Class URLUtils

  • public class URLUtils
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • LOG

        protected static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG
    • Constructor Detail

      • URLUtils

        public URLUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • addParameterToURL

        public static String addParameterToURL​(String url,
                                               String paramName,
                                               String paramValue,
                                               boolean useEncoding)
      • addQueryStringToUrl

        public static String addQueryStringToUrl​(String url,
                                                 Map<String,​String[]> queryStringParams,
                                                 Predicate<String> predicate)
        url - URL to process.
        queryStringParams - Query parameters to add.
        predicate - Predicate that checks whether the parameter should be added. Only parameters to which the predicate applies are added.
        The given URL with the parameters to which the predicate applies..
      • addQueryStringToUrl

        public static String addQueryStringToUrl​(String url,
                                                 String queryString,
                                                 Predicate<String> predicate)
        Adds each query parameter from the query string to which the predicate applies to the given URL.
        url - URL to process.
        queryString - A query string to add to the URL, such as ?foo=bar&hello=world.
        predicate - Predicate that checks whether the parameter should be added. Only parameters to which the predicate applies are added.
        The given URL with the query parameters to which the predicate applies added.
      • addQueryStringToURL

        public static String addQueryStringToURL​(String url,
                                                 Map<String,​String[]> queryStringParams)
        Adds all query parameters to the given URL.
        url - URL to process.
        queryStringParams - Query parameters to add. applies are added.
        The given URL with the parameters added.
      • addQueryStringToURL

        public static String addQueryStringToURL​(String url,
                                                 Map<String,​String[]> queryStringParams,
                                                 de.xima.cmn.filter.IGenericFilter<String> predicate)
        Adds all query parameters to the given URL.
        url - URL to process.
        queryStringParams - Query parameters to add.
        predicate - Predicate that checks whether the parameter should be added. Only parameters to which the predicate applies are added.
        The given URL with the parameters to which the predicate applies.
      • addQueryStringToURL

        public static String addQueryStringToURL​(String url,
                                                 String queryString)
      • addQueryStringToURL

        public static String addQueryStringToURL​(String url,
                                                 String queryString,
                                                 de.xima.cmn.filter.IGenericFilter<String> predicate)
        Adds each query parameter from the query string to which the predicate applies to the given URL.
        url - URL to process.
        queryString - A query string to add to the URL, such as ?foo=bar&hello=world.
        predicate - Predicate that checks whether the parameter should be added. Only parameters to which the predicate applies are added.
        The given URL with the query parameters to which the predicate applies added.
      • changeScheme

        public static String changeScheme​(String url,
                                          String newScheme)
        Changes the scheme of a URL (such as https) to the given schema.
        url - URL to modify.
        newScheme - New schema for the URL.
        The URL with the new scheme.
      • decodeUrlArrayToList

        public static List<String> decodeUrlArrayToList​(String[] urlArray)
        Decodes a array of urls to a list of all decoded urls.
        urlArray - A array of urls.
        decodedUrlList Decoded url list.
      • decrypt

        public static String decrypt​(String str)
        Use other encryption methods such as EncryptionUtils.
        Methode zum Entschlüsseln eines Strings
        str - String to decrypt
        the decrypted String
      • encodePathSegment

        public static String encodePathSegment​(String value)
                                        throws InvalidUriPathSegmentNameException
        Encodes a path segment for a URI so that it can be used a path segment without any characters having a special meaning.
        value - A value to encode.
        The given segment with URL encoding applied.
        InvalidUriPathSegmentNameException - When he value cannot be encoded, e.g. . and .. always represent path navigation.
      • encrypt

        public static String encrypt​(String str)
        Use other encryption methods such as EncryptionUtils.
        Methode zum Verschlüsseln eines Strings
        str - String to encrypt
        the encrypted String
      • getDataUriBytes

        public static URLUtils.DataUriBinary getDataUriBytes​(String dataUri)
        Fetches the binary data from a data URI. This will always returns the plain bytes, regardless of the encoding specified by the data URI.
        dataUri - A data URI to parse.
        The binary data contained in the data URI.
      • getFullRequestUri

