Uses of Package
Packages that use de.xima.fc.http.params Package Description de.xima.fc.http de.xima.fc.http.params -
Classes in de.xima.fc.http.params used by de.xima.fc.http Class Description BinaryData Binary data that can be added to a HTTP request.HttpRequestParameter An HTTP request parameter with a name and value that can be added to a request.ICustomBodyDataBuilder Body builder for writing custom content to an HTTP requestIFileBodyBuilder Body builder for writing the content of an file to an HTTP requestIFormDataBodyBuilder A builder for an HTTP request form data body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded
).IHttpBodyBuilder A builder for an HTTP request body.IMultipartBodyBuilder A builder for an HTTP request multipart body (multipart/form-data
).IParameterBuilder A builder for an HTTP request body that can have parameters, such as a multipart or form data body.IUrlDataBuilder Body builder for appending request parameters to the URL of an HTTP requestStringData String data that can be added to a HTTP request. -
Classes in de.xima.fc.http.params used by de.xima.fc.http.params Class Description BinaryData Binary data that can be added to a HTTP request.HttpRequestParameter An HTTP request parameter with a name and value that can be added to a request.IBinaryDataBuilder A builder for an HTTP request body that can have binary data items, such as a multipart body.IContentTypeParameterBuilder A builder for an HTTP request body that can have parameters with different content types, such as a multipart body.IHttpBodyBuilder A builder for an HTTP request body.IParameterBuilder A builder for an HTTP request body that can have parameters, such as a multipart or form data body.StringData String data that can be added to a HTTP request.