |
IOnTaskBeginRetValBuilder |
IOperator |
Details of an operator used in an infix expression.
IOrderable |
Interface that allows the ordering of classes using the SequenceOrder annotaion
IParameterBuilder<Self> |
A builder for an HTTP request body that can have parameters, such as a multipart or form data body.
IParameterModel |
Interface für den Zugriff auf wesentliche Eigenschaften, sowie den Wert eines Parameter-Objektes
IParameterProcessing |
Interface zur Kennzeichnung von Verarbeitungsklassen mit Parameterverarbeitung
IParsedElement<TConstant extends IConstant,TOperator extends IOperator> |
Represents a parsed element created when a token stream of an infix expression is parsed into reverse polnish
IParsedPlaceholder |
Data about a placeholder parsed from its string representation.
IPathParams |
IPdfAcroField |
A form field of a PDF AcroForm.
IPdfAcroField.Button |
An AcroForm button that can be pressed.
IPdfAcroField.Checkable |
A selectable option, either a check box or a radio button.
IPdfAcroField.CheckBox |
An AcroForm form field with a checkbox that can be enabled or disabled.
IPdfAcroField.Choice |
An AcroForm form field for selecting values from a list of options.
IPdfAcroField.ComboBox |
An AcroForm form field for selecting a value from a list of options.
IPdfAcroField.ListBox |
An AcroForm form field for selecting one or more values from a list of options.
IPdfAcroField.RadioButton |
An AcroForm form field with a radio button that can be enabled or disabled.
IPdfAcroField.Signature |
An AcroForm form field for entering a signature.
IPdfAcroField.Text |
An AcroForm free-text form field for entering plain text.
IPdfDocument |
Represents a PDF document with pages.
IPdfFormVisitor<T> |
IPdfImage |
Represents an image included in the PDF, which could e.g.
IPdfLine |
Represents a plain text line, cConsisting of multiple words .
IPdfPage |
A page of the the PDF.
IPdfText |
Represents a piece of plain text in the image, used e.g.
IPdfWord |
Represents a plain text word, consising of multiple IPdfText .
IPhase1State |
IPhase2State |
IPlaceholderEscaper |
Interface for escaping the replaced value of placeholders, before they are inserted into the document where they are
IPlaceholderGroup |
IPlaceholderHandler |
IPlaceholderLibrary |
A list with all placeholders that are available.
IPlaceholderProperty<Key,Location> |
Models a property of a workflow element's properties model that contains one or more placeholders.
IPlaceholderRefactorMapper |
IPlaceholderReference<Location> |
IPlaceholderType |
Represents a placeholder type by which the available placeholders are grouped when displayed.
IPlaceholderValueParams |
Interface for placeholder params that implements all interfaces for the different placeholder types.
IPluginAccessProperties |
IPluginAccessPropertiesParams |
Parameters for plugin access-properties
IPluginAccessProperty |
IPluginActionNodeHandler<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
Mixin meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow action that executes some
business logic.
IPluginAuthenticationLogic |
Common interface for plugins that provide a custom authentication logic.
IPluginAuthenticatorConfigGuiDetails |
Common interface giving details for plugin authenticator config GUIs
IPluginAuthenticatorConfigGuiDetailsParam |
Common interface for requesting custom plugin config GUI details
IPluginAuthenticatorCustomGUIBean |
IPluginAuthenticatorType |
Interface for custom authenticator types.
IPluginBackendTheme |
Interface for backend theme plugins.
IPluginCallbackLogic |
Common interface for a custom callback logic that can be provided by a plugin.
IPluginClientDashboard |
Interface for client dashboard plugins.
IPluginClientDashboardCustomGUIBean |
IPluginConditionNodeHandler<TData extends BaseConditionProps> |
Mixin meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow condition that checks a
condition and redirects to the if or else branch based upon the result.
IPluginConfigParam |
Interface für Plugin-Konfigurations-Parameter
IPluginConfigParam.EPluginParamBehavior |
Definitionsmöglichkeiten für das Verhalten eines Plugin Parameters
IPluginConfigParamList |
IPluginCustomGUI |
Interface for a processing plugin with a custom user interface.
IPluginCustomGUIBean |
Interface for deploying the FORMCYCLE processing bean within a custom plugin bean This bean must be view scoped, ie.
IPluginCustomGUIBeanAfterSave |
Interface for events that may occur after saving the plugin configuration definition
IPluginCustomGUIBeanBeforeDelete |
Interface for events that may occur during before deletion of plugin configuration definition
IPluginCustomGUIBeanBeforeSave |
Interface for events that may occur during before saving plugin configuration definition
IPluginDataSource |
Interface for a data source plugin.
IPluginDataSourceParams |
Interface that encapsulates the parameters for a data source plugin.
IPluginDataSourceRetVal |
Interface for the return value of data source plugins.
IPluginDefaultLifecycleData |
IPluginEmManager |
A manager for EntityManager s that can be used by an entities plugin.
IPluginEntities |
Interface for an entities plugin.
IPluginEntitiesConnectionRetVal |
For use by an entities plugin.
IPluginEntitiesParams |
Interface for entities plugins.
IPluginEntity<T extends IPluginFileEntity<?,?,?>,J extends IFileDataEntity<T>,C extends IFileDataEntity<T>> |
IPluginFileEntity<E extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>,J extends IFileDataEntity<?>,C extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
IPluginFileHelper |
IPluginFormAuthenticatorParams<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
Interface for parameters for a authenticator type plugin to create a client with
IPluginFormAuthenticatorRetVal |
Interface for the return value of an authenticator type plugin.
IPluginFormElementCatalogue |
Interface for plugins that may add a set of form items to the designer.
IPluginFormElementWidget |
Interface for plugins to integrate own form element widgets within the form designer.
IPluginFormElementWidgetIsAvailableInDesignerParams |
Parameters that are passed to a form element widget.
IPluginFormPrePersist |
Interface for form pre-persist plugins.
IPluginFormPrePersistParams |
Interface for the parameters of form pre-presist plugins.
IPluginFormPrePersistRetVal |
Interface for the return value of form pre-persist plugins.
IPluginFormPreProcess |
Interface for a form pre-process plugin.
IPluginFormPreProcessParams |
Interface for the parameters of form pre-process plugins.
IPluginFormPreProcessRetVal |
Interface for the return value of form pre-process plugins.
IPluginFormPreRender |
Interface for form pre-render plugins.
IPluginFormPreRenderParams |
Interface that encapsulates the parameters for a form pre-render plugin.
IPluginFormPreRenderRetVal |
Interface for the return value of form pre render plugins.
IPluginFormPreRespond |
Interface for a form pre-respond plugin.
IPluginFormPreRespondParams |
Interface for the parameters of form pre-respond plugins.
IPluginFormPreRespondRetVal |
Interface for the return value of form pre-respond plugins.
IPluginFormPreview |
IPluginFormPreviewParams |
Interface welche die Parameter für Plugins vom Typ PrintService kapselt
IPluginFormPreviewRetVal |
IPluginFormReplacer |
Interface for a form replacer plugin.
IPluginFormReplacerParams |
Interface that encapsulates the parameters for a form replacer plugin.
IPluginFormReplacerRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a form replacer plugin.
IPluginFormResource |
Interface for plugins to integrate form resources like CSS or JavaScript
IPluginFormResourceGetDataParams |
Parameters for the method of a form resource plugin that retrieves the data of the resource.
IPluginGeneric |
Interface for a generic plugin.
IPluginGenericCustomGUI<TBean extends IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean> |
Interface for plugins that provide a custom user interface.
IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean |
Interface for a managed bean required by a plugin that provides a custom user interface.
IPluginGenericParams |
Interface for the parameters of generic plugins.
IPluginGenericReplacerParams |
Interface for common parameters of all placeholder replace plugins.
IPluginGenericRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a generic plugin.
IPluginHandler |
IPluginInitializeBeanData |
IPluginInitializeData |
IPluginInstallData |
IPluginLifecycleListener<TPlugin extends IFCPlugin> |
The callback method that is invoked when the event occurred for which the listener was registered.
IPluginLoginLogic |
Common interface for a custom login logic that can be provided by a plugin.
IPluginMailEncryption |
Interface for plugins of type email encryption.
IPluginMailEncryptionParams |
Parameters for plugin access-properties
IPluginMailEncryptionRetVal |
Interface for the return value of an email encryption plugin.
IPluginMalwareScanner |
Interface for plugins that add additional malware scanners to the system.
IPluginMenuEntries |
Plugin for adding custom menu entries to the backend UI of FORMCYCLE.
IPluginMenuEntriesParams |
Parameters for a menu entry plugin.
IPluginMenuEntry |
Interface for a plugin menu entry in the backend UI.
IPluginMenuEntry.EPluginMenuTargetType |
IPluginMonitor |
A plugin for checking the current status of the FORMCYCLE system via monitoring MBeans.
IPluginParameters |
Interface für Plugin-Parameter
IPluginPortal |
Plugin for creating custom portals with own ui
IPluginProcessing |
IPluginProcessingParams |
Interface for the parameters of a processing plugin.
IPluginProcessingRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a processing plugin.
IPluginProjectMenu |
Plugin interface for providing custom menus for projects with a specified scope
IPluginProjectMenuGUIBean |
Plugin interfaces for providing beans to custom project menus
IPluginProjectTemplate |
Interface for plugins of the typ project template.
IPluginResourceHelper |
IPluginReturnValue |
Common interface for the return value of a plugin.
IPluginScopeClient |
This interface marks an IFCPlugin to only be initialized in Client scope.
IPluginScopeSystem |
This interface marks an IFCPlugin to only be initialized in SYSTEM scope.
IPluginServletAction |
Interface for plugins servlet action plugins.
IPluginServletActionParams |
Interface for the parameters of a servlet action plugin.
IPluginServletActionRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a servlet action plugin.
IPluginSessionReplacer |
Interface for a system replacer plugin.
IPluginSessionReplacerParams |
Interface for the parameters of a session replacer plugin.
IPluginSessionReplacerRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a session replacer plugin.
IPluginShutdown |
IPluginShutdownData |
IPluginSystemReplacer |
Interface for a system replacer plugin.
IPluginSystemReplacerParams |
Interface for the parameters of a system replace plugin.
IPluginSystemReplacerRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a system replacer plugin.
IPluginTemplateReplacer |
Interface for a template replacer plugin.
IPluginTemplateReplacerParams |
Interface for the parameters of template placeholder replacer plugins.
IPluginTemplateReplacerRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a template replacer plugin.
IPluginTriggerHandler<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
Mixin meant for IPluginWorkflowTrigger plugins that only wish to provide a workflow trigger that executes
some business logic.
IPluginUninstallData |
IPluginValidationRule |
Interface for validation rule plugins.
IPluginVRuleModel |
IPluginWorkflowNode |
Interface for workflow node plugins.
IPluginWorkflowNodeBean |
IPluginWorkflowTrigger |
Interface for workflow trigger plugins.
IPluginWorkflowTriggerBean |
IPostEntityDeserializationParams |
IPostfachDao |
IPostfachHandler |
The Class PostfachHandler.
IPostfachServletHandler |
IPreFieldDeserializationHookParams |
Parameters for the pre deserialization hook of fields
IPreRenderListener |
Interface to be used in conjunction with PreRenderViewActionListener , to make it easier for a component to
listen to a PreRenderViewEvent .
IProcessing |
Dieses Interface muss von konkreten Aktionsverarbeitungen realisiert werden.
IProcessingBean |
Interface for accessing data related to the workflow processing, meant for custom workflow UIs provided by a
processing plugin.
IProcessingModel |
IProcessingPlugin |
IProcessingPrefillData |
IProcessingResult |
The result of running a workflow action.
IProcessingResultAktionsID |
Interface for a processing result as id of an action (@see Aktion )
IProcessingResultFileData |
Interface for a processing result as binary file
IProcessingResultFilePath |
Interface for a processing result as file path
IProcessingResultHTML |
Interface for a processing result as HTML
IProcessingResultIntValue |
Interface for a processing result as Integer value
IProcessingResultLongValue |
Interface for a processing result as Long value
IProcessingResultMultiValue |
Interface for a processing result with multiple values
IProcessingResultNumberValue |
Interface for a processing result as Number
IProcessingResultStringValue |
Interface for a processing result as String
IProcessingResultSuccess |
Interface for a processing result with multiple values
IProcessingResultTemplate |
Interface for a processing result as FORMCYCLE template
IProcessingResultVorgangsID |
Interface for a processing result as the id of an process (@see Vorgang )
IProcessingResultWeiterleitung |
Interface for a processing result as redirect
IProcessingWrapper |
IProjectAuthenticatorConfigDao |
IProjectDOIDataDao |
IProjectDOIDataHandler |
IProjectIdentityCheckDataDao |
IProjectIdentityCheckDataHandler |
IProjectInviteDataDao |
IProjectProvidingEvent |
The base IWorkflowEventData for all event belonging to a project (but not a form record), such as when the
form is opened for the first time.
IProjectTagDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting ProjectTag entities.
IProjectTemplate |
Interface für Projekt-Templates
IProjectTemplateViewModel |
IProjectVersionModel |
Common interface models representing a project version
IProjektDao |
IProjektDependent |
Schnittstelle für Modelklassen, die in Beziehung zu einem Projekt stehen.
IProjektDependentBaseDao<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
IProjektHandler |
IProjektRessourceDao |
IProjektRessourcenHandler |
IProjektZaehlerDao |
IProjektZaehlerDatenDao |
IProjektZaehlerDatenHandler |
IProjektZaehlerHandler |
IProperty |
Describes a property that is part of a value.
IProtocolEntryClientDao |
IProtocolEntryProcessDao |
IProtocolEntrySystemDao |
IProtokollHandler |
IProviding |
Interface for all workflow actions that create files when they are executed.
IProvidingFileHandler |
IQuartzJobDetails |
Common interface for detail information describing a quartz job
IReadEntityRefsParams<TData> |
IReadPlaceholdersParams<TData> |
IRecordMember<T,TBuilder extends IValueBuilder<T>> |
IRecordValueBuilder |
IRecordValueDescriptor |
IRecordValueDescriptorBuilder |
IReferencedFileList |
Base interface for a POJO view model class, both for selecting a single file as well as selecting multiple files
within the workflow.
IRemoteEventExecutionResult |
Similar to the IEventExecutionResult , but with slightly different info so that it can be sent to the frontend
IRepetitionContainer |
Represents a form element that is repeated, by virtue of being repeated itself, and not by just being inside a
repeated container.
IReplacer |
IReplacerParams |
IRequestHandlerBuilder |
Builder for performing more than one cross scope conversation request and performing some logic when all have
IRequestResult |
IResolvedFile |
IResolvedFileList |
IResolvedFileListProcessor<R,E extends Throwable> |
IResolvedFileSourceAttachment |
IResolvedFileSourceClientFile |
IResolvedFileSourceDetails |
IResolvedFileSourceFormFile |
IResolvedFileSourceUploadElement |
IResolvedFileSourceUrl |
IResolvedFileSourceWorkflowNode |
IResolvedMultiFile |
IResolvedResourceItem |
Represents the result when resolving the files referenced by a single ResourceItem .
IResourceAccessControl |
Interface for enforcing access control to a resource specified by a URI or URL.
IResourceBundleLocator |
Interface for locating resource bundle for a given locale.
IResourceConsuming |
IResourceDescriptor |
A resource descriptor that consists of an URI serving as the identifier for the resource, and an method for accessing the content of the resource.
IResourceDescriptorLocator |
IResourceItem |
A file select menu may contain options form form resources, client resources and external URLs.
IResourceItemResolutionErrorProviding |
Common interface for both the resolved file list and each resolved resource item, which both provide access to the
errors that occurred.
IResourceMatcher |
A predicate for matching URI s and URL s.
IResultlessNode<TData> |
Mixin for nodes that neither return a result nor do throw an error.
IRetrieveElementPropsRetVal<TCustomData> |
IReturningCompletionResult |
Represents the result of INodeHandler#execute when the node was
completed abruptly by issuing a return statement.
IRolePropsInitListener |
Deprecated. |
IRolleDao |
IRolleHandler |
IRollingFileAppender |
Common interface for rolling file appenders
IRolloverAction |
IRolloverStrategy |
Common interface for rollover strategy of of rolling file appender configs.
IRootState |
IsAnyoneAuthorizer |
Authorizer that allows anyone
IsAuthenticatedByClientAuthorizer |
Checks the client name of the profile
IsAvailableParams<TData> |
ISearchTermHandler |
Provides basic convenience methods for working with search terms of workflow elements.
ISemVerProviding |
ISemverUpdating<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
A ISequentialUpdating that interprets the version string as a Semver and updates the
properties model according to the previous and current semantic version.
ISemverUpdatingNode<TData> |
ISemverUpdatingTrigger<TData> |
ISequentialUpdating<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity,TVersion extends Comparable<TVersion>> |
ISerializableJSON |
ISerializableSupplier<T> |
Represents a supplier of results that is also serializable.
IServletEventData |
Common interface for data needed by events that are triggered via a servlet
IServletEventResult |
Common interface for result data that is returned after the execution of servlet events.
IServletResponse |
Interface for the HTTP response that is sent in response to a HttpServletRequest .
ISessionBean |
ISessionConversationEvent |
Event for ConversationScoped beans that limit their conversation to a particular session.
ISessionConversationEventHandler |
Handler for events of ConversationScoped beans that limit their conversation to a particular session.
ISessionEvent |
ISessionEventHandler |
ISessionReplacerParams |
ISessionValueReplacer |
ISetupHandler |
ISingleBaseActionBuiltinNodePrototype<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
ISingleBaseActionNodePrototype<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
ISingleBaseBuiltinTriggerPrototype<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
ISingleBaseConditionNodePrototype<TData extends BaseConditionProps> |
ISingleBaseTriggerPrototype<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
ISingleBuiltinNodePrototype<TData> |
ISingleBuiltinTriggerPrototype<TData> |
ISingleConsuming |
ISingleElementPrototype<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
Element handler mixin for cases when a handler only wishes to provide a single prototype.
ISingleFileProviding |
Interface for a POJO view model class that describes a single file that can be selected by the user.
ISingleNodePrototype<TData> |
ISingleTriggerPrototype<TData> |
IsNotAssignableException |
ISortKeyProviding<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Interface for types whose instances provide a custom sort key that should be used when sorting a list of instances.
ISourcePosition |
Describes the position of a source token used in an infix expression.
ISpecificTriggerListener<TData> |
Mixin interface for triggers that are invoked only by an external event specifying the ID of the trigger.
ISpecificTriggerProvidingEvent |
IStandardFileListResolutionErrorCreator |
Handler that can create the error code and error data for the standard file resolution error behavior, see also
StandardErrorFileListProcessor .
IStateView |
IStateViewModel |
Common interface for states.
IStaticPlaceholder |
Descriptor for a built-in, non-dynamic placeholder such as [%$PROJECT_ID%] .
IStatisticsHandler |
IStatusDao |
IStatusDependent |
IStatusHandler |
IStatusReferenceItem |
Common interface for referencing a Status
IStatusServletHandler |
IStatusUuidReferenceItem |
Common interface for referencing a Status via UUID
IStatusViewModel |
Markup interface for view models of Status s
IStringAttributesMixin |
Mixin providing utility methods for storing values in a string map
IStringValueBuilder |
IStringValueDescriptor |
IStringValueDescriptorBuilder |
ISuccessResultBuilder<TBuilder,TResult> |
Builder for the result of a node when it was executed successfully.
ISuccessResultData |
ISummaryKeyValueModel |
ISummaryKeyValuePair |
A key value pair.
ISummaryKeyValueText |
ISupportChangeEventBean |
Interface for scoped beans that should support a method for changing by an event bus triggered handler.
ISupportInquiryData |
ISymbol |
ISymbolTable<TConstant extends IConstant,TOperator extends IOperator> |
A symbol table with a list of symbols that may occur in an infix expression.
ISymbolTableBuilder<TConstant extends IConstant,TOperator extends IOperator> |
ISystemAuthenticatorDao |
ISystemChangeDao |
ISystemHandler |
ISystemMessageDao |
ISystemPluginDao |
ISystemPropertyDao |
ISystemPropertyHandler |
ISystemReplacerParams |
ISystemStatusChecker |
ISystemUpdate |
Interfaces for system changes
ISystemUpdateProgressObserver |
ISystemValueReplacer |
ITableColumn |
ITableTemplate<T extends ITableColumn> |
ITaskExecutionErrorResult |
The result of execution a WorkflowTask , returned by the task runner when the task was not executed
ITaskExecutionResult |
The result of executing a WorkflowTask , returned by the task runner when the task was executed successfully.
ITaskExecutionSuccessResult |
The result of execution a WorkflowTask , returned by the task runner when the task was executed successfully.
ITaskFlowAnalysis |
Represents the result of analyzing a workflow task.
ITaskQueueExecutionResult |
Represents the result of running one or multiple tasks.
ITaskUuidProviding |
Interface for workflow elements that have got a UUID to identify the parent task.
ITaskWithName |
A reference to a workflow trigger.
ITemplateData |
Common interfaces for representing template data
ITemplateDependent |
ITemplateReplacerParams |
ITemplateValueReplacer |
IterableUtils |
Additional utilities for Iterable s not found in other libraries.
IterableUtils.Indexed<T> |
Represents an item with an index.
ITextbausteinDao |
ITextbausteinHandler |
ITextResourceRefactorer |
Refactor handler for plain text resources.
IToken<TConstant extends IConstant,TOperator extends IOperator> |
The representation of a token encountered in an infix expression.
ITopMenuProviding |
Interface for TabModel s that provide additional entries to the top menu header.
ITransferable |
ITransferableEntity |
Basisschnittstelle für alle ID-basierten Modellklassen.
ITransferableLockableEntity |
ITreeAccessor<TNode,TIdentifier> |
Interface for treating an item as a node in a tree-like structure.
ITreeWithDataAccessor<TNode,TIdentifier,TNodeData> |
Interface for accessing the children of tree nodes, together with the data associated with each tree node.
ITriggerAppliesToEventParams<TData> |
ITriggerDataDescriptor |
Each trigger may provide a set of data that is made available via placeholders when the task is executed.
ITriggerFilterCriteriaForEventParams |
ITriggerHandler<TData> |
All trigger handlers must be thread-safe.
ITriggerModelPrototype |
Interface for trigger prototypes, i.e.
ITriggerOnTaskBeginParams<TData> |
ITriggerOnTaskFinishParams<TData> |
ITriggerPolicy |
Common interface for rolling file trigger policies
ITriggerPreconditionSatisfiedParams<TData> |
ITriggerPropertiesBean<TData> |
The interface of a bean for editing the properties of workflow triggers.
ITriggerPropertyPluginBean<TData> |
Workaround for Java not having intersection types.
ITriggerPrototypeData<TData> |
The data that is used to create a new trigger when a trigger prototype is dragged into the workflow designer.
ITriggerPrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
A prototype for a workflow trigger that is shown in the drawer panel in the workflow designer.
ITriggerPrototypeWrapper |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
ITriggerWithName |
A reference to a workflow trigger.
ITupleValueBuilder |
ITupleValueDescriptor |
ITupleValueDescriptorBuilder |
IUncacheableDatei |
IUncacheableFile |
Markup-Interface for files which shouldn´t be cached
IUnhandledExceptionEventData |
Represents the event data of an error event that is triggered when an unhandled exception occurred during workflow
IUnionValueBuilder<D> |
IUnionValueDescriptor<D> |
IUnionValueDescriptorBuilder<D> |
IUpdatable |
IUpdateCustomParametersParams |
IUpdateTransition |
Performs an upgrade from a previous version to a newer version.
IUploadConsuming |
Interface for all workflow actions that require upload files to perform their job.
IUploadConsuming.uploadElements |
IUrlDataBuilder<Self> |
Body builder for appending request parameters to the URL of an HTTP request
IUserDependent |
Marks dependency to a user
IUserGroupAccess |
IUserGroupDependent |
Marks dependency to user groups
IUUIDEntity |
Interface für alle Entitäten, die eine UUID besitzen.
IUuidProviding |
Interface for objects that have got a UUID identifying them.
IValidationMessage |
IValidationOptions |
IValidationResult |
IValueBuilder<T> |
Base interface for builders that can create a value of a certain type.
IValueCreator<V> |
A consumer that is passed a value builder and may call its methods to adjust the value created by the builder.
IValueDescriptor<V,TBuilder extends IValueBuilder<V>> |
Base class for all value descriptors that describe the shape of (mostly JSON-like) data.
IValueDescriptorBuilder<V,TBuilder extends IValueBuilder<V>,TDesc extends IValueDescriptor<V,TBuilder>> |
Base interface for builders that create a IValueDescriptor which imposes certain restrictions on the values
it allows.
IValueDescriptorCreator<V> |
A function that takes a value descriptor factory and returns a value descriptor created via the methods of the passed
IValueDescriptorFactory |
IVersionedCustomParametersProviding |
Interface for entities that provide custom parameters stored as a JSON string.
IVersionInfo |
IVersionNumberProviding |
Common interface for all objects (mainly entities) that have got a version number.
IViewEvent |
IViewEventHandler |
IViewModel |
IVirtualEntity |
mark-up-interface for virtual entities
IVoidValueBuilder |
IVoidValueDescriptor |
IVorgangDao |
IVorgangDependent |
IVorgangHandler |
IVorgangsDataDao |
IVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
Interface creating SQL-Queries for datatables
IVorgangServletHandler |
IWebDavAccessDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting IWebDavAccessDao entities.