        public static String getFullRequestUri​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Similar to HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI(), but also includes the query string parameters.
        request - A servlet request to process.
        The reconstructed full request URI.
      • getFullRequestUrl

        public static String getFullRequestUrl​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Similar to HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL(), but also includes the query string parameters.
        request - A servlet request to process.
        The reconstructed full request URL.
      • normalizePath

        public static List<String> normalizePath​(Iterable<String> pathSegments,
                                                 boolean allowNavigationOutsideRoot)
        Given a list of path segments, normalizes the path by resolving . and .. navigators.
         normalizePath(null, false) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(null, true) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(asList("", false)) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(asList("", true)) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "", "", "bar", false)) --> "foo", "bar"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "bar", false)) --> "foo", "bar"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", bar", true)) --> "foo", "bar"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", ".", "bar", "baz", false)) --> "foo", "bar", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", ".", "bar", "baz", true)) --> "foo", "bar", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "..", "bar", "baz", false)) --> "foo", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "..", "bar", "baz", true)) --> "foo", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "bar", "..", "..", "..", "baz", false)) --> "..", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "bar", "..", "..", "..", "baz", true)) --> "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("..", "..", false)) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(asList("..", "..", true)) --> "..", ".."
        pathSegments - Path segments to process.
        allowNavigationOutsideRoot - When true, allows the resulting path segments to navigate outside the root dir.
        The normalized list of segments.
      • normalizePath

        public static List<String> normalizePath​(String[] pathSegments,
                                                 boolean allowNavigationOutsideRoot)
        Given a list of path segments, normalizes the path by resolving . and .. navigators.
         normalizePath(null, false) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(null, true) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(asList("", false)) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(asList("", true)) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "bar", false)) --> "foo", "bar"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", bar", true)) --> "foo", "bar"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", ".", "bar", "baz", false)) --> "foo", "bar", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", ".", "bar", "baz", true)) --> "foo", "bar", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "..", "bar", "baz", false)) --> "foo", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "..", "bar", "baz", true)) --> "foo", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "bar", "..", "..", "..", "baz", false)) --> "..", "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("foo", "bar", "..", "..", "..", "baz", true)) --> "baz"
         normalizePath(asList("..", "..", false)) --> (empty list)
         normalizePath(asList("..", "..", true)) --> "..", ".."
        pathSegments - Path segments to process.
        allowNavigationOutsideRoot - When true, allows the resulting path segments to navigate outside the root dir.
        The normalized list of segments.
      • removeAllParametersAndFragment

        public static String removeAllParametersAndFragment​(String url)
        url - A URL to process.
        The given URL with the fragment and all query parameters removed.
      • removeParameter

        public static String removeParameter​(String url,
                                             String paramName)
      • removeParameter

        public static String removeParameter​(String url,
                                             String paramName,
                                             boolean useEncoding)
      • setParameter

        public static String setParameter​(String url,
                                          String paramName,
                                          String paramValue,
                                          boolean useEncoding)
      • splitPath

        public static List<String> splitPath​(String path,
                                             boolean allowNavigationOutsideRoot)
        Splits a path into its path segments and resolves path navigators.
         splitPath(null, false) --> (empty list)
         splitPath(null, true) --> (empty list)
         splitPath("", false) --> (empty list)
         splitPath("", true) --> (empty list)
         splitPath("foo/bar", false) --> "foo", "bar"
         splitPath("foo/bar", true) --> "foo", "bar"
         splitPath("foo/./bar/baz", false) --> "foo", "bar", "baz"
         splitPath("foo/./bar/baz", true) --> "foo", "bar", "baz"
         splitPath("foo/../bar/baz", false) --> "foo", "baz"
         splitPath("foo/../bar/baz", true) --> "foo", "baz"
         splitPath("foo/bar/../../../baz", false) --> "..", "baz"
         splitPath("foo/bar/../../../baz", true) --> "baz"
         splitPath("../..", false) --> (empty list)
         splitPath("../..", true) --> "..", ".."
        path - Path to split.
        allowNavigationOutsideRoot - When true, allows the resulting path segments to navigate outside the root dir.
        A list of path segments from the given path.