class |
AAuthenticator<T extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
Abstract base class for user authenticators
class |
AAuthenticatorConfig |
Abstract base class for authenticator configurations
class |
AbstractDatei<T extends IAbstractDateiData> |
class |
AbstractDateiData |
class |
AbstractLockableEntity |
Diese Klasse ist die Elternklasse aller Entitäten und beinhaltet die Attribute, die in jeder Entität vorhanden sein
class |
AbstractMandantDependentEntity |
class |
AClientDependentEntity |
class |
AEncryptedFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
class |
AFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
class |
AFileEntity<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,T extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
class |
AFormEncryptedFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
class |
Aktion |
class |
AktuellerBenutzer |
Diese Klasse wird aktuell nur genutzt, um die persönlichen Daten des angemeldeten Benutzer -Objekts zu ändern.
class |
ALockableEntity |
Diese Klasse ist die Elternklasse aller Entitäten und beinhaltet die Attribute, die in jeder Entität vorhanden sein
class |
APluginEntity<T extends IPluginFileEntity<?,?,?>,J extends IFileDataEntity<T>,C extends IFileDataEntity<T>> |
class |
APluginFileEntity<T extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>,J extends IFileDataEntity<?>,C extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
class |
Appointment |
Describes a booked appointment.
class |
AppointmentClosingTime |
class |
AppointmentSlot |
class |
AppointmentTemplate |
An entity for the appointment module of FORMCYCLE.
class |
AppointmentType |
Describes the type of an appointment and contains several metadata, such as the duration of the appointment.
class |
AProtocolEntry |
class |
Attachment |
Die Klasse Attachment beinhaltet Meta-Informationen zu einem im System verfügbaren Anhang.
class |
AttachmentDatei |
class |
AttachmentDateiData |
class |
AWorkflowElement<TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity,TSearchTerm extends AWorkflowElementSearchTerm<TElement>> |
Base class for workflow elements, i.e.
class |
AWorkflowElementSearchTerm<TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
Each workflow element can have one or more search terms that are used in database queries to filter the applicable
class |
Bedingung |
class |
Benutzer |
An entity that describes a real-life person.
class |
BenutzerGruppe |
Diese Entität bildet ein Guppensystem ab, dem verschiedene Benutzer zugeordnet werden können.
class |
ClientAuthenticator |
Entity model for user authenticators in Mandant scope
class |
ClientAuthenticatorFile |
class |
ClientAuthenticatorFileData |
class |
ClientCounter |
class |
ClientPlugin |
Entity for the binary data of an client-wide plugin
class |
ClientPluginConfigData |
Entity for the configuration of an client-wide plugin
class |
ClientPluginFile |
Entity for the binary data of an client-wide plugin
class |
ClientPluginFileData |
Entity for the binary data of an system-wide plugin
class |
DatenbankZugriff |
class |
Datenquelle |
class |
Entityberechtigung |
class |
FormEingang |
FormEingabeDaten +- Vorgang +- Eingangsinformationen (Datum, Nutzer) +- Mapping der Feldnamen-Aliasse auf die
zugehörigen Werte
class |
FormEingangDatei |
class |
FormEingangDateiData |
class |
FormElement |
class |
FormRecordLock |
Simple table that holds potentially long-term locks on a form record.
class |
FormTemplate |
class |
FormTemplateFile |
class |
FormTemplateFileData |
class |
FormTemplatePreview |
class |
FormTemplateTag |
class |
FormTemplateThumbnail |
class |
FormVersion |
Die Entität FormVersion ermöglicht es verschiedene Versionen eines Formulars zu verwalten.
class |
FormVersionBackup |
class |
FormVersionBackupData |
class |
FormVersionDatei |
class |
FormVersionDateiData |
class |
FrontendServer |
class |
LDAPAbfrage |
class |
LDAPGruppe |
class |
LDAPZugriff |
class |
LicenseFile |
This entity represents licenses.
class |
Mandant |
Diese Entität bildet einen Mandanten ab.
class |
MandantFrontendServer |
class |
MandantLdapData |
class |
MandantMailData |
class |
MandantRessource |
class |
MandantRessourceDatei |
class |
MandantRessourceDateiData |
class |
Modul |
class |
PeAktion |
class |
PeBase |
class |
PeDokumentation |
class |
PeStatus |
class |
Postfach |
Diese Entität stellt ein Postfach dar.
class |
ProjectAuthenticatorConfig |
Model for persisting authenticator configurations for a project
class |
ProjectDOIData |
Entity for project-specific double-opt-in data
class |
ProjectIdentityCheckData |
Configuration for a project for detecting duplicate submissions.
class |
ProjectInviteData |
Entity for project-specific invitation data
class |
ProjectPreviewFile |
class |
ProjectPreviewFileData |
class |
ProjectTag |
A tag that is associated with a project .
class |
Projekt |
The entity Projekt contains the core functionality of the system.
class |
ProjektRessource |
class |
ProjektRessourceDatei |
class |
ProjektRessourceDateiData |
class |
ProjektZaehler |
class |
ProjektZaehlerDaten |
class |
ProtocolEntryClient |
Die Entität PeDokumentation stellt einen Protokolleintrag dar, der angelegt wird, sobald etwas protokolliert werden
soll, was weder einem Statuswechsel noch einer Aktionsabarbeitung entspricht.
class |
ProtocolEntryProcessing |
class |
ProtocolEntrySystem |
class |
Protokoll |
class |
Rolle |
Die Klasse Rolle dient dazu, die Rechte eines Benutzer festzulegen.
class |
Status |
class |
SystemAuthenticator |
Entity model for user authenticators in system scope
class |
SystemAuthenticatorFile |
class |
SystemAuthenticatorFileData |
class |
SystemChange |
Entity for storing informations about the already performed system-updates
class |
SystemMessage |
Entity for system messages.
class |
SystemPlugin |
Entity for system-wide plugins
class |
SystemPluginConfigData |
Entity for the configuration of an system-wide plugin
class |
SystemPluginFile |
Entity for the binary data of an system-wide plugin
class |
SystemPluginFileData |
Entity for the binary data of an system-wide plugin
class |
SystemProperty |
Entity for system-wide properties
class |
Textbaustein |
Diese Entität ermöglicht eine Zuordnung zw.
class |
Vorgang |
class |
WebDavAccess |
Models the connection data for a web DAV server.
class |
WorkflowNode |
A workflow node that represents a statement in a workflow task.
class |
WorkflowNodeSearchTerm |
Each WorkflowNode can have one or more search terms that are used in database queries to filter nodes.
class |
WorkflowProcess |
A workflow process that defines which actions are taken when certain events occur during the life cycle of a form
class |
WorkflowState |
class |
WorkflowStateAuthenticatorConfig |
Model for persisting authenticator configuration of a WorkflowState
class |
WorkflowTask |
class |
WorkflowTrigger |
A workflow trigger that start a WorkflowTask when a certain event occurs.
class |
WorkflowTriggerSearchTerm |
Each WorkflowTrigger can have one or more search terms that are used to decide whether a certain trigger
applies to a certain event.
class |
WorkflowVersion |
Represents the version of a project's workflow.
class |
WorkflowVersionBackup |
File descriptor for the JSON data of a workflow version backup.
class |
WorkflowVersionBackupData |
JSON data with the backup of a workflow version.