IWebDavAccessHandler |
IWidgetConfigProviding<TWidgetConfiguration> |
Interface for Widget that wish to provide their client configuration as a class.
IWithHttpAction |
Mark-up interface for clients with HTTP-action (Kerberos, NTLM,...)
IWordField |
IWorkflowActionExecutor |
Interface for all executors for workflow actions.
IWorkflowBeanValidator |
IWorkflowElementDao<TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity & de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Base DAO for all workflow elements.
IWorkflowElementEntity |
Interface for workflow elements that behave differently depending on their type.
IWorkflowElementRegistry<TEntity extends IWorkflowElementEntity,TElement extends IWorkflowElementTypeProviding,THandler extends IElementHandler<?,TEntity>,TPlugin extends IFCPlugin> |
Registry for all workflow element handler.
IWorkflowElementTypeProviding |
Interface for workflow element that have got a type and behave differently depending on that type.
IWorkflowElementValidationResult |
Represents the result of validating a single workflow node or trigger.
IWorkflowElementValidationResultBuilder |
IWorkflowElementWithDeserializedModel<TData,TElement> |
A workflow node together with its deserialized model.
IWorkflowEventData |
Base interface for all workflow events for the new workflow engine.
IWorkflowEventRunner |
IWorkflowExecutionContext |
IWorkflowExecutionEnvironmentData |
Data related to the current workflow execution, such as the form record or the locale.
IWorkflowExecutionListener |
Interface for objects that wish to listen to the various stages of a workflow execution.
IWorkflowExecutionPostProcessor |
Callback that is called after the workflow was executed, but before the final result is created.
IWorkflowExecutionPostProcessParams |
IWorkflowExecutor |
Handler for running other nodes during the execution of a task, or triggering events.
IWorkflowFileHandler |
Handler with utility methods for working with files during the execution of a workflow, and making these files
available to other workflow node.
IWorkflowFileValue |
Represents part of the result returned by a workflow node when executed, specifically the files that may be returned
by the node.
IWorkflowFlowAnalysis |
Interface for querying info about the control and data flow of a workflow process.
IWorkflowFormHandler |
Handler with utility methods for working with the form and form records during the execution of a workflow.
IWorkflowGlobalHandlerValidationContext |
IWorkflowGlobalValidator<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
Interface for all global validators of workflow elements.
IWorkflowHandler |
API Handler for interacting and initializing the workflow for a form record.
IWorkflowHandlerValidationContext |
Common methods for validation contexts used by node handlers.
IWorkflowHttpHandler |
A handler for interacting with the current HTTP request within the context of a workflow execution.
IWorkflowLocalBeanValidationContext |
Validation context that can be used (such as by being injected into an IChoiceProviding set on
a SingleChoice constraint annotation) during Jakarta bean API validation.
IWorkflowLocalHandlerValidationContext |
IWorkflowLocalValidationContext |
Context holding data required during a local workflow validation process, i.e.
IWorkflowLocalValidator<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
Interface for all local validators of workflow elements.
IWorkflowLoggingHandler |
Handler with utility methods for creating protocol entries when a node is executed.
IWorkflowNodeDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowNode entities.
IWorkflowNodeFlowAnalyzer<TData> |
Can perform an analysis of how a workflow task is executed, such as solving data flow equations for certain problems.
IWorkflowNodeHandler |
IWorkflowNodeLocator |
Handler for locating nodes when a task is executed.
IWorkflowNodeRegistry |
IWorkflowNodeResult |
Represents the result obtained when a workflow node was executed.
IWorkflowNodeSearchTermDao |
IWorkflowNodeTypeProviding |
Marks the object as marking a certain workflow node type.
IWorkflowPlaceholderHandler |
Interface for the workflow placeholder handler that lets you replace placeholders in strings easily.
IWorkflowPlaceholderRefactorRetVal |
IWorkflowProcessDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowProcess entities.
IWorkflowProcessing |
IWorkflowProcessingContext |
IWorkflowProvider |
A provider for the workflow designer that lets you access various data related to the workflow, such a list of all
user groups or text templates.
IWorkflowQualifiedSubmitButton |
Represents a submit button of the form.
IWorkflowQueueItem |
IWorkflowResponse |
Interface for the result of running the workflow.
IWorkflowRunTasksForEventParams |
IWorkflowStateDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowState entities.
IWorkflowStateHandler |
IWorkflowStateViewModel |
IWorkflowSubmitButton |
Represents a submit button of the form.
IWorkflowTaskDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowTask entities.
IWorkflowTaskHandler |
IWorkflowTaskLocator |
Handler for locating tasks when the workflow of a process is executed.
IWorkflowTaskRunner |
IWorkflowTaskRunnerParams |
Data required for executing a workflow task, such as the client, user, and locale.
IWorkflowTriggerDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowTrigger entities.
IWorkflowTriggerHandler |
IWorkflowTriggerJobDetails |
Interface for quartz job info for quartz triggers for workflow triggers of the new workflow.
IWorkflowTriggerRegistry |
IWorkflowTriggerSearchTermDao |
IWorkflowTriggerTypeProviding |
Marks the object as marking a certain workflow trigger type.
IWorkflowValidationContext |
Context holding global data required during a workflow validation process.
IWorkflowValidationEnvironmentData |
General parameters for workflow related methods, such as the project containing the workflow and the client owning
the project.
IWorkflowValidationMessage |
IWorkflowValidationResult |
Describes the result of a workflow validation process, as produced by WorkflowValidator .
IWorkflowValidator |
An object for validating the entire workflow of a project, or just parts of it (single tasks, triggers, or nodes).
IWorkflowVariableHandler |
Interface for the variable handler used during execution of the workflow.
IWorkflowVersionBackupDao |
IWorkflowVersionDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowVersion entities.
IWorkflowVersionHandler |
IWriteEntityRefsParams<TData> |
IWritePlaceholdersParams<TData> |
IXBaseValidationParams |
IXDataSourceOptions |
Interface that may be implemented by an XItem , usually by custom widgets that extend XSelect .
IXExportWordPdfRenderer |
IXfcDirs |
Directories used by a running FORMCYCLE instance.
IXfcException |
IXfcSessionHandler |
IXForm |
IXFormDatatypeRule |
IXFormProvidingEvent |
IXFormRenderConfig |
IXFormRenderConfigProvidingEvent |
IXFormRenderContext |
Interface for context that exists during the render of the form.
IXGlobalValidationParams |
IXItem |
IXItemAppendable |
IXItemBasic |
The base interface for all built-in form items and all widgets provided by plugins.
IXItemEvaluator |
IXItemPropertiesData |
IXItemWidget |
IXItemWidget.Resource |
IXProcessUploadParams |
IXProcessUploadResult |
IXUpload |
Represents a file uploaded when a form was submitted.
IXValidationParams |
IXValidationResult |
Represents the result of validating an IXItem .
IXValuableItem |
IZugriffsrechtFilter |
Dieses Interface bildet eine Schnittstelle für Filter, die auf Zugriffsrechte Prüfen.
JGroupsCluster |
JGroupsClusterConnection |
JGroupsLogger |
Implementation of a JGroups Log that logs messages via sl4j .
JGroupsLoggerFactory |
Implementation of a CustomLogFactory that creates sl4j loggers.
JobKeyFactory |
Factory for creating a job key for FORMCYCLE specific jobs.
JobKeyFactory.JobGroups |
Enumeration of the predefined job groups
JSFEntityContext |
JsfValidationResult |
Represents the result of a JSF validation phase.
JSONBuilder |
Responder-Implementierungen für JSON zur Request-Verarbeitung und/oder Response-Befüllung.
JSONConverter |
JsonPatchHelper |
JsonPatchUpdate |
JsonPathBuilder |
Simple builder for a JSON path.
JSONRequester |
Übergebenen JSON-Daten vom Typ JSONObject in Liste von ValueDescriptoren umwandeln
JSONRequesterException |
JSONValidator |
JSONValidConverter |
JsRegExpCheck |
Checks whether a string matches a JavaScript regexp.
KeepAliveServlet |
Generic servlet for keeping a session alive
KeepSessionAliveBean |
Bean that keeps the session alive, for use with the composite component xi:keepSessionAlivePoll
KerberosAuthenticator |
Deprecated. |
KerberosAuthenticatorImpl |
KerberosClient |
KerberosConfigBean |
Bean zum Abspeichern / Laden der NTLM-Konfiguration.
KerberosConfigWrapper |
KerberosTicketValidatorImpl |
KerberosUserProfile |
KeyStoreCertProvider |
An mail-encryptor key-provider to determine the certificates by an keystore.
Label |
How to handle labels for bean validation.
Label.Custom |
Use a custom label.
Label.Include |
How to handle labels for bean validation, see Label .
Label.Omit |
How to handle labels for bean validation, see Label .
LanguageFd2Config |
LargeString |
Wrapper for reading a string lazily, e.g.
LazyAppointmentScheduleModel |
Lazy schedule model for the inbox appointment view.
LazyContainer |
Allows rendering its children dynamically after page load and enables partial update renders.
LazyContainer.PropertyKeys |
LazyContainerRenderer |
LazyEntityListModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
LazyExtendedProcessListModel |
LazyProcessListModel |
LazyProjectViewListModel |
Custom data model for lazily loading project view models
LazyProjectWrapperListModel |
Deprecated. |
LazyTreeNode<T> |
A tree node for a lazy loading PrimeFaces trees.
LazyTreeSuperRootNode<T> |
LDAPAbfrage |
LDAPAbfrageAPI |
LDAPAbfrageDao |
LDAPAbfrageHandler |
LDAPBenutzer |
LDAPBenutzerUtil |
LdapConnectionBean |
Bean für die Verwaltung von Verbindungen
LdapConnectionChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the LDAP connections available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
LDAPConnectionFactory |
LdapConnectionModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
LDAPDataUtil |
LDAPFilters |
LDAPGroupBean |
LDAPGruppe |
API class for manipulation of LDAPGruppe entities.
LDAPGruppeDao |
LDAPGruppeHandler |
LDAPKeys |
LdapQueryBean |
Bean für die aktuelle Session und deren Informationen
LdapQueryChoiceProvider |
Provider for the LDAP queries available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
LDAPQueryManager |
LdapQueryModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
LDAPResultConverter |
LDAPZugriff |
LDAPZugriffAPI |
LDAPZugriffDao |
LDAPZugriffHandler |
LegacyExporter |
Helper class for creating legacy export of projects
LicenseAccess |
Model that combines a system and a client license.
LicenseAPI |
LicenseBean |
LicenseCache |
LicenseCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
LicenseCacheModel |
LicenseDataSnapshot |
LicenseDemoData |
LicenseFeature |
LicenseFile |
This entity represents licenses.
LicenseFileAPI |
LicenseFileDao |
LicenseFileHandler |
LicenseHandler |
LicenseManager |
LicenseModel |
Model to access an license based on there file-data
LicenseNotificationServlet |
Servlet for notifying a client license update to trigger a download
LicenseServerUtil |
Utility class for creating jquery-ajax request and java-http requests to the product management server
LicenseSyncData |
LicenseViewModel |
LiquibaseDBUtils |
LiquibaseMigrationUtils |
ListedResourceAccessControl |
ListedResourceAccessControl.ListedResourceAccessControlBuilder |
ListUpdateTransition |
LoadBundleTagHandler |
Same as the f:loadBundle tag, but extends it with an additional attribute loader .
LoadPropsRetVal<TModel,TBean> |
LoadWebFormPersistJsonRequest |
Requests a form persist JSON to get loaded in the workflow designer.
LoadWebFormPersistLivecycleRequest |
Requests a livecycle file to get loaded in the workflow designer.
LoadWebFormPersistPdfRequest |
Requests a PDF file to get loaded in the workflow designer.
LoadWorkflowPersistRequest |
Requests a workflow persist to get loaded in the workflow designer.
LocalDateTimeConverter |
LocaleBean |
LocaleUtils |
LocalTimeConverter |
LogAppenderConverter |
LogConfigHelper |
Helper-Class for the configuration of loggers and appenders
LogFilePatternLayoutBuilder |
LoggerConfigBean |
Bean for configuring loggers & appenders
LoggingRequestInterceptor |
An implementation of HttpRequestInterceptor interface for logging request information.
LoggingResponseInterceptor |
An implementation of HttpResponseInterceptor interface for logging request information.
LoginAttempt |
LoginAttemptHelper |
LoginAttemptHelper.ELoginStatus |
LoginBean |
Bean for processing the login and resetting the password
LoginCache |
LoginCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
LoginEvent |
LoginHelper |
LoginLockedException |
LoginModel |
Modelklasse für den Login
LoginServlet |
Servlet für die Anmeldung an Formulare
LstFunction |
Function to replace form values with an named option-column
MailAddressListConverter |
MailAPI |
API class for sending of system mails.
