Interface IPluginFormPreRenderRetVal

    • Method Detail

      • getMetaDataJSON

        SerializableJSONObject getMetaDataJSON()
        The global JavaScript object XFC_METADATA.pluginResults["pluginName"] contains the data of all form pre render plugins as returned by this method.
        Data to be made available in the global JavaScript object XFC_METADATA.
      • getFormValues

        Map<String,​List<String[]>> getFormValues()
        For each key in this map, the values for that key are written to the corresponding form field for that key (its name). When a form field already contains a value, it is overwritten.

        Also, please note that is is possible to pre-fill form fields with values from URL parameters. The values in this map take precedence over values from URL parameters. also replace values from URL parameters!

        Map with the form field values to be set.
      • getContinueProcessing

        boolean getContinueProcessing()
        true to continue as usual, or false to prevent the form from being sent to the user. In the latter case, the user receives a general error page that the form could not be found.
      • getSessionAttributes

        Map<String,​Serializable> getSessionAttributes()
        A map of key-value pairs with session attributes that are written to the HttpSession. When the session already contains a value for a parameter, it is overwritten.
        A Map with session attributes to set on the HttpSession.