MailConfigBean |
Bean für die Konfiguration eines Systemweiten E-Mail Servers
MailContextFactory |
Factory for creating an mail context
MailContextFactory |
MailContextNotAvailableException |
Exception thrown when an email cannot be send because no mail context (=mail server configuration) is available.
MailContextProvider |
Provider for managing informations an contexts for mail server
MailEncryptorFactory |
Factory for creating an mail-encryptor by a given type
MailHandler |
The Class MailHandler.
MailInboxPartServletPlugin |
Simple servlet for downloading a content part of a mail, meant for integration tests.
MailReader |
MailSendUtil |
Utility class for sending mail.
MailServerSettings |
MainWorkflowElementCategory |
MalwareDetectedException |
Generic exception that is thrown when a file or some data was detected to contain malware.
MalwareScanner |
Utility class that scans files and data for malware.
MalwareScanReport |
Represents the result of a malware scan.
MalwareScanResult |
Mandant |
Diese Entität bildet einen Mandanten ab.
MandantAPI |
API class for manipulation of Mandant entities.
MandantDao |
MandantDependentBaseDao<E extends ITransferableEntity> |
MandantFrontendServer |
MandantFrontendServerAPI |
MandantFrontendServerBean |
MandantFrontendServerDao |
MandantFrontendServerHandler |
MandantFrontendServerServletHandler |
MandantHandler |
MandantLdapData |
MandantLdapDataAPI |
MandantLdapDataDao |
MandantLdapDataHandler |
MandantMailData |
MandantMailDataAPI |
MandantMailDataDao |
MandantMailDataHandler |
MandantRessource |
MandantRessourceDao |
MandantRessourceDatei |
MandantRessourceDateiData |
MandantRessourceHandler |
MandantRessourcenAPI |
MandantServletHandler |
MapDiff<K,V> |
Implementation of IMapDiff with a static method for creating a diff between two Map s.
MarkableRandomAccessFileInputStream |
MenuEntryModel |
MenuEntryModel.Builder |
MenuItem |
MenuItemConverter |
MenuTemplateBean |
MenuTemplateEventHandler |
MessageCopyUtil |
MessageListener |
Helper JSF component that can be used to listen to faces messages.
MessageListener.PropertyKeys |
MessageListenerEvent |
MessageListenerFilterParams |
MessageListenerHandler |
MessageListenerRenderer |
MessageListenerTransformParams |
MessageUtils |
MetaFilterBean |
MethodManager |
MigrationUtils |
Utility class for migrating project properties
MigrationUtils.V7 |
MissingElementHandlers |
MissingEntityException |
MockFrqSessionBuilder |
MockRequestResponseBuilder |
Builder for mock form requests that can be used in unit tests.
ModelUpdateEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the process model was updated.
Modul |
ModulAPI |
API class for manipulation of Modul entities.
ModulDao |
ModulHandler |
MSConfigContextListener |
MSContextBean |
MSContextListener |
A servlet context listener for the FORMCYCLE master server.
MsGraphLogger |
MSGraphMailContext |
Mail context for sending MIME mails via the ms graph api
MsGraphProfileCreator |
Profile creator for Azure AD logins using the OAuth 2.0 access token and the MS Graph API.
MSHandlerProvider |
MSMonitor |
MSMonitorMBean |
MSSessionListener |
Deprecated. |
MsSystemProperties |
Helper class for accessing MS system properties.
MSSystemStatusChecker |
MultiFile |
Models a list of file resources that may come from multiple sources, such as client file, project files or external
files referenced via an URL.
MultiFile.resources |
MultiFile.searchFilename |
MultiFile.urls |
MultiFileSize |
Constraint validation that may be applied to MultiFile .
MultiFileSize.List |
MultiFileSizeValidator |
MultipartMail |
MultipartMailData |
Text email data with attached Files
MultipleConditionCheck |
MultipleConditionCheck.MultipleConditionData |
MySQLEncryptedVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
NamedUiElementComparator |
Comparator-Implementierung für den Vergleich von INamedUiElement -Instanzen.
NameMatcher<T extends org.quartz.utils.Key<?>> |
Matches on name (ignores group) property of Keys.
NameProvidingComparator<T extends INameProviding> |
NameProvidingDescriptor |
NavigationBean |
NoCacheFilter |
NodeCrashSuspectedEvent |
An event that is fired when it is suspected that the connection to a node in the cluster may have been lost.
NodeDeletionUpdate |
NodeEntry<TElement> |
NodeExpansionChangeEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when a node was expanded or collapsed.
NodeExpansionUpdate |
NodeJoinEvent |
An event that is fired when a node joined the cluster.
NodeKey |
The key of a workflow node that uniquely identifies it within the context of a process.
NodeLeftEvent |
An event that is fired when a node left the cluster.
NodeMessageEvent |
An event that is fired when a message was sent by a node to other nodes.
NodeModel |
Models a node that is part of a cluster.
NodeModel |
View model corresponding to the WorkflowNode entity, used by the Flowchart component.
NodeModelPrototype |
NodeParamsUpdate |
NodePropertiesBean |
Bean that controls the properties panel when a NodeModel is selected.
NodePrototypeData<TData> |
NodePrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
NodePrototypeWrapper |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
NodeReturnedException |
Indicates that an exception occurred during the execution of a workflow node.
NodeSoftErrorException |
Indicates that a soft error occurred during the execution of a workflow node.
NodesOfTypeChoiceProvider |
Provider for workflow nodes that makes available all nodes in the entire workflow process that are of a given
type .
NodeThrewException |
Indicates that execution of a workflow node ended abruptly via a throw statement, including exceptions thrown by the
workflow runtime engine.
NodeWithName |
NodeWithTask |
NonEmptySingleFile |
Constraint validation that may be applied to SingleFile .
NonEmptySingleFile.List |
NonEmptySingleFileGroup |
NonEmptySingleFileGroup.List |
Defines several NonEmptySingleFileIf constraints on the same element.
NonEmptySingleFileGroupValidator |
NonEmptySingleFileIf |
Class-level constraint annotation that checks enforces another constraint to a field of the class only when a
condition that may depend on other fields of the class is satisfied.
NonEmptySingleFileIf.List |
Defines several NonEmptySingleFileIf constraints on the same element.
NonEmptySingleFileIfValidator |
NonEmptySingleFileValidator |
NormalCompletionResult |
NormalCompletionResultBuilder |
NotFoundException |
When a resource or page could not be found.
NotificationBean |
Bean that stores all faces messages that should be redisplayed in the notification history to the top right.
NoWebSocketSessionException |
NtlmAuthenticator |
Deprecated. |
NtlmAuthenticatorImpl |
Authenticator to retriev the LDAP user data and the optionally system user
NtlmCache |
NtlmCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
NtlmClient |
A client to authenticate an user by NTLM
NtlmConfigBean |
Bean zum Abspeichern / Laden der NTLM-Konfiguration.
NtlmConfigWrapper |
NtlmCredentials |
Credentials containging the username after the NTLM login
NtlmExtractorImpl |
Extractor to get the NTLM credentials with
NTLMInitializationException |
Deprecated. |
NtlmUserProfile |
Profile of an NTLM user
NullSafeUUID |
Custom UserType for non-nullable UUID s.
OAuth20ProfileCreatorWrapper |
OAuth20Wrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
ObjectGraphScanner |
A scanner for visiting each field of an object via reflection.
OIDCWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
OldWorkflowConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the old workflow designer tab.
OldWorkflowCrossViewScopeRequestHandlerBundle |
Conversation request handler bundle for the workflow.
OldWorkflowModifiedEvent |
When a new action needs to be created in the workflow flowchart.
OpenPdfInlineViaSessionKeyRequest |
Requests a livecycle file to get loaded in the workflow designer.
OpenPdfInlineViaSessionKeyResponse |
OracleVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
ParameterListBean |
Bean with methods for the parameterList composite component.
ParameterModel |
Model für das Handling von Parametern, welche dann als JSON-Objekte ablegt werden
ParameterModelComparator |
ParameterWrapper |
ParsedFieldName |
For normal form elements, the name as submitted in the HTTP request is the same as the name that was configured in
the Designer.
PartialRenderListener<T extends javax.faces.component.UIComponent> |
Must be registered for a PreRenderViewEvent .
PasswordAuthenticator |
Authenticator for checking a given password against an authenticator config
PasswordAuthorizer |
Authorizer for checking a given password against an authorization config
PasswordChangeConverter |
PasswordClient |
A client for authenticating with an project-spezific password
PasswordConfigViewModel |
PasswordConfigWrapper |
PasswordCredentials |
Credentials with the used authorization password
PasswordExtractorImpl |
Extractor for retrieving an password from an request
PasswordMailContext |
Mail context for sending mail via SMTP with user authentication
PasswordPolicyChangeEvent |
PasswordPolicyChangeHandler |
PasswordProfile |
A profile with an password
PasswordStrengthValidator |
PasswordValidationResult |
PathHandler |
Zentrale Behandlung von Pfaden (Dateisystem und URLs).
PathHandler.FS |
Zentrale Behandlung von Pfaden im lokalen FileSystem
PathHandler.Web |
Zentrale Behandlung von Formcycle-URLs
PatternNotFoundException |
PdDocumentLoader |
Helper methods for loading a PDDocument .
PDFFiller |
PdfFillHelper |
PdfFlattener |
Helper class to flatten a PDF document.
PdfFormProcessor |
Utility for processing the a PDF document as a form.
PdfImportBean |
Controller bean for the PDF form importer.
PdfImporterConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the PDF importer.
PdfImporterItemsRemovedEvent |
When one or more items were deleted in the designer that were originally imported from a PDF document.
PdfImportSession |
An ongoing PDF import process session.
PdfImportSession.PdfImportResourceHandler |
PrimeFaces dynamic resources (DynamicContentSrcBuilder ) use the Faces resource servlet, which does not
support view scoped beans.
PdfScreenshotCreator |
Helper class for creating images from individual pages of a PDF document or of thee entire PDF document.
PeAktion |
Deprecated. |
PeBase |
Deprecated. |
PeDokumentation |
Deprecated. |
PermissionUtils |
PersistDiff |
PeStatus |
Deprecated. |
Phase1Empty |
Checks if the input of the form element is empty.
Phase1Replace |
Replace a substring with another string.
Placeholder |
Informational annotation that may be placed on a field to indicate whether the field's value may contain FORMCYCLE
placeholders, such as [%tf1%] .
PlaceHolder |
PlaceHolder.PlaceHolderBuilder |
PlaceholderAPI |
API helper class.
PlaceholderBean |
This bean provides a list of available placeholders for an input field.
PlaceholderContextChangedEvent |
Event data used to indicate that some state has changed that may result in different placeholder being shown.
PlaceholderContextModel |
PlaceholderDataBean |
Caches the list of available placeholders for the duration of the active request.
PlaceholderDescriptorBuilder |
PlaceholderDesignerConversationEventHandler |
Event handler registered by the PlaceholderBean for the designer conversation scope.
PlaceholderGroup |
PlaceholderHandler |
The Class PlaceholderHandler.
PlaceholderHelper |
PlaceholderLibrary |
Represents the set of placeholders available for selection in the placeholder dialog.
PlaceholderModifyActiveGroupsEvent |
Event data that may be used when the a different set of groups of placeholders should be shown in the placeholder
PlaceholderModifyLibraryEvent |
Event data that may be used when the registered placeholders should be changed or modified.
PlaceholderProjectContextChangedEvent |
Event data that may be used when the selected project for the placeholder dialog has changed.
PlaceholderProperty<Key,Location> |
PlaceholderReference<Location> |
PlaceholderReplacer |
Class to replace placeholders
PlaceholderReplacer.IEntityContextFactory |
PlaceholderStringListConverter |
A converter for a list of Strings that respects placeholders.
PlaceholderStringTokenizer |
Helper for splitting strings containing placeholders into the surrounding text and the placeholders.
PlaceholderStringTokenizer.PlaceholderStringLiteralToken |
Represents a non-placeholder part of a string.
PlaceholderStringTokenizer.PlaceholderStringPlaceholderToken |
Represents a placeholder part of a string.
PlaceholderStringTokenizer.PlaceholderStringToken |
Represents either a literal (non-placeholder) or placeholder part of a string.
PlaceholderUpdateActiveGroupsEvent |
This event changes the active placeholder groups by adding and removing the given groups.
PlaceholderUpdateLibraryEvent |
This event changes the registered placeholders of a certain group by adding and removing the given placeholders.
PluginActionServlet |
PluginAPI |
PluginAuthenticatorRetVal |
PluginAuthenticatorRetVal.Builder |
PluginBeanHelper<TBean extends IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean,TPlugin extends IFCPlugin & IPluginGenericCustomGUI<TBean>> |
Helper class for handling unmanaged beans used by user interfaces provided by a plugin, eg.
PluginBeanHelper.IPreInitAction<TBean extends IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean> |
Interface for a callback before a bean is initialized.
PluginBeanOptions |
PluginBeanOptions.Builder |
PluginCertProvider |
An mail-encryptor key-provider to determine the certificates by browsing through Plugins
PluginConfigGroupItem |
PluginConfigParam |
PluginDataSourceRetVal |
PluginDatenquelleResolver |
PluginDeployHelper |
PluginEmManager |
A manager for an EntityManager that can be used by a plugin of type IPluginEntities .
PluginEntitiesConnectionRetVal |
PluginEntitiesParams |
PluginEntityContext |
An entity context for use by an entities plugin.
PluginExecutor |
Utility class with some static methods for executing plugins related to the lifecycle of forms.
PluginFileHelper |
PluginFormAuthenticatorParams<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
PluginFormPrePersistParams |
PluginFormPreProcessParams |
PluginFormPreRenderParams |
PluginFormPreRenderRetVal |
PluginFormPreRespondParams |
PluginFormReplacerParams |
PluginFormResourceGetDataParams |
PluginGenericFormProcessingRetVal |
PluginGenericParams |
PluginGenericReplacerRetVal |
PluginGenericRetVal |
PluginHandler |
PluginHelper |
PluginLifecycleEventManager |
Manages the events listeners for the portal runtime.
PluginMailEncryptionParams |
PluginMailEncryptionRetVal |
A POJO data class that for the return value of the mail encryption plugin.
PluginManager |
Class for managing plugins
PluginManagerListener |
PluginManifest |
PluginMenuEntriesParams |
PluginMonitor |
Monitoring Manager (Singleton) für Plugin - MBeans
PluginMonitorMBean |
PluginNameComperator |
PluginPersistenceUnitInfo |
A simple implementation of a PersistenceUnitInfo , intended for entities plugin.
PluginPrintServiceParams |
PluginProcessingParams |
PluginProjectTemplate |
PluginPropertiesHelper |
PluginResourceHelper |
PluginRuntime |
Model-class for a registered plugin
PluginRuntimeListener |
PluginServletActionParams |
PluginServletActionRetVal |
PluginSessionReplacerParams |
PluginSyncData |
PluginSyncListener |
PluginSystemReplacerParams |
PluginTemplateReplacerParams |
PluginToDatabaseUpdate |
PluginVRuleModel |
PluginWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
Wrapper for a plugin authenticator
PluginWrapperModel<E extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>> |
PojoBaseWorkflowEnvironmentData |
PojoWorkflowValidationEnvironmentData |
PortalBeanBuilder |
PortalClasspathResourceHelper |
PortalContextFilter |
PortalConverterWrapper |
PortalFilterChain |
PortalFilterConfig |
PortalFilterWrapper |
PortalManagedBeanInfo |
Deprecated. |
PortalManager |
PortalResource |
PortalRuntime |
PortalServletConfig |
PortalServletWrapper |
PortalURLPatternMatcher |
PortalValidatorWrapper |
PortalViewResource |
PostCommitDaoListener<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Base class for a IDaoActionListener that delays the handler until after the transaction was committed.
Postfach |
Diese Entität stellt ein Postfach dar.
PostfachAPI |
API class for manipulation of Postfach entities.
PostfachColumn |
PostfachDao |
PostfachHandler |
The Class PostfachHandler.
PostfachManager |
Diese Klasse dient dazu Postfächer auszuliefern, hierzu ist die Klasses als Singleton konszipiert.
PostfachServletHandler |
PostfachTemplate |
PostPersistValidationException |
When form record validation failed after the form record was persisted.
PostRequestBuilder |
PostRequestHelper |
PostRequestResult |
PostRequestResult |
PreCommitDaoListener<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Base class for a IDaoActionListener that delays the handler until just before the transaction is committed.
PreconditionSatisfiedParams<TData> |
PreRenderViewActionListener |
PreviewImageProcessor |
PreviewModel |
POJO model for the state of the form preview within the designer.
PreviewParams |
PreviewParams.Builder |
PrimeFacesVirusScannerProvider |
VirusScanner service implementation that delegates to the MalwareScanner .
PrintJob |
Klasse zum halten aller nötigen Informationen zum Drucken eines Formulares
PrintManager |
Klasse zum verwalten von Druck-Aufträgen
PrivateContextFilter |
Servlet Filter implementation class ExternalFilter
ProcessAttachmentBean |
ProcessCopyUtil |
Vorgehensweise beim Kopieren eines Vorganges:
ProcessesFdHTML |
ProcessesFdXml |
ProcessExportBean |
Bean providing export files for selected processes
ProcessFdHTML |
ProcessFdXml |
ProcessFormRecordEditBean |
Bean for the dialog where the user may select a workflow task to initiate and whether the current form data should be
ProcessGUIModel |
Model that holds information necessary for displaying a process
ProcessGUIModel.Builder |
Deprecated. |
ProcessHistoryBean |
ProcessingBean |
ProcessingBean.IActionSelectItem |
ProcessingFileHelper |
ProcessingManager |
ProcessingModel |
Wrapperklasse für Verarbeitung-Entity, welche dass ViewHandling für Verarbeitungstypen mit
IParameterProcessing -Interface regelt.
ProcessingPrefillData |
ProcessingResultAktionsID |
ProcessingResultFileData |
ProcessingResultFilePath |
ProcessingResultHTML |
ProcessingResultIntValue |
ProcessingResultLongValue |
ProcessingResultMultiValue |
ProcessingResultMultiValueAndFilePath |
ProcessingResultNumberValue |
ProcessingResultRedirect |
ProcessingResultStringValue |
ProcessingResultStringValueAndFilePath |
ProcessingResultSuccess |
ProcessingResultTemplate |
ProcessingResultVorgangsID |
ProcessingUpdate_6_1 |
Updates the processing of actions for use with new interfaces methods.
ProcessingUpdate_6_2 |
Updating processing parameters for FC version 6.2.0.
ProcessingUtils |
ProcessingWrapper |
ProcessingWrapperFactory |
Factory for creating processing wrapper for actions
ProcessListBean |
Bean for the process list view, either the standard inbox view or the form-specific inbox view.
ProcessLogDocumentBuilder |
ProcessLogExport |
ProcessModel |
View model corresponding to the WorkflowProcess entity, used by the Flowchart component.
ProcessMoveBean |
ProcessProtocolParams |
POJO with the data required for adding a processing protocol entry.
ProcessQueryCriteriaUtils |
ProcessReviewBean |
ProcessReviewDoiBean |
Bean for displaying the sent DOI email & possibly re-sending it
ProcessStateChangeBean |
ProcessViewBean |
Bean for managing the different process listing views.
ProjectAccessBean |
Bean for the project sub menu "access".
ProjectAuthenticatorConfig |
Model for persisting authenticator configurations for a project
ProjectAuthenticatorConfigAPI |
ProjectAuthenticatorConfigDao |
ProjectBean |
ProjectCopyBean |
ProjectCreationBean |
Central bean for creating projects (except for import)
ProjectDataTableBean |
Bean zur Verwaltung der projektspezifischen Formular-Datentabelle
ProjectDetailsBean |
ProjectDOIBean |
ProjectDOIData |
Entity for project-specific double-opt-in data
ProjectDOIDataAPI |
ProjectDOIDataDao |
ProjectDOIDataHandler |
ProjectDoiDataImportConfig |
ProjectDoiDataImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectDuplicator |
For creating duplicates of Projekt s
ProjectEventHandler |
ProjectExportBean |
ProjectExporter |
ProjectFilterBean |
ProjectGroupEditBean |
Bean for editing the groups of a project
ProjectIdentityCheckData |
Configuration for a project for detecting duplicate submissions.
ProjectIdentityCheckDataDao |
ProjectIdentityCheckDataHandler |
ProjectIdentityCheckDataImportConfig |
ProjectIdentityCheckDataImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectIdentityCheckDataUpdate_7_0 |
Adds project identity check data entity for projects that have an identity check template set.
ProjectImportBean |
ProjectImportConfig |
ProjectImportContextBuilder |
ProjectImporter |
ProjectImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectInboxBean |
ProjectInboxUpdate_6_4 |
Updates the specfic inboxes, adding system columns to all existing specific inboxes
ProjectInviteBean |
ProjectInviteData |
Entity for project-specific invitation data
ProjectInviteDataDao |
ProjectInviteDataImportConfig |
ProjectInviteDataImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectManager |
Helper class for (safely) creating/updating FORMCYCLE projects .
ProjectPageBean |
Bean for all designer pages that depend on a project.
ProjectPageHelper |
Helper for the workflow model bean that loads the model data from the DB.
ProjectPasswordMigration_7_0 |
Migrates all project passwords to project_authenticator_attr table
ProjectPermissionBean |
ProjectPreviewFile |
ProjectPreviewFileData |
ProjectResourceApplicationEventHandler |
Handles application events that are relevant to the from files view.
ProjectResourceBean |
ProjectResourceConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the from files designer tab.
ProjectResourceImportConfig |
ProjectResourceImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectResourceModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
ProjectShareBean |
Handles creation and customization of a simple form share link
ProjectTag |
A tag that is associated with a project .
ProjectTagDao |
ProjectTemplateBean |
ProjectUpdateBean |
ProjectUpdatedEvent |
Event signaling that the data of a project have changed.
ProjectUpdateWorkflowBean |
Bean for the form overview menu.
ProjectUtils |
Utility class for checks and operations on the entity Projekt
ProjectVersionEntry |
POJO model class for the editing the available versions of a project.
ProjectVersionModel |
Model class for the editing the list of project versions, including form versions and workflow versions.
ProjectVersionModelFactory |
Factory for creating view models representing project versions
ProjectView |
POJO view for selecting some attributes of a Projekt in the inbox.
ProjectViewModel |
Model for displaying only the necessary information of a project
ProjectWrapper |
Wrapper model for projects in a user sessions.
Projekt |
The entity Projekt contains the core functionality of the system.
ProjektAPI |
API class for manipulation of Projekt entities.
ProjektCopyUtil |
ProjektDao |
ProjektDependentBaseDao<E extends ITransferableEntity> |
ProjektExportUtil |
ProjektHandler |
The Class ProjektHandler.
ProjektImportUtil |
ProjektPostfachDaoUtils |
ProjektRessource |
ProjektRessourceAdapter |
ProjektRessourceDao |
ProjektRessourceDatei |
ProjektRessourceDateiData |
ProjektRessourceHandler |
ProjektRessourceHelper |
ProjektRessourcenAPI |
ProjektServletHandler |
ProjektUpdateUtil |
ProjektUpdateUtil.EProjectUpdateDataState |
Alle Status, welche bei der Analyse der zu aktualisierenden Projektdaten auftreten können
ProjektUtils |
Hilfsklasse für Aufgaben, die Projekte betreffen.
ProjektZaehler |
ProjektZaehlerAPI |
ProjektZaehlerDao |
ProjektZaehlerDaten |
ProjektZaehlerDatenAPI |
ProjektZaehlerDatenDao |
ProjektZaehlerDatenHandler |
ProjektZaehlerHandler |
PropertiesForm |
JSF component for the properties panel of the workflow designer.
PropertiesFormBase |
PropertiesFormBase.PropertyKeys |
PropertiesFormHandler |
Handler class for PropertiesForm , registers the appropriate functions.
PropertiesFormOverrides |
PropertiesFormParams |
Tag handler that lets you change the params of the properties form on a per action source basis, e.g.
PropertiesFormRenderOptions |
PropertiesPanelModel |
Model for the properties panel to the right of the workflow designer.
PropertiesValidationListener |
PropertyException |
'Checked Exception' für Probleme bei der Property-Verarbeitung.
ProtocolBean |
Bean für die aktuelle Session und deren Informationen
ProtocolCleaner |
Deletes protocol entries for clients
ProtocolCleaner.ProtocolCleanerFactory |
ProtocolCleanupBean |
Bean for cleaning up the protocol
ProtocolCleanupHelper |
Helper class for setting up protocol clean up jobs
ProtocolCleanupWorker |
Job for cleaning up all protocols on the system according to the configuration in the SystemProperty s
ProtocolEntryClient |
Die Entität PeDokumentation stellt einen Protokolleintrag dar, der angelegt wird, sobald etwas protokolliert werden
soll, was weder einem Statuswechsel noch einer Aktionsabarbeitung entspricht.
ProtocolEntryClientDao |
ProtocolEntryProcessDao |
ProtocolEntryProcessing |
ProtocolEntrySystem |
ProtocolEntrySystemDao |
Protokoll |
Deprecated. |
ProtokollAPI |
ProtokollHandler |
The Class ProtokollHandler.
ProtokollUtils |
Utility methods for creating AProtocolEntry s and saving them in the database.
ProvideModel |
POJO model holding the data for different links to open the form, such as on the master or frontend server.
ProvidingFileHandlerImpl |
ProvidingSelectionConverter |
PublicPropertyAccessor |
Diese Klasse ermöglicht den lesenden Zugriff auf fixe, im System enthaltene Werte.
PublishRequestParameter |
Kapselt alle relevanten Request-Parameter
PublishRequestParameterParser |
QualifiedSubmitButton |
Represents a qualified submit button, i.e.
QualifiedSubmitButtonChoiceProvider |
Provider for the qualified submit button elements available in the current form version during workflow editing and
QuartzConnectionProvider |
Class to provide an database-connection for the scheduling
QuartzJobDetailsFactory |
Factory for creating models containing detail information about quartz jobs
QueryUtils |
Utility class providing methods for handling data queries
RangeCounter<C extends Comparable> |
A range map to which ranges can be added.
RangeUtils |
Utilities with additional methods on Range s.
ReadEntityRefsParams<TData> |
ReaderTypeFactory |
Factory for GSON type readers
ReadPlaceholdersParams<TData> |
RecordValidationFailureFacesContext |
RedirectToClientInboxNodePlugin |
Plugin for E2E tests that redirects to the inbox page containing the mails for the current client.
RedirectToClientInboxProps |
RedirectToFormRecordNodePlugin |
Plugin for integration tests that redirects to the portal page that displays various details of the current form
RedirectToFormRecordProps |
RefactorFormElementNameEvent |
Event that is triggered when the name of a form element was refactored.
RefactorFormElementNameParams |
ReferencingFormRecord |
ReflectionFastJsonProvider |
JSON provider that allows treating Java object as JSON objects.
ReflectionHelper |
ReflectionListenerScanner |
RegisterBaseConditionOptions |
Parameters that can be passed as the second parameter to the client side JavaScript method
Flowchart.registerBaseCondition .
ReinitialzeMySQLProjectTables_6_0 |
Reinitialisierung der MySQL-Projekttabellen aufgrund eines Encodingproblems
ReloadConfigParams |
POJO model for the state added push event.
RemoteCommandPushData |
RemoteCommandUtils |
Helper methods for <p:remoteCommand> , such as reading parameters and returning a value.
RemoteEventExecutionResult |
RemovePdfImporterIdsParams |
POJO model for the PDF importer IDs removed event.
RenderItemParams |
RepFunction |
Function to replace form values with other text
RequestEMManager |
RequestEntityContext |
RequestParameterParser |
RequestWorkflowEnvironmentData |
ResolvedFile |
ResolvedFileList |
ResolvedFileSourceAttachment |
ResolvedFileSourceClientFile |
ResolvedFileSourceFormFile |
ResolvedFileSourceUpload |
ResolvedFileSourceUrl |
ResolvedFileSourceWorkflowNode |
ResolvedMultiFile |
ResolvedResourceItem |
ResolvedResourceItem.Builder |
ResourceAccessCheckException |
Exception that is thrown when access to a resource could not be checked due an unhandled or unforeseen error.
ResourceBundleHelper |
Helper for creating the aggregate resource bundle used by the workflow designer.
ResourceContentBean |
Bean-Klasse zum Anzeigen von Resourcen.
ResourceItem |
ResourceItemChoiceProvider |
ResourceMatchers |
ResourceRefactorProcessor |
Helper methods for refactoring content in resource files.
ResourceUrlValidator |
ResourceUtils |
Utility class for handling entity resources
RessourcenTyp |
RessourcenTypConverter |
RetrieveElementPropsRetVal<TData> |
RgbTriplet |
Represents an RGB color triplet.
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_0 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_1 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_2 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_4 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_5 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_6_1 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_0 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_0_11 |
Updates all roles for new EAccessProperty s that were added in version 7.0.11
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_0_13 |
Updates all roles for new EAccessProperty s that were added in version 7.0.13
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_1 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_2 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_4 |
RolePropertiesTemplateBean |
RolePropertiesTemplateEventHandler |
RolePropertyEntryModel |
Rolle |
Die Klasse Rolle dient dazu, die Rechte eines Benutzer festzulegen.
RolleAPI |
API class for manipulation of Rolle entities.
RolleDao |
RolleHandler |
RolleProperties |
RollePropertyHelper |
RollingFile |
Model class for rolling log files
RollingFileManager |
RootFdHTML |
RootFdXml |
SameSiteCookieHeaderFilter |
Implementation of an HTTP servlet Filter which adds the SameSite attribute to cookies, until the Java API
supports it natively, if ever.
SAMLWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<E>,E extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
SardineBuilder |
Factory for creating Sardine instances.
SaveFormDataAdapter |
SaveFormDataFactory |
SaveFormDataHelper |
SaveFormDataInitializer |
Instanziiert Formdata-Adapter für die verschiedenen Formulartypen
ScheduleConst |
Constants for the Schedule components, mainly names of properties defined by
full calendar.
ScheduleConst.Event |
Constants for full calendar events.
ScheduleManager |
Manager-class for starting, stopping and removing schedules jobs
SchedulerStartListener |
SearchFilterBean |
SearchTerm |
Simple POJO class for a search term with string key and a string value.
SecureSAXParserFactory |
SecureXmlFactories |
Factory for securely pre-configured factories for processing XML
SelectionBean |
This bean stores the currently selected item for each page/view throughout the session.
SelectItemChoice<T> |
A IChoiceItem that is also a SelectItem and can be used in JSF UIs.
SelectItemGroupChoice<T> |
An IChoiceGroup with that is also a SelectItemGroup and can be used in JSF UIs.
SequenceOrder |
SerenityMenuRendererExtension |
Extends the serenity menu to provide support for icons from different
icon fonts.
SerializableJSONArray |
SerializableJSONObject |
ServerContextEventHandler |
ServerSelectionModel |
Model for selecting the server to use on the form publishing page.
ServerSelectionModel.FrontendServer |
ServerSelectionModel.MasterServer |
ServerSelectionModel.Server |
ServerTestCleanupParams |
ServerTestSetupParams |
ServerTestSetupResult |
ServerUpdateAppParams |
ServletContextInfo |
Stores info about the servlet container where this app is running.
ServletContextInfoListener |
Servlet context listener that reads and stores data about the this application for later use (e.g.
ServletEventDataFactory |
Factory for the data of servlet events.
ServletEventResultFactory |
Factory for creating data models for the result of servlet event executions.
ServletResponder |
ServletResponse |
Modelklasse für Daten welche innerhalb eines Servlet-Response behandelt werden können
ServletUtils |
SessionAttachmentManager |
SessionAttachmentManager |
SessionAttributes |
SessionBean |
SessionEventBusBean |
Bean for event subscription and handling of the application
SessionFacesMessage |
A message like a FacesMessage , but with more additional information required for making the message useful
during later in the session.
SessionHelper |
Helper for working with FORMCYCLE sessions
SessionUtils |
SetActiveViewMapsSizeSessionListener |
HTTP session listener that set the com.sun.faces.application.view.activeViewMapsSize on the session.
Setting<TValue> |
Generic class for a setting - a level or placement that a knob or control is set to.
Setting.Builder<TValue> |
A builder for configuring the options of a Setting .
SettingValueExtractor |
SetupAPI |
API class of setups.
SetupHandler |
The Class SetupHandler.
SetupMethods |
Severity |
Severity levels for bean validation.
Severity.Error |
Severity level Error for bean validation, see Severity .
Severity.Warning |
Severity level Warning for bean validation, see Severity .
SheetCell<T extends Comparable<T>> |
SheetColumn |
SheetDimension |
SheetRow<T extends Comparable<T>> |
SignatureSHA256_RSA_MGF1 |
AlgorithmDescriptor for signature algorithm ""
SimonHelper |
SimpleEncryptedPlainJavaSerializer<T> |
SimpleTextMail |
SimpleXmlUtcDateConverter |
SimpleXmlUtcTimestampConverter |
SingleConditionCheck |
SingleConditionCheck.FormValueConditionData |
SingleFile |
Models a single file that may come from multiple sources, such as client file, project files or external files
referenced via an URL.
SingleFile.resource |
SingleFile.searchFilename |
SingleFile.url |
SkipValidationFacesContext |
SkipValidatorsEventListener |
Remove validators during prevalidate and restore them during postvalidate.
SkipValidatorsTagHandler |
SmtpServerSettings |
SortNameIgnoreCase |
Compares two strings and ignores upper / lower case.
SpecificTriggerEventDataBuilder |
Builder for the event data for running a specific trigger, specified by its ID.
SqlScriptUploadBean |
SSOFilter |
Deprecated. |
StandardClassName |
Maps between some well-known classes and their standard names.
StandardErrorFileListProcessor<R> |
StartupInfoWriter |
StateAddedEvent |
When the state list was updated in the workflow designer.
StateBean |
StateChangedEvent |
When the state list was updated in the workflow designer.
StateChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the states available in the current workflow version during workflow editing and
StateDeletedEvent |
When the state list was updated in the workflow designer.
StateImportConfig |
StateImportStager |
Deprecated. |
StateList |
StateListUpdatedEvent |
When the state list was updated in the workflow designer.
StateMapperModel |
Model for assigning form records to new states
StateReferencedByElementsException |
StateReferencedByFormRecordException |
StateTimerJob |
Job for triggering the new workflow engine when a form record remains in a certain state for a certain amount of
StateTimerTriggerSetup |
StateTimerWorker |
StateTreeBean |
StatisticsAPI |
StatisticsCounter |
StatisticsHandler |
StatisticsHistoryBean |
StatisticsPersister |
StatisticsPersister.ECountType |
StatisticsPersistListener |
StatisticsSessionsBean |
Status |
StatusAPI |
StatusChangeJob |
Class of an task for an delayed status-change-job
StatusChangeJobDetails |
Model class for detail information about a StatusChangeJob
StatusChangeWorker |
Worker-class for the status-change-job
StatusDao |
StatusHandler |
StatusOrderHelper |
StatusReferenceItemFactory |
StatusServletHandler |
StoreFormMeta |
Model that describes the meta information provided in a project file from the form store.
StoreFormMetaValidationException |
StoreFormMetaValidationResult |
StoreFormMetaValidator |
Validates the metadata.json data contained in a form store file.
StoreFormPluginInfo |
Model that describes a plugin requires by a form store project file.
StoreUrl |
StringCacheModel |
StringData |
String data that can be added to a HTTP request.
StringDataSheet |
StringDataSheetUtils |
Utility Class containing helper methods for working with a data grid model of type String
StringTrimConverter |
SubMenuEntryModel |
SubMenuEntryModel.Builder |
SubmitButtonChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the submit button elements available in the current form version during workflow editing
and validation.
SubmittedAppointment |
Represents the state of a submitted appointment form field.
SubWorkflowElementCategory |
POJO for the workflow designer drawer panel that represents a sub category with nodes and triggers.
SummaryKeyValueModelBuilder |
SummaryKeyValuePair |
SummaryKeyValueText |
SupplyDefaultServletResponsePostProcessor |
SupplyDefaultWorkflowStatePostProcessor |
SupportBean |
SupportInquiryData |
Model containing information of support inquiries
SupportInquiryDataBuilder |
SupportMailUtils |
SystemAPI |
SystemAuthenticator |
Entity model for user authenticators in system scope
SystemAuthenticatorDao |
SystemAuthenticatorFile |
SystemAuthenticatorFileData |
SystemChange |
Entity for storing informations about the already performed system-updates
SystemChangeDao |
SystemCleanupWorker |
SystemHandler |
SystemInfoBean |
Providing GUI access to system information
SystemInfoUtils |
Utility class for accessing system information
SystemMailServerData |
SystemMessage |
Entity for system messages.
SystemMessageDao |
SystemMessageI18n |
This class holds the localized name and message of a SystemMessage .
SystemMessagesBean |
SystemPlugin |
Entity for system-wide plugins
SystemPluginBean |
SystemPluginConfigData |
Entity for the configuration of an system-wide plugin
SystemPluginDao |
SystemPluginFile |
Entity for the binary data of an system-wide plugin
SystemPluginFileData |
Entity for the binary data of an system-wide plugin
SystemProperty |
Entity for system-wide properties
SystemPropertyAPI |
SystemPropertyDao |
SystemPropertyHandler |
SystemStatusManager |
SystemUpdateBean |
SystemUpdateException |
TabError |
TabModel |
POJO model for a tab in the designer, such as the workflow or form editor tab.
TabModel.IFrame |
Component model showing its content as an iframe in the main window view.
TabModel.Include |
Component model showing its content as a ui:include in the main window view.
TabSwitchResult |
TabViewActions |
TabViewModel |
POJO model holding the data for managing the individual tabs of the new designer.
Tagify |
PrimeFaces component for the Tagify JavaScript component (MIT license):
Tagify.PropertyKeys |
TagifyRenderer |
PrimeFaces component for the Tagify JavaScript component (MIT license):
TargettedFacesMessage |
A pair of a FacesMessage with its client ID.
TaskEntry<TElement> |
TaskExecutionResultWrapper |
TaskExecutorListener |
TaskModel |
View model corresponding to the WorkflowTask entity, used by the Flowchart component.
TaskQueue |
A task queue implemented as a list, but only with the methods actually required.
TaskQueueExecutionResult |
TaskWithName |
TemplateData |
TemplateDataParams |
TemplateDescriptor |
TemplateExporter |
TemplateImportConfig |
TemplateImportStager |
Deprecated. |
TemplatesBean |
Bean für die aktuelle Session und deren Informationen
TemplateServlet |
Servlet for providing templates
TemplatesSheetBean |
Bean for handling data source manipulation through excel-like sheet
TemplateUpdate_6_5 |
Adds a new HTML template for appointment management
TemporalUtils |
Helper methods for classes in the java.time package.
TestHelper |
Textbaustein |
Diese Entität ermöglicht eine Zuordnung zw.
TextbausteinAPI |
TextbausteinDao |
TextbausteinHandler |
The Class TextbausteinHandler.
TextbausteinManager |
Diese Klasse dient dazu Textbausteine auszuliefern, hierzu ist die Klasses als Singleton konszipiert.
TextMailData |
Model containing basic mail properties
TextTemplateModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
TextTemplates_6_0 |
ThemeResource |
Resource for plugin backend themes
ThemeToFormVersionUpdate |
TimedStatusChangeHelper |
TimedStatusChangeHelper.Result |
TimePointJob |
Job for triggering the new workflow engine when a form record remains in a certain state for a certain amount of
TimePointTriggerSetup |
TimePointWorker |
TransferAttribute |
Annotation zur Angabe ob Entity-Attribute an den Client übermittelt und empfangen werden
TransferEnumField |
Annotation zur Angabe ob Entity-Attribute an den Client übermittelt und empfangen werden
TransformationException |
TreeAccessorNodeModel |
Accessor for treating NodeModel s as a tree, so that they can be used with the execution analyzer.
TreeAccessorWithDataNodeModel |
Accessor for treating NodeModel s as a tree, so that they can be used with the execution analyzer.
TreeAccessorWithDataWorkflowNode |
TreeAccessorWorkflowNode |
TreeExtension |
TreeNodeModel |
TreePreOrderIterable<TItem,TIdentifier> |
An iterable that iterates over a tree-like graph, starting at a given node.
TreeSelectChangeEvent |
An event that is fired when the currently selected tree node (workflow) is changed.
TriggerDeletionUpdate |
TriggerFactory |
Helper methods for creating quartz triggers.
TriggerKey |
The key of a workflow trigger that uniquely identifies it within the context of a process.
TriggerKeyFactory |
Factory for creating a trigger key for FORMCYCLE specific triggers.
TriggerKeyFactory.ETriggerGroups |
Enumeration of the predefined for trigger groups
TriggerModel |
View model corresponding to the WorkflowTrigger entity, used by the Flowchart component.
TriggerOnTaskBeginParams<TData> |
TriggerOnTaskFinishParams<TData> |
TriggerParamsUpdate |
TriggerPropertiesBean |
Bean for editing the properties of the selected trigger in the workflow.
TriggerPrototypeData<TData> |
TriggerPrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
TriggerPrototypeWrapper |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
TriggersOfTypeChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the that makes available all nodes in the entire workflow process that are of a given
type .
TriggerWithName |
TriggerWithTask |
TypePartsConverter |
TypePartsConverter.TypeConvertibleMap |
UiCalendarLocalDateTimeNullIfInvalidConverter |
Converter for UICalendar components that behaves similar to the default converter for those components, but
returns null when the date or time is invalid.
UIEventBus |
Deprecated. |
UIStatics |
UIUtils |
Class providing default FC GUI elements
UniqueActionName |
UniqueAllProjectName |
Validates whether there is no project (form) with the given name.
UniqueAppenderName |
UniqueAppointmentTemplateName |
UniqueClientAuthenticatorName |
UniqueClientCounterName |
UniqueClientName |
UniqueClientResourceName |
UniqueDataSourceName |
UniqueDataTableName |
UniqueDBConnectionName |
UniqueFrontendServerName |
UniqueInboxName |
UniqueLDAPConnectionName |
UniqueLDAPGroupName |
UniqueLDAPQueryName |
UniqueLDAPUserName |
UniqueLoggerName |
Custom-Validator für die Überprüfung der Eindeutigkeit eines Logger-Namens
UniqueNameGenerationHelper |
UniqueNameGenerationHelper.NameGenerationOptions |
POJO for customizing the options
UniqueProjectName |
UniqueProjectResourceName |
UniqueRoleName |
UniqueStateName |
UniqueStateNameDesignerContext |
Faces validator that can be applied to input elements used for editing the name of a workflow state, i.e.
UniqueSystemAuthenticatorName |
UniqueTemplateName |
UniqueUserGroupName |
UniqueUserName |
UniqueWebDavConnectionName |
UniqueWorkflowStateNameValidator |
UnixTimestampMillisGsonAdapter |
GSON adapter that serializes Date as UNIX timestamps in milliseconds (since 1970/01/01).
UnpackedFlowchartSnapshot |
POJO for an extracted flowchart snapshot.
UnsupportedXfaFormException |
WHen attempting to read a PDF document that contains an XFA form, but XFA forms are not supported by the engine.
UpdateBean |
UpdateContext |
UpdateMailUtil |
Utility class for sending mails with regards to system updates.
UpdateManager |
UpdateModelParams |
UpdateTransitions |
Utility methods for creating the update transitions map for the update enums in the sub packages.
UploadElementChoiceProvider |
Provider for the upload elements available in the current form version during workflow editing and validation.
UploadFileMeta |
Meta data about an uploaded file.
UploadInfo |
UploadParameters |
UploadResourceItem |
UrlDataBuilder |
URLHelper |
UrlResourceDescriptor |
UrlTemplateChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the URL templates available during workflow editing and validation.
URLUtil |
Internal URL helper with utility methods.
URLUtils |
URLUtils.DataUriBinary |
POJO for the binary data from a data URI, with the content type.
UserAccess |
UserBean |
UserChoiceProvider |
Provider for the user account available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
UserContext |
Die Klasse dient der Rechte- und Zugriffsabsicherung für den API-Zugriff.
UserContextFactory |
UserDeletionBean |
Bean managing deletion of selected users within deletion dialog
UserFormAuthenticator |
UserFormClient |
UserGroupBean |
UserGroupChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the user group available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
UserGroupImportConfig |
UserGroupImportStager |
Deprecated. |
UserGroupModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
UserImportStager |
Deprecated. |
UserMailUtil |
E-Mail zur Benachrichtigung eines Benutzers über die Erstellung/Änderung seines Kontos.
UserMgmtUtils |
Hilfsklasse für Funktionalitäten der Benutzerverwaltung.
UserModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
UserProfileBean |
UserRoleBean |
UserRoleImportStager |
Deprecated. |
UUIDConverter |
UuidEntityRef |
Models a reference to another entity via the UUID of that entity.
ValidateBeanTagHandler |
The <o:validateBean> allows the developer to control bean validation on a per-UICommand or
UIInput component basis, as well as validating a given bean at the class level.
ValidateBeanTagHandler.CollectingValidator |
ValidatedButtonAction |
ValidatedFormStoreFile |
Model representing the result of reading and validating a form store file.
ValidationCompleteEvent |
Event that is triggered when the JSF validation for a PropertiesForm is done for that form.
ValidationException |
Ausnahme für fehlgeschlagene Validierungen.
ValidationHelper |
ValidationHelper |
UI helper utilities for running the workflow validator and extracting and converting workflow validation messages.
ValidationOptions |
ValidationOptions.Builder |
ValidationWorkflowProvider |
An implementation of IWorkflowProvider that is available during bean validation of the workflow.
ValidSetting |
ValidSetting.List |
ValidSettingValidator |
ValueDescriptor |
Beschreibung eines Wertes (Name, Typ und Wert).
ValueDescriptorFactory |
ValueDescriptorRow |
ValueDiff<T> |
ValueFdHTML |
ValueFdXml |
ValueParameters |
Represents the parameters of form HTTP request as key-value pairs.
ValuesFdHTML |
ValuesFdXml |
ValueTransformer |
VerarbeitungCallback |
Deprecated. |
VerarbeitungChangeStatus |
VerarbeitungCompressAsZip |
VerarbeitungCopyToPostfach |
VerarbeitungCopyToStatus |
VerarbeitungDbSQLQuery |
VerarbeitungDeleteVorgang |
VerarbeitungEmail |
VerarbeitungExport |
VerarbeitungExportPersistence |
VerarbeitungExterneRessource |
VerarbeitungInbox |
VerarbeitungMoveToPostfach |
VerarbeitungPdf |
VerarbeitungPlugin |
VerarbeitungPost |
VerarbeitungRenewProzessID |
VerarbeitungReturnFile |
VerarbeitungSaveToFilesystem |
VerarbeitungSendToSalesforce |
VerarbeitungsParameter |
VerarbeitungsParameterMap |
VerarbeitungStop |
VerarbeitungTemplate |
VerarbeitungUpload |
VerarbeitungWeiterleitung |
VerarbeitungWord |
VerarbeitungWriteToFile |
VerarbeitungWriteToForm |
VerarbeitungXmlToFd |
VersionNumber |
VersionsInfo |
Bietet grundlegende Versionsinformationen (statisches API für direkten Zugriff und Bean-Getter)
ViewBean |
ViewEventBusBean |
Bean for event subscription and handling of the application
ViewEventHandler |
ViewFilterBean |
Bean that keeps a list of available form-specific inbox views, shown in the sidebar menu to the left.
ViewIdBean |
Bean that associates a UUID with each view.
ViewInitializationEvent |
ViewSettingsBean |
Bean for the view settings panel of the new workflow that lets the user change what is dislayed in the flowchart
ViewSettingsHelper |
Helper methods for the view settings panel.
ViewSettingsModel |
Models with the view options for the flowchart, such as whether to draw separator lines between lanes etc.
VirtualAuthenticatorConfig |
Authenticator config model for type authenticator configs that are not persisted
VirtualBenutzer |
VirtualRolle |
Vorgang |
VorgangAPI |
API class for manipulation of Vorgang entities.
VorgangAttribut |
VorgangCopyHelper |
VorgangDao |
VorgangHandler |
The Class VorgangHandler.
VorgangsDaoListeners |
Listeners-Klasse für Listener für DAO-Aktionen eines Vorgangs
VorgangsDataDao |
VorgangsDataHelper |
VorgangServletHandler |
WebDavAccess |
Models the connection data for a web DAV server.
WebDavAccessAPI |
WebDavAccessDao |
WebDavAccessHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing WebDavAccess entities.
WebDavConnectionBean |
Controller bean for the WebDAV management backend menu.
WebDavConnectionChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the WebDAV connections available in the current client during workflow editing and
WebDavConnectionModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
WebDavHelper |
Helper from the original SardineFactory
WebDavLazyTreeNodeAdapter |
Tree node adapter for lazily loading the contents of a WebDAV directory.
WebDavServer |
A simple WebDav server against which integration tests can be run.
WebDAVTreeNodeData |
Class for the data block of a DefaultTreeNode used in displaying a folder structure of WebDAV connections
WebFormPersistFile |
POJO representing the different types of form persist files.
WeldAccessUtils |
WidgetPluginHelper |
WordField |
WordHelper |
WorkflowAnalysisException |
WorkflowAPI |
API for initiating the workflow.
WorkflowBackupBean |
Bean for handling workflow version backups.
WorkflowBackupHelper |
Helper methods for working with workflow version backups.
WorkflowBackupModel |
Model for the selected and available automatic backup versions of the workflow.
WorkflowBeanValidator |
WorkflowContextModel |
Model with additional context data such as the fonts installed on the system.
WorkflowCustomParametersHelper |
Helper class for serializing and deserializing the custom properties model of workflow nodes and triggers, see
ICustomParametersProviding .
WorkflowCustomResourceBundleLocatorSupplier |
Custom resource bundle supplier for the workflow.
WorkflowDesignerApplicationEventHandler |
Handles application events that are relevant to the workflow designer.
WorkflowDesignerConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the workflow designer.
WorkflowDesignerCrossViewScopeRequestHandlerBundle |
Conversation request handler bundle for the workflow.
WorkflowElementAvailabilityCheck |
Utility for checking whether a workflow element is available and allowed to be used.
WorkflowElementCrudBean |
Controller bean for the workflow designer handling node and trigger insertions / updates / deletions, e.g.
WorkflowElementIndex |
WorkflowElementList |
WorkflowElementPropsFactory |
WorkflowElementReferenceHelper |
Helper for extracting referenced entities of workflow elements (nodes and triggers).
WorkflowElementTypeProviding |
WorkflowElementWithDeserializedModel<TData,TElement> |
WorkflowEntityReferences |
WorkflowEventDataFactory |
WorkflowEventRunner |
WorkflowEventRunnerException |
Exception thrown by the workflow event runner.
WorkflowExecutionContext |
WorkflowExternalState |
WorkflowExternalStateHelper |
Helper methods for creating and modifying the WorkflowExternalState , which is the FORMCYCLE specific state
required by the flowchart on the client.
WorkflowFileValue |
WorkflowFlowAnalysis |
WorkflowHandler |
Methods for initiating the workflow for a given form record.
WorkflowListener |
Listener that registers the bean validation context implementation required by the workflow engine.
WorkflowModelBean |
Bean that holds the different models (state) required by the workflow.
WorkflowNode |
A workflow node that represents a statement in a workflow task.
WorkflowNodeAPI |
WorkflowNodeDao |
WorkflowNodeFactory |
Factory methods for creating various kinds of WorkflowNode s.
WorkflowNodeHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing WorkflowNode entities.
WorkflowNodeResult |
WorkflowNodeSearchTerm |
Each WorkflowNode can have one or more search terms that are used in database queries to filter nodes.
WorkflowNodeSearchTermDao |
WorkflowPersistHelper |
Helper methods for serializing / deserializing a workflow version.
WorkflowPlaceholderException |
Exception thrown by the workflow placeholder refactorer.
WorkflowPlaceholderRefactorProcessor |
Methods for processing and replacing placeholders in workflow elements.
WorkflowPlaceholderRefactorRetVal |
WorkflowPlaceholderRefactorRetVal.Builder |
WorkflowProcess |
A workflow process that defines which actions are taken when certain events occur during the life cycle of a form
WorkflowProcessDao |
WorkflowProcessing |
WorkflowProcessingContext |
WorkflowProcessingContextManager |
WorkflowProcessingException |
Diese Exception tritt in der Workflowabarbeitung auf und wird von konkreten Aktionsverarbeitungen (
IProcessing -Implementierungen) geworfen.
WorkflowPropertiesInitializationException |
WorkflowPrototypeConverter |
WorkflowProviderBean |
Provides common data related to the workflow, often used as select options by UI elements.
WorkflowProviderHelper |
WorkflowQualifiedSubmitButton |
WorkflowQueueItem |
WorkflowRefactorBean |
Controller bean for the workflow designer handling form element refactorings.
WorkflowReferenceHelper |
Utilities for scanning workflow element model class instances via reflection.
WorkflowRegistry |
Registry for all workflow element handler.
WorkflowRequestContextModel |
The request context model that is used to store data temporarily during the duration of an HTTP request.
WorkflowRequestModelBean |
Bean that stores data that should be cached only for the duration of the current request.
WorkflowResourceBundleBean |
Bean for making resource bundles available to XHTML pages of the workflow designer.
WorkflowResourceBundleLocator |
Resource bundle locator used that combines the built-in FORMCYCLE bundles, and the bundle provided by a workflow node
or trigger plugin.
WorkflowResourceBundleLocator.MutableWorkflowResourceBundleLocator |
Resource bundle locator used that combines the built-in FORMCYCLE bundles, and the custom bundle provided by a
workflow node or trigger plugin.
WorkflowResponse |
Modelklasse der Antwort einer Workflow-Verarbeitung
WorkflowResponseWrapper |
WorkflowRunTasksForEventParams |
WorkflowSearchTermHelper |
WorkflowSetupBean |
Bean for initializing the workflow designer.
WorkflowStarter |
WorkflowStartingContext |
WorkflowState |
WorkflowStateAPI |
WorkflowStateAuthenticatorConfig |
Model for persisting authenticator configuration of a WorkflowState
WorkflowStateBean |
Bean that handles deleting states, creating new states and viewing existing states in the workflow designer.
WorkflowStateDao |
WorkflowStateDeserializationExtension |
Handles the deserialization of deprecated fields in WorkflowState entities
WorkflowStateHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing WorkflowState entities.
WorkflowStateHelper |
WorkflowStateListModel |
Client side model for the available states of the workflow version.
WorkflowStateModel |
WorkflowStateReceivedRefactor_7_0_13 |
Updates the internal name of the received state from 'RESERVED_SYSSTATE_RECEIVED' to the localized name.
WorkflowStateRecordRestrictionUpdate_7_0_5 |
Updates the access configuration of existing workflow states to conform to the new security by default
paradigm for workflow states
WorkflowSubmitButton |
WorkflowSummaryHelper |
WorkflowTask |
WorkflowTaskAPI |
WorkflowTaskDao |
WorkflowTaskExecutionException |
Exception thrown by the task runner when a task could not be executed.
WorkflowTaskHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing WorkflowTask entities.
WorkflowTaskRunner |
Default implementation of a task runner.
WorkflowTaskRunnerParams |
WorkflowTaskRunnerParams.Builder |
WorkflowTaskRunnerParamsResolver |
Helper class that takes an instance of IWorkflowTaskRunnerParams and return a new instance with appropriate
defaults supplied for all missing values.
WorkflowTrigger |
A workflow trigger that start a WorkflowTask when a certain event occurs.
WorkflowTriggerAPI |
WorkflowTriggerDao |
WorkflowTriggerFactory |
WorkflowTriggerHandler |
WorkflowTriggerHelper |
Utilities for implementing workflow trigger handlers.
WorkflowTriggerJobDetails |
WorkflowTriggerSearchTerm |
Each WorkflowTrigger can have one or more search terms that are used to decide whether a certain trigger
applies to a certain event.
WorkflowTriggerSearchTermDao |
WorkflowTriggerWorkerParams<TData> |
WorkflowValidationBean |
Bean for controlling the validation aspect of the workflow flowchart and node / trigger properties.
WorkflowValidationException |
This exception is thrown when an error occurs during workflow validation.
WorkflowValidationMessage |
WorkflowValidationModel |
View model that stores the current validation state of the workflow being edited.
WorkflowValidationParams |
WorkflowValidationParams.Builder |
A builder for configuring the workflow validation context.
WorkflowValidationResult |
WorkflowValidator |
Entry point for validating the entire workflow of a project, or just parts of it (single tasks, triggers, or nodes).
WorkflowValidator.Builder |
WorkflowValidatorHelper |
Utility methods for WorkflowValidator implementing custom logic required for validation.
WorkflowVersion |
Represents the version of a project's workflow.
WorkflowVersionAPI |
WorkflowVersionBackup |
File descriptor for the JSON data of a workflow version backup.
WorkflowVersionBackupDao |
WorkflowVersionBackupData |
JSON data with the backup of a workflow version.
WorkflowVersionDao |
WorkflowVersionHandler |
WorkflowVersionStager |
When persisting a WorkflowProcess entity graph, keeps track of all workflow entities that need to be created,
updated, and deleted.
WrappedResourceDescriptor |
WriteEntityRefsParams<TData> |
WritePlaceholdersParams<TData> |
WriterTypeFactory |
Factory for GSON type writes
XAppenderFactory |
Factory for creating logging components
XAppointment |
XButtonActionDescriptor |
Encapsulates the JSON object of a button action of a button of a XButtonList and provides access to the
action's properties.
XButtonDescriptor |
Encapsulates the JSON object of a button of a XButtonList and provides access to the button's properties.
XButtonList |
XCheckbox |
XCollectionUtils |
Utility class for operations on collections
XConsoleAppender |
Wrapper class for console appender configs
XContainer |
XContainerInvisible |
XDateFormatter |
XDateUtils |
Utility class for handling dates
XDefault |
XDefaultRolloverStrategy |
Wrapper for rolling file rollover strategy
XDeleteAction |
XfcConfig |
XfcConfigDefaults |
Default values for the settings in the various *.properties configuration files used by FORMCYCLE.
XfcConfigDefaults.Application |
Default values for the various settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigDefaults.Cluster |
Default values for the various settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigDefaults.Database |
Default values for the various settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigDefaults.SystemMail |
Default values for the various settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys |
Constants with the names of the settings in the various *.properties configuration files used by FORMCYCLE.
XfcConfigKeys.Application |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys.Cluster |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys.Database |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys.FrontendServer |
XfcConfigKeys.KerberosAuth |
XfcConfigKeys.License |
XfcConfigKeys.Logging |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys.NTLMAuth |
XfcConfigKeys.SystemMail |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcExceptionData |
XfcExportException |
XfcLogConfigHelper |
Deprecated. |
XfcLoginCheckFilter |
A filter that check whether the user is logged in to the FORMCYCLE backend.
XfcSession |
Kontext einer Formcycle-Nutzersession.
XfcSessionAPI |
XfcSessionHandler |
XfcSessionManager |
Kontext einer Formcycle-Nutzersession.
XfcUpdateException |
XFieldSet |
XFooter |
XForm |
Diese Klasse kapselt das Formular-Persist, ermöglicht es dieses mit Werten zu befüllen, zu validieren und
entsprechend zu rendern.
XFormCache |
XFormCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
XformCacheModel |
XFormConfig |
XFormDatatypeRule |
Klasse zum Kapseln der Regulären Ausdrücke für die Validierung
XFormIncludesBuilder |
Builder-Class for generating the list of includes.
XFormPluginDatatypeRule |
Model wird für Validierungsregelsn, welche aus Plugin-Implementierungen gewonnen werden, verwendet.
XFormRenderConfig |
XFormRenderContext |
XFormRenderer |
XFormRendererConfig |
XFormRendererContextListener |
XFormValidationRules |
XFormValidator |
Diese Klasse dient zum Validieren der Formulareingabefelder sowie zur Validierung von Querverbindungen zwischen
XFormVariableDescriptor |
Wrapper for a variable JSON object from the form persist (designer.getPersist().variables ).
XFSetup |
Central class for managing the creating of clients and system-updates
XGlobalValidationParams |
XHeader |
XHtmlIframe |
Creates an HTML compliant iframe, which requires a closing tag.
XHtmlLink |
This class should have been called HtmlLink.
XHtmlMeta |
XI18nUtils |
XImage |
XItem |
XItemCondition |
XItemConditionDescriptor |
XItemConditionProcessor |
Wrapper to check evaluate the render and read-only conditions of items.
XItemConditionProperty |
XItemConditionsDescriptor |
XItemConditionsFactory |
XItemConditionsWrapper |
Wrapper-Klasse welche die unterschiedlichen XItemCondition s beinhaltet
XItemDefaultReadOnlyEvaluator |
Eine Klasse welche die Kombinationen von XPropertyValue s zu ihren zu überprüfenden Werten beinhaltet.
XItemDefaultRenderedEvaluator |
Eine Klasse welche die Kombinationen von XPropertyValue s zu ihren zu überprüfenden Werten beinhaltet.
XItemPropertiesEvaluator |
Eine Klasse welche die Kombinationen von XPropertyEnum s zu ihren zu überprüfenden Werten beinhaltet.
XItemPropertyAnnotation |
XItemPropertyDesc |
XItemPropertyI18NUtils |
XItemRenderCtx |
XItemRenderCtx.XItemRenderCtxBuilder |
XItemRenderData |
XItemRenderData.XItemRenderDataBuilder |
XItemRenderer |
XItemsDescriptor |
XItemUpdate |
XItemUtil |
XItemWidgetWrapper |
XLanguageUtils |
Utility class for providing default languages
XLine |
XLogAppender |
Deprecated. |
XLogAppenderComparator |
Vergleicht 2 XLogAppender nach ihrem Namen.
XLogConfig |
Wrapper model for accessing/modifying logger components of Logger PropertiesConfiguration
XLogger |
Wrapper model for Logger configs
XLogger |
Deprecated. |
XMapUtils |
Utility class for operations on Map s
XMimeTypeUtils |
XNodeCreator |
XPage |
XPatternLayout |
Wrapper class for logging pattern layouts
XProcessUploadResult |
XPropertyEnum |
An enumeration of all properties a form element may possess.
XPropertyValue |
XRollingFileAppender |
Wrapper class for logging rolling file appenders
XSelect |
XSizeBasedTriggeringPolicy |
Wrapper for size based rolling file trigger policy
XslTemplateChoiceProvider |
CDI-injectable provider for the XSL templates available during workflow editing and validation.
XSLUtils |
Hilfsklasse für XSL-Transformationen bis Version 2.0
XSpacer |
XSpan |
XTextArea |
XTextField |
XThresholdFilter |
Wrapper class for logging threshold filter configs
XTimeBasedTriggeringPolicy |
Wrapper for time based rolling file trigger policy
XUpload |
XValidationParams |
XValidationResult |